
415 Spring Street

Martinsburg, PA 16662

Phone: (814) 793-2014

Fax: (814) 793-9447

July 30, 2015

Dear Families of MES Students,

Summer vacation is quickly coming to an end. As you know, our district has undergone a large amount of change over the summer. The most important change to note is that Martinsburg Elementary will now be the proud home of all Spring Cove School District intermediate students (grades 3, 4, and 5)! We are busily preparing for the first day of school, which will be on Tuesday, August 25th. Please note a few important highlights regarding MES in this letter.

Bus Transportation: The business office continues to work diligently on the transportation plan. Please be patient as we work through this process. You will be notified of your child’s bus stop location, departure times, and bus numbers prior to the start of the school year.

Change in Daily Transportation: Any changes of student transportation arrangements (walker* notes, change in bus) must be communicated to the office by the parent/guardian. We strongly recommend this communication is in the form of a note submitted to the office by 9:30am. Please know that we will be minimizing classroom interruptions and find it best for a child to know his/her transportation plans each day as they arrive to school. Consistent transportation plans are the safest arrangements for a child.

NOTE: If an emergency arises and transportation has to change for the day, please call the office no later than 3:00pm.

* “Walker” is the term we use to identify students who are being transported home via private transportation. If your child attended Spring Cove Elementary last year, you knew these students to be “car riders.”

Student Arrival/Dismissal by Private Vehicle: Please be mindful of the traffic flow in the morning and afternoon.

AM - Vehicles are to pull in the upper entrance, drive around to the curb (pull forward until you are parallel with the end of the building), drop your child off, and pull away carefully. Please drop students off between 8:15am and 8:40am. Proper supervision of children is not available prior to 8:15am. Thank you in advance for your cooperation to strictly follow this important rule for the safety of your children.

NOTE: If you need to come into the office for anything, please park your vehicle in a parking space and walk in the front doors.

PM - Please enter the property via the entrance by the park. Drive up the street, past the pool, and follow the road past the pavilions. This will bring you in on the other side of our playground. Please do not enter the area until the gate is opened. Vehicles are not permitted past the gate until after students are off the playground for the day. Recess may occur until 3:15pm. Park in between the basketball hoops, and walk to the doorway at the end of the building to sign your child out. Times for walker pick-up will be communicated prior to the start of school.

Student Handbook: Your child will receive a copy of the 2015-16 Student Handbook at Meet the Teacher night or on the first day of school. Please take time to read this handbook for important school information. A letter confirming your receipt and review of the handbook will be sent home with your child. Please be sure to sign and return the letter to school.

Breakfast & Lunch Prices:

Breakfast - $1.15

Lunch - $1.90

Extra Milk - $0.40

Child Custody Records: Please contact the office immediately to update necessary child custody documents. It is imperative that we have the correct custody arrangements on file.

PSSAs: PSSA testing occurs in every grade level at MES. Your cooperation and support during this time of year will be especially important. Please be conscientious of these dates as you plan doctor appointments, trips, etc.. We strongly encourage your child to be in attendance as much as possible during the PSSA testing window. The state testing schedule for 2015-16 is as follows:

April 11-15, 2016 PSSA English Language Arts (Grades 3, 4, 5)

April 18-22, 2016 PSSA Math Assessment (Grades 3, 4, 5)

April 25-29, 2016 PSSA Science Assessment (Grade 4 only)

May 2-6, 2016 PSSA Make-Ups

The 2015-16 school year is going to bring about many changes for all of us. Please know that we are here to help your child succeed. I am looking forward to working with you and your children throughout this coming school year!


Mrs. Kendra A. Pritchett

MES Principal

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