14 MAY 2014



Councillor Adams (Mayor)

Councillor Eades (Deputy Mayor)

Councillor J Clements (Sheriff)

Councillors Ms Atkinson, Brooke, Brown, Burden, Miss Carpenter, Chandler, Clements, Mrs Evans, Godfrey, Mrs Haines, Mrs Hodges, Howell, M Le Poidevin, Maiden, Matthews, Meachin, Mrs Moore, Parker, Mrs Parkinson, Pawlowski (from 6.10pm), Potter, Mrs Pratt, Rampton, Mrs Rampton, Mrs Slade, Sorton, Mrs Stribley, Trent, Mrs Walton, White, Miss Wilson, Wilson, Woodcock

Members of the public in attendance: Approximately 4


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Butt, Goodall, Wilkins and Mrs Wilson


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the last Meeting of the Council, held on the 22 April 2014, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Mayor as a correct record, subject to the following amendments:

MIN. C230.40Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Minerals Core Strategy: Report of the Chairman of the Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Line thirteen, fourth paragraph: delete “explained”, insert “said”, to read

“said that fracking had been undertaken…….”

MIN. C35.14Adequacy of Consultation Statement: Navitus Bay Wind Park: Report of the Acting Chief Executive

Delete the name of Councillor Mrs Parkinson from those abstaining.

C8.14LEADER OF THE COUNCIL (Information)

Councillor Ms Atkinson had been elected as Leader of the Council for a four year term in 2011. She had appointed Councillor Mike White as her Deputy and this was confirmed for this Municipal Year.


The Leader of the Council appointed the Cabinet and she notified Council of the following Cabinet Members and their Portfolio Holder responsibilities, as follows: (deleting the last three lines of Councillor Potter’s Portfolio which had been duplicated):

Councillor Ms Elaine Atkinson / The Council’s Budget and Financial Services, Communications, PR and Customer Services, Strategic Directorate, Partnerships, LEP, Revenues and Benefits, including council tax and National Non-Domestic Rates
Councillor Mrs Xena Dion
Prosperous and Sustainable Poole / Natural Environment (including Flood and Coastal Management), Parks, Open Spaces, Beaches, Recreation, Sports Development, Streetscene, Tourism, Town Centre Management, Retail, District Centres, Waste Management Strategy, Recycling, Arts, Museum, Upton House, Adult Education, Libraries.
Consumer Protection Including: Waste Management Strategy, Recycling. Regulatory Services.
Councillor Ian Potter
Keeping Poole Moving / Transportation Including: Strategic Transportation Issues, Road Planning/Design/Safety/Engineering, Public Transport, Parking, Parking Charges, Enforcement, Cycling/Pedestrian Access, Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing, Fees and Charges, Public Rights of Way, Crematorium and Burial Services, Carbon Management.
Councillor Mrs Karen Rampton
Health and Wellbeing / Adult Social Care, Local and Strategic Health Services, Housing and Housing Advice, Poole Housing Partnership (PHP), Strategic Affordable Housing, Equalities, Community Safety
Councillor Neil Sorton
Efficiency, Improvement and Resources / Human Resources and Organisational liaison (Pensions, Pay Terms and conditions etc) Exchequer, Legal and Democratic Services, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Business Support, Customer Services, Property Services and Asset Management, Managing the Delivery of Efficiency Review Programmes.
Councillor Mrs Janet Walton
Familiesand Young People – the Future of Poole / Family and Children’s Social Care and Wellbeing, Schools, Education and Readiness for Work, Public Health Services
Councillor Mike White
Regeneration and Inward Investment / Inward Investment, Planning and Regeneration, Major Projects, Capital Schemes, Supporting Strategic Transport.

NOTE: Every Portfolio Holder will deal with public engagement / participation and consultation issues relating to their Portfolio Areas. The Leader will have a strategic overview of public engagement / participation and consultation.


It was Moved, Seconded and

RESOLVED that the following Committees, Working Parties and Fora be appointed for the 2014/15 Municipal Year, that, in accordance with the Local Government Housing Act (1989) Political Balance Regulations, the Council approved that its Standards Committee be not politically balanced.

