The final sealing of the Bridal remnant—the Bride of Messiah Yahushua--began November 7, 2008 sunset, 11/7/08, Friday--Heshvan 9 on the Hebrew calendar, going into Heshvan 10, or November 8th, Shabbat, at sunset. Written as the world writes dates outside America this is 7/11/08. In Noah’s day, using the creation calendar, Heshvan was the second month on the creation calendar. Heshvan is October/November. It follows Tishre – month of the last three Festivals. This week ends at sunset on Shabbat, Heshvan 17, or November 15th

On the morning of November 7th, I woke up to hear a full symphony orchestra playing the song “Thou Art Worthy” in my head. This is from Revelation 4:11 using the KJV: “Thou art worthy, O Yah, to receive glory and honor and power, for thou hast created all things, and for they pleasure they were created”. With mankind moving diligently towards what scientists call a post-human era to an era of “trans-humans”, to acknowledge Yahuweh as Creator is major! Listening to that lovely song of praise going through my mind was like a mental mikvah. On Fox News they revealed a robot that is so human-like that it even has human facial expressions. The first thing the robot said on Fox News was: “I seek to destroy the human race”. Scientists boldly say that this is the last generation of human beings as we’ve known them. Because they did not acknowledge Him as Creator before the Flood, but mixed human DNA with animals, insects, reptiles, plants and demons, the Creator had to destroy mankind and the earth, and save a man and his family who had pure blood, in order to preserve His image and likeness in the earth. Yah had Noah preserve a remnant of all species of animals, birds, and other creatures, such as insects and reptiles, to preserve the pure ones that He created.

Genesis7:11: “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened”. The reference to his being 600 years old refers to the age of man—man’s number in Scripture is 6. The 666, three sixes, of Revelation 13:18, refer to the completion of the age of man. The number 3 represents the cycle of beginning, middle, and end (completion of cycle).

On Heshvan 17 the “foundations of the deep” broke up—both under the earth, as well as the water canapé over the earth, and judgment began. BUT seven days before, Noah and family, animals and whatever else, were sealed into the ark, which Noah built at Yahuweh’s command, by Yahuweh’s instructions. Genesis 6:22: “And Noah did according to all that Elohim commanded him, so he did”.

Today, those who are watching the “days of Noah” progressing towards the breaking forth of His judgment, in which He tells us no flesh but a few will be saved, have already prepared their ark at His command. The Bride has made herself ready!

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For the characteristics of the Bridal remnant, refer to: “The Two Witnesses, The Bridal Remnant, The Forerunning Company, and The Fleeing Remnant”)

The Jewish historian Josephus tells us that the deep broke at the Autumn Equinox—on the Gregorian calendar November 21st, or around Heshvan 17.

Genesis 7:1, 2, 4, 5, 16: “And Yahuweh said to Noah, `You come, and all your house, into the ark, for you have I seen to be righteous before Me in this generation. Of every clean beast, you shall take by sevens, the male and his female, and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and

female…for yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights, and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth. And Noah did according to all that Yahuweh commanded him….and they that went in male and female of all flesh, as Elohim had commanded him, and Yahwueh shut him in”.

The world has been given 6,000 years (120 Jubilee years) to obey Yahuweh. (Genesis 6:3) Six is the number of man. After six “days” or 6,000 years, the Messiah comes to rule the seventh day—the 1,000 years of His Kingdom on earth. (I Peter 3:8) The number seven is the number of completion—end of cycle. The Shabbat, the “intermission” of rest, is at the end of six working days. On the seventh day Yahuweh rested. In the seven thousandth year, Messiah will reign, and His people will rest from 6,000 years of rule by wickedness. “But the wicked are like the troubled sea when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and mud. `There is no peace’, says Elohim, `for the wicked’ ”. (Isaiah 57:20-21) The wicked do not guard the instructions and teachings of the Kingdom of heaven, the Torah, and so cannot know what He is doing. Messiah says: “I never knew you--depart from Me, you who are without the Torah”. (Matthew 7:21-23)

There is so much on the Internet about the times we live in—giving what Lucifer is doing, but because few know Him, they cannot give people what Yahuweh is doing. I want to share with others what Yahuweh is doing! I hear Him daily, and now He is more intense than I’ve ever known Him to be. He wants to share His passionate anger, His sufferings, His longings, His desires, and His focus, with a few who will listen. The Bride wants to enter into the “fellowship of His sufferings”, so that she can really know Him. He is a Person!

The deep broke up and judgment began on Heshvan 17, but Noah and family were sealed the 10th of Heshvan into the ark of safety. The sealing of the Bride for preservation must happen at the beginning of the FIRSTYEAR OF THE LAST SEVEN year cycle before Messiah comes, just as Noah was sealed at the beginning of the first day of the last seven before judgment began.

