Type: MC

1) Dysphagia is a difficulty:

a. speaking

b. sleeping

*c. swallowing

d. thinking

Type: MC

2) Hypermnesia is:

a. extreme memory loss

*b. complete memory of the past

c. under-active brain activity

d. over-active brain activity

Type: MC

3) Endogamy is a:

a. plural marriage

b. arranged marriage

*c. marriage within a group

d. political marriage

Type: MC

4) A prophylactic measure attempts to:

a. prevent something beforehand

b. prevent tooth decay

*c. prevent pregnancy

d. stop milk production

Type: MC

5) Synergy is:

a. excessive energy

*b. working together

c. lack of energy

d. solar energy

Type: MC

6) Misogyny is a hatred of:

a. rats

b. marriage

*c. women

d. hatred of blood

Type: MC

7) Dendrology is the study of:

a. teeth

*b. trees

c. gum tissue

d. fossils

Type: MC

8) Oligarchy is the rule by the:

a. majority

b. people

c. rich

*d. few

Type: MC

9) Gymnophobia is the fear of:

a. women

*b. being naked

c. bats

d. athletic contests

Type: MC

10) A hippodrome is a stadium for:

*a. horse-racing

b. sprinting

c. foot-races

d. relay-races

Type: MC

11) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the Greek word pachyDERM:

a. eye

b. ear

c. nose

*d. skin

Type: MC

12) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word ecLECTic:

a. read

*b. choose

c. sleep

d. talk

Type: MC

13) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word tripTYCH:

a. fly

b. write

c. fold

*d. fortune

Type: MC

14) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word CACophony

a. varied

b. bad

*c. shrill

d. pleasant

Type: MC

15) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word diaCHRONic

*a. time

b. meaning

c. color

d. walk

Type: MC

16) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word enDEMic:

a. evil

b. disease

*c. people

d. government

Type: MC

17) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word PLATYpus:

a. foot

*b. flat

c. plant

d. weave

Type: MC

18) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word proPAEDutic:

*a. child

b. teacher

c. master

d. education

Type: MC

19) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word synOPSis:

a. soul

b. essence

*c. view

d. summary

Type: MC

20) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word brachyCEPHALic:

*a. head

b. face

c. arm

d. brain

Type: MC

21) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word metONOMY:

a. law

b. sign

*c. name

d. dress

Type: MC

22) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word MYRIopod:

a. three

b. few

c. all

*d. ten thousand

Type: MC

23) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word TROGlodyte:

a. monster

*b. cave

c. heavy

d. insect

Type: MC

24) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word TERAtoma:

*a. growth

b. defect

c. monster

d. disease

Type: MC

25) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word PANacea:

*a. all

b. many

c. few

d. cure

Type: MC

26) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word LITHOtomy:

a. knife

b. dust

*c. stone

d. window

Type: MC

27) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word metaMORPHosis

a. form

*b. change

c. god

d. flower

Type: MC

28) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word XENOphobia

*a. stranger

b. fear

c. ugly

d. needy

Type: MC

29) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word asymPTOmatic:

a. together

*b. fall

c. poison

d. diseas

Type: MC

30) Give the meaning nearest to the capitalized element of the word DECathlete:

*a. ten

b. five

c. many

d. few

Type: MC

31) Love of knowledge:

*a. philophile

b. philosophy

c. philology

d. bibliophile

Type: MC

32) carved from a block of stone:

*a. monolithic

b. monographic

c. megalithic

d. megalopic

Type: MC

33) gold and ivory:

*a. chryselephantine

b. chrysoleukistic

c. leukelephantine

d. dynographic

Type: MC

34) graveyard:

a. mausoleum

b. acropolis

*c. necropolis

d. sarcophagus

Type: MC

35) unit of work:

a. dyne

b. calorie

*c. erg

d. photon

Type: MC

36) study of legends:

a. lexicology

b. synopsis

*c. mythology

d. mythography

Type: MC

37) fear of insects:

a. arachnophobia

b. entomology

*c. entomophobia

d. arachnophagia

Type: MC

38) having more than one husband at the same time:

*a. polyandry

b. polygamy

c. androgynous

d. misogynous

Type: MC

39) creation of the universe:

a. cosmology

b. cosmetology

*c. cosmogony

d. macrocosm

Type: MC

40) that which allows one to see small things:

a. microphone

*b. microscope

c. micrometer

d. micrograph

Type: MC

41) Based on the Greek root, what sort of girl would a girl named Agatha be?