(i)Audit Committee (5 Members)


Councillors Graham Chandler, May Haines

Liberal Democrats

Councillors David Brown, Roy Godfrey

Poole People Party

Councillor Mark Howell

(ii)Emergency Committee (5 Members)


Councillors Les Burden, Ann Stribley

Liberal Democrats

Councillors Phil Goodall, Lindsay Wilson


Councillor Tony Woodcock

(iii)Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee (9 Members)


Councillors Judy Butt, Ron Parker, Peter Pawlowski, Ann Stribley

Liberal Democrats

Councillors Mike Brooke, Brian Clements, Jo Clements, Vikki Slade

Poole People Party

Councillor Mark Howell

(iv)Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (8 Members)


Councillors May Haines, Jane Pratt, Ron Parker, Mike Wilkins

Liberal Democrats

Councillors Jennie Hodges, Lindsay Wilson, Peter Maiden

Poole People Party

Councillor Charmaine Parkinson

(v)Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee (7 Members)


Councillors Peter Adams, Graham Chandler, May Haines

Liberal Democrats

Councillors Phil Eades, Marion Le Poidevin, Vikki Slade, Tony Trent

(vi)Council Efficiency and Effectiveness Overview and Scrutiny Committee (possible 9 Members)


Councillors Judy Butt, Graham Chandler, May Haines, John Rampton

Liberal Democrats

Councillors David Brown, Sandra Cox, Roy Godfrey

Poole People Party

Councillor Sally Carpenter


Councillor Tony Woodcock

(vii)Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee (9 Members)


Councillors Peter Adams, Carol Evans, Jane Pratt, Mike Wilkins

Liberal Democrats

Councillors Mike Brooke, Jennie Hodges, Marion Le Poidevin, Sandra Moore

Poole People Party

Councillor Sally Carpenter

(viii)Call-In Overview and Scrutiny Committee (5 Members)


Councillors Les Burden, Peter Pawlowski

Liberal Democrats

Councillors Peter Maiden, Chris Matthews

Poole People Party

Councillor Mark Howell

(ix)Health and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee (11 Members)


Councillors Peter Adams, Carol Evans, Peter Pawlowski, John Rampton, Jane Pratt

Liberal Democrats

Councillors Sandra Cox, Jennie Hodges, Chris Matthews, Charles Meachin, Graham Wilson

Poole People Party

Councillor Chris Wilson

(x)Planning Committee (9 Members)


Councillors Les Burden, Judy Butt, Ron Parker, Peter Pawlowski

Liberal Democrats

Councillors David Brown, Jo Clements, Phil Eades, Graham Wilson

Poole People Party

Councillor Chris Wilson

Named Substitutes

Councillors Elaine Atkinson, Mike Brooke, Brian Clements, Xena Dion, Roy Godfrey, Phil Goodall, May Haines, Marion Le Poidevin, Peter Maiden, Sandra Moore, Jane Pratt, Sally Carpenter, Karen Rampton, John Rampton, Ann Stribley, Tony Trent, Janet Walton, Mike White, Mike Wilkins

(xi)Licensing Committee (11 Members)


Councillors Les Burden, Graham Chandler, Ron Parker, John Rampton, Jane Pratt

Liberal Democrats

Councillors David Brown, Roy Godfrey, Phil Goodall, Peter Maiden, Chris Matthews.

Poole People Party

Councillor Charmaine Parkinson

(xii)Employee Appeal Committee (11 Members)


Councillors Peter Adams, Elaine Atkinson, Les Burden, Judy Butt, Karen Rampton

Liberal Democrats

Councillors Mike Brooke, Brian Clements, Charles Meachin, Sandra Moore, Vikki Slade,

Poole People Party

Councillor Chris Wilson

Substitutes: Councillors Mrs Stribley and Sorton. Councillor Jo Clements (to be trained).

(xiii)Joint Issues: Family Health and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee (8 Members)


Councillors Peter Adams, Carol Evans, Mike Wilkins, Jane Pratt

Liberal Democrats

Councillors Mike Brooke, Jennie Hodges, Chris Matthews, Sandra Moore

(xiv)Joint Public Health Committee (with Dorset County Council and Bournemouth Borough Council

Councillors Karen Rampton, Janet Walton

(xv)Stour Valley and Poole Partnership Joint Committee

Councillors Karen Rampton, Neil Sorton

Named Substitutes (2)

Councillors Elaine Atkinson, Ian Potter

(xvi)Stour Valley and Poole Partnership Joint Scrutiny Panel


Councillor Peter Adams

Liberal Democrat

Councillor Mike Brooke

Poole People Party

Councillor Mark Howell

(xvii)Standards Committee (5 Elected Members, 5 Independent Members)

(Independent Members –Lynda Bourne, David Holroyd, Kate Lewis, Andrew Reed, and Penny Rogers)


Councillors Carol Evans, Neil Sorton

Liberal Democrats

Councillors Charles Meachin, Phil Goodall

Poole People Party

Councillor Charmaine Parkinson

(xviii)Review of the Council’s Constitution Working Party (6 Members)


Councillors Judy Butt, May Haines, Neil Sorton

Liberal Democrats

Councillors Mike Brooke, David Brown, Brian Clements


Hamworthy East and West and Poole Town Area Committee (7 Members)

Councillors Graham Chandler, Carol Evans, Mark Howell, Charmaine Parkinson, Mike White, Mike Wilkins, Chris Wilson

Newtown and Parkstone Area Committee (6 Members)