In Revelation 7:1-8 a remnant from all the tribes of Ya’cob/Jacob/Israel were sealed. In Revelation 9:4, we see that unless a person has the mark of Yahuweh, they will experience the attacks of the creatures from the pit.

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In Revelation 8 and 9, we see the release of the trumpet judgments. These cataclysmic judgments are out there waiting to attack the earth, most likely beginning in 2009, as scientists are saying. THEREFORE, the Bridal remnant must be sealed BEFORE the trumpet judgments begin!

On September 29, 2008 we entered 2009 on the Hebrew creation calendar—Tishre 1—entering the first year of the last seven years before Messiah comes--the beginning year of the 70th “week” of Daniel 9:24-27.

Revelation 9:4:“…it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree, but only those men which have not the seal of Elohim in their foreheads”. Therefore, the Bridal remnant must be marked/sealed for preservation by the time of the release of the trumpet judgments. Even secular scientists are saying that 2009 will begin the cataclysmic events from space. It is fascinating to hear physicists, astronomers, and others with PhDs using Revelation 8 to describe what is within months of us. Not only is there a pole shift coming, Planet X, and the sun falling through the galaxy, there may be a complete pole reversal—the north pole becoming the south pole and visa versa.

Therefore, now, before the trumpet judgments begin, a remnant has to be sealed for preservation or all life on this planet will die. This is on top of all the plans that the world leaders have come up with to get rid of 6.4 billion people off of planet earth—by death or upward transportation.

Noah and family were sealed on the first day of the seven days before judgment began. The set-apart Bridal remnant that will overcome and endure through the whole seven years must be sealed at the first of the seven years. If there is no remnant sealed, all humanity will die. (Refer to the Scripture sheets: “All Flesh” and “No Flesh Saved But A Remnant” for your own study). And, for more understanding regarding the end of over 6.4 billion people, read the articles: “The Preservation of the Royal Seed” and “Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind”. Some things the Illuminati world government has carefully planned--like war, famine, pestilence, and the release of transgenic creatures. But there are things they cannot control, and they are terrified of what is coming on the earth from without--Revelation 8—the trumpet judgments. What is so fascinating is that the elite know that there are things that they have no power over, so they are preparing arks for themselves. Please refer to the article: “What Are The Elite Doing to Prepare Their Ark?” They have underground vaults, facilities and whole cities in many places. Are they going to tell you to prepare? That’s the last thing they want is for you to learn about what they know!

Revelation 9:4 is a sister to Ezekiel 9:4. Read carefully the scenario in Ezekiel 9:1-11, for it happening as I write this. For me, it is confirmation of what happened in my life on 9/4/1997.

Genesis 7:16: “…and Yahuweh shut him in”. Yes, Yahuweh shut Noah and His family in, plus all the other creatures, but in saying “him”, Yah was saying that it was because of Noah that the others were saved.

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Revelation 9:4: The enemy torments those who do not have the seal of Elohim in their forehead. Yah’s sealed ones are exempt. If I heard correctly, as Father told me in December of 2006 (see the article: “When the Goat Hit the Ram”), and what Tom Horn said in his book Nephilim Stargates, pages 185, 197-203, then March 20, 2003, America opened the star gates at Babylon when America attacked Iraq, loosing Abaddon and friends. These creatures have the power to torment men who do not have the mark of Yahuweh.

Father always makes His point, clarifying everything with confirmation that He brings. To unite my thinking around Revelation 9:4 and the first day of Yah’s sealing the bridal remnant, in the night from about 1:00 AM, I was awakened by a series of stings in my left arm—middle, inside, just below the elbow. These stings were light, but kept me awake for about 45 minutes before I fell back asleep. No matter what position I was in, the stings annoyed me, yet I was in perfect peace. I’ve never had anything like that happen before. I thought some strange Israeli bug had bitten me (smile). But, there was no mark from any bite. It kept me from sleeping, but was not strong enough to hurt—like little electrical shocks. Revelation 9:1-5 tells about these creatures coming out of the pit who will sting those who do not have His mark.

Because of what He has told me since 9/4/1997, I understand that He allowed me to feel this stinging sensation in a mild way in a small localized area of one arm, just long enough for Him to confirm to me that what He was showing me about the timing of the Heshvan sealing is correct.

Then I woke up about 7:00 AM with this full symphony orchestra rendition of “Thou Art Worthy” playing in my mind. .

Evidently some of these creatures are being created in underground laboratories in America and in other countries, like the Pentagon’s “DARPA bee”. They will be released from under the ground. The intensity of the sting will be “like a scorpion”.

