Please delete this table row (these instructions) before submitting.
- Please limit your submission to two (2) pages total. Give priority to your system’s strengths and your main area(s) of interest. Remember, this is a networking tool.
- If possible, please complete this form in an 11-point Times New Roman font.
- Save a copy for yourself and e-mail your final version to:
- Submissions must be received no later than Friday, September 15, to be included in the conference book.
- All submissions will be available on the conference.
Benefits Contact / Title / Phone # / Email Address
Communications Contact / Title / Phone # / Email Address
Member Education Contact / Title / Phone # / Email Address
# Active Members / # Retired Members / # Inactive Members / Staff Size / Assets ($)
Section 1:Member Education– Please describe the types of education/communications programs offered by your system. Do you have targeted communications for younger members?
Replace this text with your text for Section 1
Section 2: Legislation– Briefly describe recently passed or currently pending legislation relating to plan changes and implementing multiple tier benefits in your system.
Replace this text with your text for Section 2
Section 3: Technology– Please describe how you interact with your members, both active and retired. Do you have an online member self-service program and if so, what do members have access to? Are you using Facebook, Twitter, chats, webinars, etc.?
Replace this text with your text for Section 3
Section 4: New Initiatives– Please describe any new projects/initiatives that your system is undertaking related to education, communications, and member benefits. Have you implemented any new ideas from previous NPEA conferences?
Replace this text with your text for Section 4
Section 5: Are there specific topics you are hoping to cover with your NPEA peers, or future topics you would like to see on the conference agenda?
Replace this text with your text for Section 5