Councillors Brian Clements, Sally Carpenter, Jo Clements, Ann Stribley, Graham Wilson, Tony Woodcock

Alderney, Branksome East and West Area Committee (7 Members)

Councillors Phil Eades, Marion Le Poidevin, Charles Meachin, Karen Rampton, Jane Pratt, Tony Trent and Lindsay Wilson

Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Area Committee (6 Members)

Councillors Elaine Atkinson, Xena Dion, May Haines, Ron Parker, Peter Pawlowski, Neil Sorton

Canford Heath East and West Creekmoor and Oakdale Area Committee (10 Members)

Councillors Peter Adams, Les Burden, Judy Butt, Phil Goodall, Jennie Hodges, Chris Matthews, Sandra Moore, Ian Potter, John Rampton, Janet Walton

Broadstone, Merley and Bearwood Area Committee (6 Members)

Councillors Mike Brooke, David Brown, Sandra Cox, Roy Godfrey, Peter Maiden, Vikki Slade

(xx)Joint Information and Consultative Committee (6 Members)


Councillors Elaine Atkinson, May Haines, Neil Sorton

Liberal Democrats

Councillors Jo Clements, Charles Meachin

Poole People Party

Councillor Mark Howell

(xxi)Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) (3 Members)


Councillors Janet Walton, Mike Wilkins

Liberal Democrats

Councillor Charles Meachin

(xxii)Education Discretionary Awards Appeals Panel (5 Members)


Councillors Carol Evans, Jane Pratt, Janet Walton

Liberal Democrats

Councillors Peter Maiden, Marion Le Poidevin

(xxiii)Local Authority (LA) Governor Appointments Panel (5 Members)


Councillors Carol Evans, Jane Pratt, Janet Walton

Liberal Democrats

Councillors Mike Brooke, Sandra Moore

(xxiv)Health and Wellbeing Board(3 Members)


Councillors Elaine Atkinson, Karen Rampton, Janet Walton

(xxv)Adoption Panel

Councillor Neil Sorton

(xxvi)Fostering Panel

Councillor Carol Evans

(xxvii)Discretionary Housing Payments Appeals Panel (3 Members)


Councillors Elaine Atkinson, Karen Rampton

Liberal Democrats

Councillor Charles Meachin

* Councillors Peter Maiden and Tony Trent to be trained.


It was Moved, Seconded and

RESOLVED that Council approved the Schedule of Meetings for the 20014/15 Municipal Year, noting that there was to be an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council on the 3rd June 2014 at 6.00pm.


It was moved, seconded and

RESOLVED that the following appointments be made to the outside bodies as detailed below:

