Minutes ofUCT Board Meeting

Monday February 5th 2018th Distance learning room, Macphail Centre 17.30

Present: Flick Hawkins, Serena Mason, Sandy Mackenzie, Phil Ellis, Sue Parker, Amanda Barry-Hirst, Tim Gauntlett andSusan Leslie (from 17.56).

In attendance: Ben Williams, Gill Wilson.

  1. Apologies: Rosemary O’Leary, Terry Rose, John Menzies

Next meeting date March 5th17.30 Distance Learning Room Macphail Centre.

  1. Declaration of interest. None
  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting 29/01/18 Two spelling errors noted and apologies of Nick Lampen were not required as he is no longer a board member. With above errors corrected the minutes wereproposed by Sandy Mackenzie and seconded by Flick Hawkins.
  1. Company secretary’s report – see end of meeting.**
  1. Financial report and update – Ben reported in John’s absence. All bank accounts are healthy and the £5,000 contingency fund remains unused as yet. HIE ‘s Lindsay Simpson is due to visit 15th Feb. The most pressing matter is the reduction in HIE support for Bens’ salary by 50%. Flick proposed that the board should guarantee Ben’s continued employment until the end of April. This was approved by the board.

The finance group are to meet next in mid February.

Application for funding from the Tudor Trust made in January was not successful.

  1. Engagement Officer Report- Ben

Ben noted that the Business plan is available on Base Camp and requested all directors look at this and suggest any amendments to be included in the updated version.

Web site – is currently being updated.

Youth Training Working GroupThe possibility of setting Activity Agreements was discussed at the last meeting These are not currently available in Ullapool but would bring with them some finance for training delivered. Action: Gill and Ben to pursue along with the youth group New Broom and LBWF may be able to deliver some of this training.

Peter Harrison has requested a letter of support for the provision of a Youth Space within the village. The Board agreed to this. Action: Ben to write a letter of support to the Youth Committee.

Learning Exchange. Carseof Gowrysustainability group,

who visited Ullapool hosted by UCT last year have proposed a return visit totheir project on 7th 8th March. Action: Ben to post details and confirmed dates on Basecamp- there are places for 2 directors to visit and funding for travel costs for this visit.

  1. Participatory Budgeting Group- 3D fund

The first event for the fund is 6th Feb 4-9pm in the village hall information evening for potential applicants. Closing date for applications is 28th Feb with support day for on 6th March and presentations of projects and voting on 24th March. Applicants who are not constituted groups will require sponsorship by UCT or other bodies. It was noted that the New Broom falls into this category. The board agreed in principle to sponsor the New Broom application. Action: Gill/Hub group to agree project and complete 3D application.

The 3D group is seeking an independent adjudicator for the voting process. Action: Board members to contact Ben with any suggestions.

PR working group –Amanda reported that the group have had their first meeting ( notes on base camp), set priorities of restarting newsletter-March, developing a UCT leaflet, increasing membership, and improving use of social media.

5.56pm Susan Leslie arrived.

  1. New Broom report – Gill’s report is available on Base Camp. The shop is handling a large volume of donations, and takings have been reasonable, and well up on last January. A basic income and expenditure for the New Broom is included in Gill’s report and will be updated each month. The hub development project is advancing, the energy survey report should be with us next week. the most likely sources of funding

Appear to be a number of smaller funds and the project will apply to the 3D fund probably for a specific element of the refurbishment.as yet to be finalized.

  1. Environmental group have also met, notes to be upload on to base camp. Next meeting Wed 14th March.

4. Company Secretary– no changes items to report.

Loch Broom Wood Fuels –Sandy reported that sales are good and that the HR adviser from HIE has now sent through the employment contracts. They have appointed Joh Menzies as a new director and Kevin O’Leary is another potential new director.

Flick Noted that before HIE visit on 15th Feb LBWF and UCT still need to have a formal meeting to review UCT’s guarantee over transfer of funds from the training account. Action: Ben to book the Parlour Bar 4pm for meeting Tues 14th Feb

  1. HIE funding cuts and consequences.

Flick read a letter just received from HIE, which outlined the process of application for the future funding of Ben’s post. HIE requiring a considerable amount of reporting and information to support the application. The letter had a final paragraph which appeared to bea standard clause ensuring no expenditure prior t confirmation of funding. Agreed that clarity of this should be sought from Lindsay Simpson on her visit on 15th Feb. Sue expressed concern that the Board’s decision to guarantee Ben’s wage might be interpreted as in breach of this clause. The Board agreed that it is a priority to ascertain the level of cut in HIE’s support for Bens post and to reply to the funding letter so as to secure this HIE funding. Action: Ben to coordinate response to HIE letter.

HIE visit on 15th Feb. Times to be confirmed. Plan to include visits to Broom Power, LBWF , HCBB and New Broom. Flick requested any directors available on the 15th to let her know.

  1. Business plan as in 6 above. (Ben noted that the Business plan is available on Base Camp and requested all directors look at this and suggest any amendments to be included in the updated version.)
  1. Ben’s Priorities- 3D fund and HIE post funding requirements
  1. AOB

Training and Social Academy days- Flick to circulate details of Go Carting, networking event March 22nd 23rd interested parties to contact Flick. West Highland college HR training - Flick to attend funded by HIE.

Amanda reported on the Social media and crowd funding workshop she and Gill attended last week at GALE centre, Gairloch. Once we receive notes form the course we will post these on Base Camp.

Banking- Triodos bank. The Board had a general discussion about the possibility of changing banks. Triodos offering an ethical banking service. Sandy noted that as local jobs depend on the Ullapool bank branches this was a sensitive issue. Susan commented that with cash and cheque banking would still be required. Flick asked that we keep Triodos in mind and review the matter later. Action : Amanda to circulate information on Triodos.

Membership- Gill is updating the membership files. Action: All past and current members to be sent a carefully worded subscription reminder and invite to rejoin. 4 new applicants for membership proposed and approved by the board.

UCT Policies- A considerable amount of work on policies and procedures was carried out by Rebekah Lwin last year, which would be of help to Gill writing risk assessments and working guidelines. Action: Sue to forward policies docs to Gill.

Stake holder Meeting- Ben noted that once the 3D events are completed then setting up a 6monthly stakeholder meeting with various village groups and organisations would be a good way of keeping the PB momentum going.

Glenfield development- Sue noted that the current information on the Glenfield site appears to have more flats (28) and fewer houses in the development than originally planned. This ratio was one to the points that UCT had raised previously . Action: Sandy to request an update at next UCC meeting .

Community Broad Band- Ben to meet with Nick re radio station and CBB.

  1. Directors Induction- Flick to meet with Tim for an induction into UCT.

Meeting closed18.43

Thank you