Center for Nonprofit Excellence

United Way of Central New Mexico

Assessing Program Impact Task Team

October 28, 2010 Minutes

Present: Race Cowgill, Chair; Beverly Bien; Toby Brown; Randy Erickson; Frank Fine; Patty Emord; Hilary Heyl; Steve Johnson (by phone); Randy Mascorella; Marge Shanfeldt

Staff: Tsiporah Nephesh; Margaret Ambler Salamon; Arika Sanchez

1.  Welcome and Introductions – Race welcomed everyone and introductions were made.

2.  Outcomes from Today’s Meeting: outcomes were agreed to as proposed.

Proposed outcomes:

·  A framework for making our meetings more effective

·  Agreement on the purpose of our group

·  Agreement on the final outcome we seek

·  Review what we currently know about CNPE's impact

·  Agreement on a preliminary process we will use to achieve that outcome

·  Set next meeting time and date, and agenda

3.  Framework for effective meetings. Proposed framework:

·  Define, at first meeting, our group's purpose and the final outcome(s) we seek

·  Set the agenda for our next meeting at current meeting, with agreement of all present:

·  Try to make only collaborative, win-win decisions; try to uncover, explore, and incorporate dissent

·  At least at our first few meetings, end each meeting with "positives, negatives, and changes to make" in how the meeting went

Randy Mascorella asked, “How do we incorporate dissent?” Race responded, “Make it a win-win.” Hilary asked, “Is it consensus? How are decisions reached?” Toby referred to trying to figure out final outcomes now. She said that new ideas might come in as we go along. Race said that we would try to be flexible. We want to assess program impact of CNPE.

4.  Final outcome we seek. We went around the table and everyone offered their ideas.

·  Marge: Find out how to better help nonprofits.

·  Margaret: Want to know how we impact individuals and organizations and communities they serve.

·  Hilary: Measurable outcomes – not just quantitative – qualitative relative to objectives of the purpose of the Center and that serve the consumers.

·  Randy Erickson: Start with understanding what the goals are of the organization and then assessing, designing tools that measure activities that reflect back on those goals.

·  Patty: Develop a process that would give us useful findings. Use to make decisions on the program and advocate for the program (CNPE).

·  Randy Mascorella: Important for nonprofits to have clear idea of where they started, where they are now and where they will be after involvement with CNPE.

·  Frank: Results should fall into two categories: incremental changes and transformational changes. Be able to assess each.

·  Toby: What do the nonprofits want and what can we supply? Do we need to take a step back and ask – what do the nonprofits need and can we provide that?

·  Steve: Who is our target population? What do we want to offer? Are we trying to meet a broad sweep of needs or focus on a few?

·  Tsiporah: See long term results.

·  Race: Deepest impact CNPE could possibly have given unlimited resources and current resources.

·  Beverly: In addition to assessing effectiveness, look at if CNPE is offering the ideal resources for nonprofits.

5.  Review what we currently know about CNPE’s impact

Race pointed out some of the highlights in the data that was compiled for the handout. Comments and questions included:

·  Frank: What is the time frame of the task team?

·  Randy Erickson: Are we assessing the effectiveness of the current programs or are we also recommending program changes and modifications for better outcomes?

·  Hilary: Was a need assessment done when the Center was created? Tsiporah responded that she knew that Dana met with a lot of people in the community, including nonprofit executive directors, funders, and the five women who were the “founders.”

·  Hilary: What is the difference between incremental and transformational change? Patty: Is it the difference between individual learning and organizational learning?

·  Steve: What is the mission statement? Race: Mission statement is being reviewed; it will not offer much constriction. Frank asked for the mission, vision and values to be sent out with the notes.

·  Hilary: Are there objectives for the Center? Toby: Please send the objectives with the notes.

·  Frank: regarding the surveys: Who was surveyed? Is it devotees?

·  Steve mentioned that an assessment tool had been created.

·  Tsiporah mentioned the Independent Sector/Board Source Principles Workbook. Patty mentioned she knew of at least one other (organizational) assessment tool, she thought by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Review outcomes and revisit next time. A list of trainings was requested with why some were stopped or why they were continued. There was a request for a list of things that have been tried.

6.  Outcomes – next meeting agenda

Comments included: We require Amy’s input. We need clear consensus on mission and objectives of this group. Why are we doing this work now? How will our outcomes be used or will they? What is the expected time frame? How flexible is this process?

1.  Preliminary process for achieving final outcome: We will address next time.

Next meeting: Monday, December 6 from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. at United Way

2.  Positives/Negatives of Meeting:

We are trying to find our way. Everyone was heard and no one dominated conversation; wasn’t unfriendly. Everyone positive and engaged. Thank you to everyone. Maybe use a Parking Lot. Negative - Amy not able to attend

Action Items:

1.  Amy and Tsiporah to send Mission, Vision, Values and Objectives

2.  Tsiporah to send a list of trainings (tactical and strategic) with numbers and comments re: surges in interest and time specific trainings (cancelled trgs too)

3.  Margaret to gather Google Analytics re: website – after website changes

4.  Amy clarify whether the task of the team is for current use and/or future

5.  Task Team will -assess programs and then create new programs/strengthen what we are currently doing

6.  Other things to be sent with notes: Examples of other organizational assessment tools

7.  Race and Amy will finalize the next meeting agenda and sent it out with requested materials one week in advance of December meeting.