a. pretty

b. moral

*c. good

d. brave

Type: MC

42) Based on the Greek root, Peter should be known for his:

a. fearlessness

b. loyalty

*c. constancy

d. foolishness

Type: MC

43) Based on the Greek root, what does Stephanie like to wear?

a. dresses

b. gold

*c. wreathes

d. ribbons

Type: MC

44) Based on the Greek root, George should be a:

a. doctor

b. teacher

*c. farmer

d. actor


Type: MC

1) Democracy is the rule of:

a. a few

b. one

*c. the people

d. the aristocrats

Type: MC

2) An etiological explanation provides a(n):

a. year

*b. origin

c. end

d. solution

Type: MC

3) The lithosphere is composed of:

a. oxygen

b. electrons

*c. rock

d. paper

Type: MC

4) Necrosis is the ____ of cells.

a. generation

b. replication

c. separation

*d. death

Type: MC

5) Plutocratic rule is government by the:

*a. wealthy

b. deceased

c. religious

d. intelligent

Type: MC

6) An onomastic explanation explains the:

a. gender

*b. name

c. age

d. size

Type: MC

7) A nautical journey occurs:

a. in a forest

*b. on the sea

c. through the desert

d. through outer space

Type: MC

8) Those on the periphery are:

*a. near the boundaries

b. in the middle

c. high above

d. far away from

Type: MC

9) Phonology is the study of:

a. light

b. movement

c. jealousy

*d. sound

Type: MC

10) A pantheon honors:

a. the god of the woodlands

*b. all the gods

c. the Olympian gods

d. the Cthonic gods

Type: MC

11) polyglot:

a. intelligent

b. omnivorous

c. fossil

*d. linguist

Type: MC

12) metropolis:

*a. capital

b. subterranean

c. suburb

d. country

Type: MC

13) panacea:

a. cosmetic

b. dessert

*c. remedy

d. cocktail

Type: MC

14) necroscopy

a. list of deaths

b. microscope

*c. post-mortem

d. investigation

Type: MC

15) pantograph:

a. green ink

*b. writing device

c. squared paper

d. large chart

Type: MC

16) psychopathic:

a. very sick

b. homicidal

c. starved

*d. mentally ill

Type: MC

17) martyrdom:

a. festival

b. holiness

*c. suffering

d. hard work

Type: MC

18) etymology:

a. insects

b. history

c. classification

*d. semantics

Type: MC

19) homogeneous

a. hereditary

b. obscene

c. descended

*d. uniform

Type: MC

20) stenography:

*a. shorthand

b. map making

c. calendar

d. sports writing

Type: MC

21) dogmatic

a. ecclesiastical

b. presumptuous

*c. assertive

d. wild

Type: MC

22) prognosticate:

a. be an atheist

b. chewing

*c. predict

d. fall asleep

Type: MC

23) homochromatic:

a. musical scale

*b. one color

c. flying machine

d. timeless

Type: MC

24) nephologist:

*a. student of the clouds

b. dentist

c. ear doctor

d. kidney doctor

Type: MC

25) hipparch:

a. jungle beast

b. pelvic

c. bridle

*d. cavalry leader

Type: MC

26) scleroderma:

a. inner layer of skin

b. skin graft

*c. skin disorder

d. joint ache

Type: MC

27) toxemia:

a. making arrows

*b. blood poison

c. sweat and blood

d. love of archery

Type: MC

28) philology:

*a. scholarship

b. locomotive

c. study of eggs

d. religion

Type: MC

29) pyromania:

a. red flower

b. love of towers

*c. craze for fire

d. music craze

Type: MC

30) bathysphere:

a. underwater cave

b. mountain

*c. diving tank

d. environment

Type: MC

31) Based on the Greek root, Philippos delights in:

a. weapons

*b. horses

c. the sun

d. the earth

Type: MC

32) Based on the Greek root, Agathon was considered:

a. ugly

b. lazy

*c. good

d. poor

Type: MC

33) Based on the Greek root, Theodorus was the ____ of the god.