Outside Body / Representation 2014/15
Bearwood Community Association / Cllr Mrs Cox
Bournemouth International Airport Consultative Committee / Cllr Brooke (Deputy Brown)
Bournemouth Orchestras Council / Cllr Parker (subs Cllrs Trent & Mrs Butt)
Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Minerals & Waste Policy Joint Advisory Committee / Cllrs Mrs Dion, Trent and Chandler
Canford Park Sports Park Joint Committee / Cllrs Mrs Dion, Brown
Cheshire Foundation Housing Association / Councillor Mrs Rampton
Children’s Services Governance Board / Cllrs Mrs Walton, Mrs Evans and Mrs Moore
Combined Fire Authority (*subject to political balance) / Cllrs Mrs Stribley, Eades, Burden
Countryside Recreation Strategy for SE Dorset – Steering Group (Greenlink) / Cllr Mrs Dion (sub Chandler)
Court of the University of Southampton / Cllr Parker
Creekmoor Community Association / Cllr Rampton
Dorset Archaeological Committee / Cllr Mrs Pratt
Dorset Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / Vacancy
Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole Local Access Forum / Cllr Goodall
Dorset and South Wilts Planning and Transportation Liaison Committee / Cllrs White, Trent (Substitutes Cllrs Mrs Dion and Clements)
Dorset County Council Pension Fund Investment Committee / Cllr Sorton
Dorset Local Nature Partnership Board / Cllr Mrs Dion (Cllr Trent Deputy)
Dorset Police and Crime Panel / Cllr Ms Atkinson + 2 co-opted Members, Cllrs Mrs Stribley and Goodall (Politically balanced).
Dorset Reserve Forces Committee / Cllr Mrs Evans
Friends of Poole Park / Cllrs Mrs Evans, Mrs Stribley, Miss Carpenter, (Deputy Cllr Potter)
General Council of Broadstone Community and Arts Centre / Cllrs Brooke and Godfrey
Heathland Executive Group / Cllrs White, Wilson (Deputy)
Housing Strategic Policy Board / Cllrs Trent, Wilkins, Mrs Evans
Joint Archives Advisory Board / Cllrs Mrs Dion & Chandler
Local Government Association / Cllrs Ms Atkinson, Brooke, Mrs Haines, Mrs Moore, Parker, Mrs Slade
Local Government Association Coastal Issues Group / Cllrs Mrs Dion, (Deputy Chandler)
Municipal and Owen Carter Almshouse Charity Trustees / Cllrs Chandler, Mrs Evans, White, Wilkins, Mrs Parkinson
Old Town Community Association Management Committee / Cllrs Mrs Evans, Mrs Chris Wilson
Poole Cherbourg Twinning Association (Management Committee) / Cllrs Burden, Clements and Parker (sub Councillor Mrs Walton)
Poole CAB Management Committee / Cllrs Adams, Maiden, Mrs C Wilson
Poole Heritage Forum / Cllrs Mrs Evans, Howell, Parker
Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust / Cllr Mrs Stribley
* Poole Housing Partnership Ltd (PHP) / Cllr Howell, Potter, Matthews. 2 further reps to be appointed.
Poole Shopmobility / Cllrs Adams, Goodall
Poole Sports Council / Cllrs Mrs Dion, Potter, G Wilson
Poole Tourism Management Board / Cllrs Mrs Dion, Clements, Howell, Parker, Miss L Wilson
Poole Town Centre Management Board / Cllrs Chandler, Mrs Clements, Chris Wilson
Raglan Housing Association (South Area MC) / Cllr Adams
Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – Council of Governors / Vacancy
Safer Poole Partnership Board (one BoP Rep) / Cllr Ms Atkinson
Schools Forum / Cllrs Mrs Walton, White
Southern Sea Fisheries District Committee / Cllr Mrs Dion (sub – Cllr Chandler)
South East Dorset Strategic Planning and Transportation Joint Committee / Cllrs Brooke, Burden, Eades, Potter, Trent and White
South East Dorset Sub-Regional Study Advisory Group / Cllrs Eades, Parker (Deputy Cllr Potter)
South East Dorset Transport Advisory Group / Cllrs Potter, Trent (Deputies, Cllr Mrs Dion, Lib Dem Deputy to be advised).
South East Dorset Transport Contributions Executive / Cllr Potter (Deputy Councillor White)
South East Dorset Transport Study Board / Cllrs Potter, Trent, White
South West Councils / Cllr Sorton
South West Home and Leisure Safety Council / Cllr Rampton
South Western Provincial Council / Cllr Sorton
Standing Conference on Oil & Gas Development / Cllr Eades (Deputy Councillor Pawlowski)
Standing Conference on Problems Associated with the Coastline / Cllrs Mrs Dion, (Deputies, Mrs Stribley, Mrs Butt)
Strategic Arts Review Group / CllrsPotter, Meachin, Howell
Upton Park Liaison Forum / Cllrs Burden, Mrs Butt, Godfrey, Rampton
Spectrum Housing - Western Challenge Housing Association / Cllr Adams
Wessex Water (Southern) Customer Liaison Panel / Cllr Burden
Wessex Regional Flood Defence Committee / Cllr Mrs Dion (deputy Mrs Stribley)
Wytch Farm Oilfield Consultative Committee / Cllrs Eades, Pawlowski


Appointed 2014/15
Carers Champion / Cllr Mrs Walton
Equalities / Cllr Mrs Rampton
Historic Environment / Cllr Chandler
Learning Disability / Cllr Brooke
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual / Cllr Mrs Rampton
Older Persons / Cllr Meachin
Play Champion / Cllr Mrs Walton
Regulatory Services Champion / Cllr Rampton
Carers Champion with Health / Cllr Adams
Dementia Champion / Cllr Mrs C Wilson
Domestic Violence / Shared role by Cllrs Mrs Parkinson and Mrs Hodges

Youth Centre Management Committees

Appointed 2014/15
Bourne Valley / Cllrs Mrs Rampton, Trent and Miss L Wilson
Broadstone / Cllr Mrs Slade
Creekmoor / Cllr Rampton
Hamworthy/Turlin Moor / Cllr Wilkins
Hillbourne/Waterloo / Cllr Burden & Mrs Butt
Limelights (CH) / Cllrs Matthews & Mrs Moore
Parkstone Sports and Arts Centre / Cllrs G Wilson, Mrs Pratt

Children’s Centres Advisory Boards

Appointed 2014/15
Hamworthy/Turlin Moor / Councillor Mrs Parkinson
Canford Heath and Creekmoor / Councillor Mrs Moore
Poole Old Town, Parkstone and Ted Webster / Councillor Mrs Evans
Branksome and Rossmore / Councillor Mrs Pratt
Purbeck Rail / Councillor Parker


It was Moved, Seconded and RESOLVED that,

under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the Meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of the said Act, as the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it.


The Portfolio Holder, Councillor Potter, introduced his Report, the recommendations of which were Moved and Seconded.