6th 6 Weeks: SAT Vocabulary

Due Date / Assignment / Directions
Thursday, April 20 / Option 1
Option 2
POWER POINT / Option 1
·  Write one word and its part of speech on one side; write the definition on the back with a synonym and antonym.
·  Write in large letters and be sure to spell correctly.
·  Each card should have your name (1st & Last) on it.
·  Place cards NEATLY on a binder ring in alphabetical order.
·  Vocabulary accumulates through the semester; all cards should be on your ring throughout the semester with mistakes having been corrected!
Option 2
·  Create a Google slides presentation.
·  The first slide should state the six weeks’ period along with your name, class, and date.
·  Each slide will represent one side of a note card.
·  Follow the above directions to create your slides.
·  You will add to the slide show each six weeks.
·  Share your slide show with .
Thursday, April 27 / CROSSWORD PUZZLE / ·  Create a CROSSWORD PUZZLE using all twenty (20) vocabulary terms.
·  The clue will be the definition.
·  Submit two (2) copies.
·  Make a KEY for your CROSSWORD PUZZLE by completing the puzzle on one of the copies.
·  Write a heading on BOTH copies.
·  Do NOT staple the copies together.
Thursday, May 4 / YOUR CHOICE! / ·  Using all twenty (20) terms, create an assignment which demonstrates your understanding of the terms.
·  You may not repeat one already completed for this six weeks. You may use an activity we have done at some point of the year, or you may choose an activity we have not done at all.
·  HIGHLIGHT terms as they are used in your assignment.
·  Spell each word correctly.
·  Be sure to include a heading, answer keys, etc.
May 18 / TEST / ·  This tests encompasses terms from the fourth, fifth, and sixth six weeks’ periods.
·  Study, study, study!

6th Six Weeks SAT Vocabulary

Use the following list of words to complete your SAT activities for the 5th six weeks. You may look the words up in a dictionary or visit my school website to watch a presentation in order to obtain the definitions, synonyms, or antonyms! To get to my website, go to the Peaster ISD website. Select Peaster Middle School, and go to the FACULTY. Then, select my name: Kimberly Garner. Once you are to my page, select PreAP and SAT Vocabulary.

1.  expeditious (adjective)

2.  equivocal (adjective)

3.  discrepant (adjective)

4.  empathy (noun)

5.  deplore (verb)

6.  cordial (adjective)

7.  caricature(noun)

8.  auspicious (adjective)

9.  apathy (noun)

10. allure (noun)

11. galvanize (verb)

12. implacable (adjective)

13. mutability (noun)

14. odious (adjective)

15. parochial (adjective)

16. treachery (noun)

17. replete (adjective)

18. protract (verb)

19. ponderous (adjective)

20. penchant (noun)