Teacher: Grisham Subject: Reading/ Language Arts Unit:_Wk. 2 6 wks. 2 Drama/Non-Fiction

Dates: / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Learning Objective: (what I am teaching today) Statements shared with students verbally/written / Students will understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of drama. They will analyze the similarities and differences between text and its dramatic adaptation. / . Students will make inferences, about text and use textual evidence to support / Students will read independently and summarize what they read. / Students will compare and contrast the theme or moral lesson from a dramatic adaptation understanding. / Students will be assessed on their knowledge of the structure and elements of drama
TEKS standard(s): / 5.5, 5.5A, 5.Fig.19A,B,C,D / 5.5A,5.Fig.19A,B,C,D,E,F / 5.3C, 5.5, 5.Fig.19A,B,C,D / 5.3, 5.5 / 5.5, 5.5A, 5.Fig.19A,B,C,D
Instructional Strategies: How will I teach it
Include grouping:
Sm gp, pairs, individual, whole group / Students will begin class with a Bell Ringer from Lone Star Reading Targeted Reading.
Students will get their bookmarks for the week’s homework assignment and spelling list. TTW also assign RWN 182-187.
Students will be prompted to think about what a drama is and what we discussed last week.
Students will then be given a play to act out as a class “the Bird with the Broken Wing”.
TTW review Drama worksheets students completed the previous week. TTW then distribute students new AR goals for the 2nd 6 weeks.
Students will be given a handout “Elements of Drama” to attach to their reading section of their journal. / TSW complete their Bell Ringer.
Students will be conducting a “scavenger hunt” on the Elements of Drama. They will use the dramatic adaptation The Bird with the Broken Wing to find the elements. Students will have the opportunity to act out the play if they were unable to on Monday. They will work in pairs to complete the worksheet.
The teacher will instruct the class to highlight the appropriate responses with the correct colors.
Library Day / TSW complete their Bell Ringer
The class will perform a short play “The Fox and the Apple Tree”. They will then complete the questions from the play for a daily grade. Once students have completed their worksheets they may read their AR books / TSW complete their Bell Ringer
Students will take the Unit 1 quiz Neither Hyde norHarefrom the Motivation Reading.
Students who finish their testing early may work on homework or read their AR books. / TSW complete their Bell Ringer
Students will turn in their RWN homework and bookmarks.
Students will take their spelling test #7.
Fun Friday
Library Day
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / TTW observe students working in pairs to check for understanding. TSW turn in the assignment for a grade / TSW take a Unit Test over Dramatic Adaptation. / TSW take a Spelling test over compound words.
Higher order thinking/questioning: / How can you work in pairs to help one another? / What kind of character traits did the fox have verses the character traits of the frogs?
Academic Vocabulary: / Drama, act, scene, cast, setting, dialogue, stage directions, script
Resources: / Bookmarks, spelling list, RWN assignment, Handouts: / Handouts: Scavenger Hunt, The Bird with the Broken Wing,
Map pencils / “The Fox and the Apple Tree”, book / Neither Hyde nor Hare
assessment / Test and handout
Technology Integration: / Lone Star Reading
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Previous week’s Exit Ticket over the video of “The Wizard of Oz” will be used during intervention