TPS – ThroughPut Solutions

415E. 600 So. · River Heights, Utah · 1+ (435) 792-4380 · email · website:

TPS – Quick Assessment

(Click in Boxes to Type Responses)

Company Name: Address:

Your Name:


  1. What would you say is the “Constraint” of your company right now? Why?
  1. Approximately how much are you carrying in inventory? FG W.I.P

Raw Total # Days Inventory Overall $ Amount

  1. Do You Make to Order Make to Stock Both
  1. What % of: Scrap Rework are you experiencing?
  1. What is the current lead-time for your bread & butter products? measured in
  1. What % on time delivery do you normally achieve?
  1. Would you describe cash flow as “positive and increasing,“ or in some other way?
  1. If you were to have a sudden glut of orders would you be able to fulfill them?
  1. How would you find additional capacity?
  1. Do you have parts sales or labor shortages?
  1. What factor(s) impede production and on time delivery most? General inefficiencies Too much automation Not enough automation Long setups/changeovers etc. Please List:
  2. Have you had layoffs: Recently Distant Past Never? How deep?
  1. What is your average annual employee turnover rate?
  1. Are setups/changeover times monitored? Yes No Under 10 minutes? Yes No
  1. Do you have a Quality System in Place? Yes No Which System(s)?
  1. What are your greatest concerns related to quality?
  1. Is employee safety incorporated into all aspects of your manufacturing system? Yes No
  1. Have you ever attempted implementing Lean Manufacturing in the past? Yes No
  1. What were the results of your Lean efforts?
  1. What is most important to your customers after excellent quality? Short Lead-time

On-time Delivery Price Reductions Product Innovation etc.

  1. What could your company do in the next several months to become more profitable, reduce waste/overhead costs, increase market share, etc.?
  1. Are competitors better than you in the following: On-time Delivery Short Lead-times

Quality Price/Value Other(s) Please List

  1. Are you currently gaining market share? Yes No
  1. Are you able to spend funds on capital equipment if an R.O.I. is justified? Yes No
  1. What are the most significant changes that your company has experienced in the last 3-5 years?
  2. How would you rate your level of risk with regards to the following: Losing Customers Supplier Failures New Technologies Losing Key Employees Equipment Failures Regulatory Issues i.e., OSHA/EPA Union Formation

Legal Issues

  1. What is your vision?
  2. Has it been written, communicated, and embraced? Yes No
  3. Is it a “Lean” vision? Yes No
  4. Is it a shared vision among your leadership? Yes No
  5. Is everyone invited, expected, or required to participate? Yes No
  1. Is leadership top down? Yes No
  2. Who will drive/support change/improvement?
  3. Are you willing to campaign for, and/or require employee involvement in improvement efforts? Yes No
  1. How would you characterize your leadership’s history?
  2. Are leaders seen as people of high integrity? Yes No
  3. Do programs come and go? Yes No
  4. Is there follow-through or lack thereof?
  5. Is your culture open to change? Yes No
  6. Will employees respect and follow your lead? Yes No
  7. Are employees punished for failure? Yes No
  8. Are employees fairly compensated Yes No Recognized? Yes No

*If you would like to have one of our senior consultants review this assessment with you (free of charge) please email the completed form to: and we will arrange for a private telephone conversation regarding your company’s specific needs.

This form and any communications regarding your company remain absolutely confidential.