a. beloved

b. enemy

c. priest

*d. gift

Type: MC

34) Based on the Greek root, Philokrates is:

a. arrogant

*b. a lover of power

c. a lover of horses

d. a wine mixer

Type: MC

35) Based on the Greek root, a father who names his daughter Eunice commemorates a:

a. good crop

b. bad fortune

*c. great victory

d. comedy

Type: MC

36) fear of insects:

a. entomology

b. arachnophobia

*c. entomophobia

d. triskaidekaphobia

Type: MC

37) capable of making one's own decisions:

a. autositic

b. autistic

*c. autonomous

d. autocratic

Type: MC

38) carved from a single stone:

*a. monolithic

b. monophyletic

c. mystic

d. mesolithic

Type: MC

39) the hate of women:

a. misanthropy

*b. misogyny

c. mystic

d. polygamy

Type: MC

40) study of legends:

a. lexicology

b. epicurism

c. synergy

*d. mythology


Type: MC

1) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: neoPHYTE

*a. plant

b. egg

c. child

d. mud

Type: MC

2) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: TECHNOcracy

*a. skill

b. power

c. wisdom

d. ruler

Type: MC

3) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: CYCLone

a. wind

b. dust

*c. circle

d. twist

Type: MC

4) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: lycANTHROPe

a. wolf

*b. man

c. flower

d. mourning

Type: MC

5) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: enDEMic

*a. people

b. rule

c. demon

d. house

Type: MC

6) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: CACophany

a. nice

*b. bad

c. loud

d. heated

Type: MC

7) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: ecLECTic

a. eat

*b. choose

c. die

d. read

Type: MC

8) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: DENDRite

a. nerve

b. root

*c. tree

d. node

Type: MC

9) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: MYRiad

a. few

b. none

c. flashing

*d. ten thousand

Type: MC

10) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: DECathlete

a. five

b. seven

*c. ten

d. many

Type: MC

11) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: PANorama

*a. many

b. few

c. view

d. all

Type: MC

12) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: pseudoNYM

a. alias

b. hidden

*c. name

d. foot

Type: MC

13) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: hydroPHOBIA

*a. fear

b. water

c. fire

d. elation

Type: MC

14) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: TERAtology

a. monster

*b. marvel

c. march

d. land

Type: MC

15) Give the meaning to that of the Greek element that is CAPITALIZED: PACHYderm

a. hot

b. heavy

c. smooth

*d. thick

Type: MC

16) Oligarchy is rule by:

a. the people

b. the rich

c. the military

*d. the few

Type: MC

17) Dysentery is the ___ of the bowels.

a. removal

*b. inflammation

c. strengthening

d. slicing

Type: MC

18) A toponym is the name of a ____.

*a. place

b. god

c. animal

d. peak

Type: MC

19) When in a gymnasium, one should literally be ____.

*a. naked

b. sweating

c. running

d. alone

Type: MC

20) One who gives isagogical remarks is

a. teaching

b. muttering

c. joking

*d. introducing

Type: MC

21) A polymorphic monster:

a. runs fast

b. has many teeth

*c. assumes many shapes

d. has thick fur

Type: MC

22) An etiological explanation provides

a. a year

b. a solution

*c. an origin

d. an end

Type: MC

23) A pantheon concerns

a. the cthonic gods

*b. all the gods

c. the gods of the flute

d. the Olympian gods

Type: MC

24) a necropolis is

a. a destroyed city

b. a citadel

*c. a cemetery

d. a colony

Type: MC

25) A monolith is

*a. carved from one block of stone

b. made of obsidian

c. an upright grave marker

d. a single leader

Type: MC

26) The name Theodore means ___ of God.

a. beloved

b. priest

c. defender

*d. gift

Type: MC

27) The name Phillip means he loves:

a. waterfalls

*b. horses

c. girls

d. poetry

Type: MC

28) The name Sophia means:

*a. wisdom

b. grace

c. beauty

d. temperance

Type: MC

29) The name Nick should, technically speaking, always

a. talk

b. get hurt

*c. win

d. guess correctly

Type: MC

30) The name Eugene means that he has good

a. health

b. height

*c. ancestry

d. brains

Type: MC

31) Polyphemus has many

a. sheep

b. eyes

*c. speeches

d. bones

Type: MC

32) Based on his name, George would make a good

*a. farmer

b. lawyer

c. doctor

d. geologist

Type: MC

33) Based on her name, Stephanie would rather wear

a. gold robes

*b. a wreath

c. perfume

d. a toga

Type: MC

34) Based on her name, Angela will grow up to become

a. a caretaker