IBEW Local 30
General Membership Meeting
February 17, 2016
Meeting called to order at 6:38 PM
A. Welcome of all new members and all attendees by President Lowry
B. ROLL CALL by President Lowry
· Roll Call: William Lowry, Paula Howard, Fred Gmitter, Al Laubsch, Tonya Coston, Tom MacDonald, Mike DiSimoni in attendance. President confirmed a Quorum for the meeting.
· Other attendees included Lisa Ginther, Director of Membership Services and Brian Brennan, Third District Representative.
C. REVIEW/APPROVAL of Minutes from January 20, 2016 meeting
MOTION made to approve minutes; motion seconded; no further discussion and minutes approved
· President noted we can refer members to the website for meeting
· Treasurer noted two month comparison, with January in column #1. He also noted the beginning and ending balances.
· Treasurer also noted transfer of $70,000 from checking to savings. Similar transfers will occur every quarter.
· Treasurer stated no per capita payment made in January but explained the payment would be made in February.
MOTION made to approve Treasurer’s Report. Motion seconded; Treasurer’s Report approved with no further discussion .
· President noted the Local’s goal to build equity. He indicated we have been able to meet all of our financial obligations and also support our members in various legal challenges.
· IBEW Pin: BusMgr presented pins to members in attendance at the meeting. Also noted pins will be distributed, by mail, to all dues paying members. He discussed the symbolism of the pin and the objects depicted on the pin.
· Pension and Healthcare Issues: BusMgr discussed the governor’s assault on pensions and healthcare. Briefly discussed the value of the pension, the amount contributed by state employees and the value of investments.
MOTION made to approve the Business Manager’s report. Motion seconded and report approved with no opposition and no further discussion.
F. FINANCIAL SECRETARY’S REPORT (Presented by President Lowry)
· Membership: President gave a brief overview of membership status as of pay period 3: 342 dues paying members, 353 agency shop members and 3 full members from the Water Supply. President noted the numbers are in flux, however, due to promotions, retirements, etc. and we are barely at the 50% plus one status.
· Union Case: Briefly discussed the union case pending before the Supreme Court and stressed the need for membership recruitment.
MOTION made to approve Financial Secretary’s report. Motion seconded and report approved with no opposition and no further discussion.
· Discipline Case: Discussed a case involving a manager from Human Services. PEOSHA levied fines totaling $750,000. Local 30 incurred legal costs for a court reporter and a bill of $2,000 for attorney services. An attorney is pursuing this case on the manager’s behalf on a contingency basis.
· Other correspondence: Discussed the CWA constitutional amendment for quarterly pension payments – language to be put on the ballot. CWA is running a campaign, seeking a $4 million loan, to be funded by a 50 cent increase in dues, beginning on July 1, 2016, to fund the constitutional amendment.
· Membership Recruitment: President stressed membership recruitment remains a number one priority.
· Structure/Development of Website: Discussed content of website and a suggestion that website could include a video to provide a compelling case for the union side of the pension issue. The video would provide a simple explanation of the facts concerning the pension issue. The President mentioned a structure/content similar to the “Call for Unity” video distributed by IBEW. Brian Brennan noted he would provide the video for posting on the Local 30 website, if allowed. The President also referenced an “apology” letter by a CWA member to the taxpayers of NJ that we could possibly amend for our purposes.
· Code of Excellence Training: Briefly discussed purpose of training
· PSMA Reimbursement: President explained how PSMA had supported IBEW Local 30 prior to contract ratification. Discussed costs incurred and amount of reimbursement for period of July 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015.
MOTION: Motion made to approve the reimbursement of PSMA. Motion seconded with no further discussion. Reimbursement of PSMA approved.
· Labor Council Funding: Discussed amount specified in by-laws of $2.50 per pay period, per member to fund the council. Noted also by-laws specified the payment is retroactive to January 2016. Discussed election of two pro-tem officer positions. BusMgr noted Local 33 still not fully committed to the Labor Council but we anticipate Local 33 will be on-board by mid-March.
· Contract Negotiations Update: Still waiting for meeting to discuss compensation and the remaining economic issues. We are supposed to hear about possible negotiations dates after the Governor’s budget address. Provided a brief break-down of a 2 year versus a 4 year contract.
· IBEW Government Conference: BusMgr briefly discussed purpose, location, attendance at this year’s Government Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC.
· Accounting Services/Annual Audit: Still waiting for the International concerning chargeable/non-chargeable costs, but audit revealed no significant findings. Auditors approved documentation and noted expenses incurred in accordance with the by-laws. We will submit the completed audit to the third district office.
· Other Future Conferences: BusMgr mentioned other upcoming conferences including the International Convention in September and the Progress Meeting scheduled for May 2016.
MOTION made to adjourn the General Membership meeting. Motion seconded. Board meeting adjourned at 7:46 PM.