A friend of mine often works with her son in a deliverance ministry to those who have been demon possessed. She told me about a man who bought an old antique china cabinet. After putting it in his dining room, he started having severe stings all over his body, which resulted in welts. He could not sleep. He and his wife were tormented night and day. He contemplated suicide. While she and her son were talking to this man, he grabbed his shoulder, feeling a sting, and when he took his hand away there was a big welt rising up on his shoulder. She and her son and the man put the china cabinet on a truck bed to take it far out into the desert to dump it. As they got out of the city, they heard an explosion from the truck bed. The whole cabinet had exploded. But, it was not until he was delivered in the Name of the Messiah that the stings stopped. The creatures of Revelation 9 are demon creatures. But, they will act in the same way, it appears, as what this man experienced. They will torment mankind for five months, and people will seek death.

Then Shabbat morning, November 8th, two Israeli attack helicopters flew near my balcony over the Sea of Galilee/Lake Kinneret. These helicopters are

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powered with the ability to sting with their lasers like a scorpion. Some attack

helicopters have a tail that is curved like a scorpion. Helicopter rotor blades

when taking off can sound like hundreds of thousands of locusts taking off, as

Revelation 9 describes them. But, also, the creatures could be just that—DNA mutates.

This week we are in the time period, the window, in which Noah and family were sealed in the ark. What did they do for those seven days? We are in transition like they were. They must have been very busy preparing everything inside of the ark for a long journey. We must be preparing everything also, so that we have the ability to make our long journey safely to the coming of Messiah—through the wrath of Lucifer/Satan, the wrath of man, and the wrath of Yahuweh.

Note onGenesis 8:4: “And in the seventh month, the seventeenth of the month, the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat.” The judgment was finished. This would be the 17th of Aviv—the day the children of Israel (Ya’cob) crossed the Red Sea and the day that Messiah came out of the grave—the Festival of First Fruits. All three of these occurrences proclaimed the defeat of the enemy, and the finish of judgment, and a new life.

November 8, 2008: Heshvan 10 – Shabbat sunrise lessons: Confirmation of what He showed me on November 7th and much more: He woke me up this morning about 5:30, Shabbat morning, to watch the sunrise. He led me to read Psalm 19:2-5.

Psalm 19:2-5: from the ArtScroll Tehillim: “The heavens declare the glory of Elohim, and the firmament tells of His handiwork. Day following day utters speech and there are no words; their sound is not heard. But their precision goes forth throughout the earth, and their words reach the end of the inhabited world. In their midst He has set a tent for the sun, which is like a groom emerging from his bridal chamber, it rejoices like a powerful warrior to run the course”.

From the KJV: Psalm 19:4b-6: “…He has set a tabernacle for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoices as a strong man to run the race”. His GOING FORTH is from the end of the heaven and his circuit unto the ends of it…”

Psalm 19:4b-5 from The Scriptures: “…He has set up a tent for the sun, and it is like a bridegroom coming out of his room, it rejoices like a strong man to run the path.”

The word for “chamber” “room” or “bridal chamber” in the Strong’s ExhaustiveConcordance of the Bible, Hebrew Dictionary #2646 and #2646 is the word CHUPA! – Meaning: “A canopy, a chamber, closet, to cover, veil, protect, encase, and to overlay”.

The chupah is the place where the newly married Bride and Groom immediately go for seven days to consummate their marriage. The groom’s attendant, represented by Eliyahu, and the Bride’s attendant, represented by Moses, both station themselves outside the chupah. When the groom is ready

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to come forth, he knocks from the inside of the wedding chamber, and his

attendant opens the door. He comes forth to escort his bride to the wedding feast, where many family members, close friends and guests have already gathered. After Messiah’s marriage to His Bride at His coming, He will go into the chupa for seven days with her—during the time between Tishre 1 and Tishre 10. On Tishre 10, Yom Kippur, He comes out to declare all Israel to be saved, and to judge the nations as to how they’ve treated His brethren—the children of Judah.

Without a foundation of understanding how the seven “Feasts of Yahuweh” from a Hebrew context, picture Messiah and the plan of salvation, it is impossible to understand the timing of His coming and thereafter! (Refer to the brief overview entitled “Seven Appointments with Man”, which compares the Festivals with Messiah’s plan of salvation.)

Then He will come out and the wedding feast—the “marriage supper” of the Lamb—will take place on Mt. Zion. This is why Shimon Kepha (Simon Peter) knew the two on either side of the Messiah when He was transfigured on Mt. Hermon (Matthew 17:1-11)—the two attendants—to be Eliyahu and Moshe.