Engineering Projects (India) Limited
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
NERO/MMD/644/005 Dated :29.12.2010
Tender for Construction of Border Out Post at various locations along Indo-Bangladesh Border in the state of Mizoram
1.0 Engineering Projects (India) Ltd. (A. Govt. of India Enterprises) invites the sealed percentage rate tender on behalf of Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India from well equipped, experience, financially sound Contractors / eligible Firms for the following works:
Sl. No / Name of Work / Estimated Cost / Earnest Money Deposit / CompletionPeriod
1 / Construction of 2 Nos. Platoon Level BOP along Indo-Bangladesh Border in the State of Mizoram at following locations:
JARRALCHURI (BP 2348/2RB) / Rs. 9.50 Crore
(Rupees Nine Crore Fifty Lakh only) / Rs.9,50,000.00
(Rupees Nine Lakh Fifty Thousand
only) / 08
(Eight ) Month
The detailed scope of work is given in the tender document.
Time schedule of tender activities.
i)Date & Time of sale of Tender Documents :29.12.2010 to 10.01.2011 up to 17.00Hrs.IST
ii) Last Date & Time of Submission of Tenders:12.01.2011up to 15.00 Hrs.IST
iii) Date & Time of Opening of Envelope-1 : 12.01.2011 at 15.30 Hrs. IST
(Techno-Commercial Bid)
Contractors who fulfil the following basic qualifying criteria are eligible to participate in this tender. The joint ventures are not accepted.
- Should have completed during last 7 (Seven) yearsfollowing “Similar works” out of which at least one work should be with Central / State Govt. Organization / Autonomous Body/PSU (i.e. completed after 31.03.2003).
i)Three similar works each of costing minimum 30% of the estimated cost of this work.
ii)Two similar works each of costing minimum 40% of the estimated cost of this work.
iii) One similar work costing minimum 70% of the estimated cost of this work.
-The ‘similar works’ shall mean “construction of buildings including electrical, plumbing and related infrastructural development works”.
-The cost of free issue materials shall not be included in the completion cost of works.
-For evaluation purpose, the completion cost of works mentioned in the completion certificate shall be enhanced by 10% per annum till the end of month prior to date of NIT.
- Should have had Average Annual Financial Turnover of not less than 30% of the estimated cost of the work in the last three years ending 31.03.2010 duly certified by a Chartered Accountant.
- Should not have incurred any loss in more than two years during the last five years ending 31.03.2010. Copies of balance sheet / certificate from Chartered Accountant to be submitted.
- Should have a solvency of 40% of the estimated cost issued by a Bank. The Solvency Certificate should not have been issued earlier that one year of last date of submission of the tender.
- Should have valid PermanentAccount Number of Income Tax.
- Should have valid PF Registration No.
- It is desired that the bidder should have valid VAT Registration number in the State of Mizoram. In case the bidder do not have valid VAT registration number, the same shall be obtained by the successful bidder within one month from the date of LOI or before release of 1st R/A bill whichever is earlier.
- Should have latest States Tax Clearance Certificate.
The above documents should be enclosed in sequential order.
Even though an applicant may satisfy the eligibility criteria, EPI reserves the right for not issuing the tender document if he has record poor performance such as abandoning work, not properly completing the work, delay in completion of work, poor quality of work, financial failure/ weakness etc.
2.0Mode of submission:
The tender is to be submitted in two separate sealed covers marked as under:
ENVELOPE-1This shall contain tender fees credential, pre-qualification documents (GCC, ,Additional Condition of Contract,Technical Specification etc), EMD, letter of undertaking, techno-commercial bids etc.
ENVELOPE-2This shall contain only “price bid”.
(a)The tenderer who shall download the tender documents directly from EPI’s website they have to submit tender fees of `10,000.00 (Rupees Ten Thousand only) (Non-Refundable) by Crossed Demand Draft favouring “Engineering Projects (India) Ltd.”, payable at Guwahati along with their bid in Envelop 1.
(b)First, Envelope-1 of the tender/bid shall be opened. Tenderers who un-conditionally accept the tender conditions, deposit the required Earnest Money, who meets the qualifying criteria mentioned in clause no. 1.0 (A) to (H) of NIT and whose Techno-Commercial Bid along with PQ Documents is found suitable shall be considered for the opening of their Price Bid and Envelope-2 of such tenderers shall only be opened. The Tenders not accompanied by requisite Earnest Money and / or not conveying un-conditional acceptance of tender conditions and / or not meeting the qualifying criteria or whose Techno-Commercial Bid and PQ Documents are not found aceptable, shall be rejected and such tenderer shall not be allowed to attend Price Bid opening i.e. opening of Envelope-2.
3.0Unit Rates shown in the BOQ for DSR ítems are of DSR 2007 rates without cost index and for Non DSR ítems, these are calculated on the basis of the present market rates. Tenderers are required to quote on % (percentage) basis accordingly.
4.0Tenderer has to submit the confirmation letter whether they are registered under MSMEAct or not, if so, relevant copy of the registration letter in to be attached. In Envelop-1
5.0 Tender documents comprising of the following are available on the website of EPI:
i)Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
ii)General Conditions of Contract (GCC available under tab titled Tenders) - Vol.I
(iii)Addendum to General Conditions of Contract
iv) Additional Conditions of Contract.- Vol.-II A
v) Technical Specification
vi) Price Bid
vii) Bill of Quantites
6.0The complete tender documents are available on the website and the same can be downloaded by the intending bidders directly from EPI website. The tender fees of Rs. 10,000.00 (Rupees Ten Thousand only) (Non-Refundable) by Crossed Demand Draft /Pay Order favouring “Engineering Projects (India) Ltd.”, payable at Guwahati shall be submitted by thebidder while collecting the tender /Drawings.Relevant experience certificates and other documents as mentioned above CI 1.0 (A) to 1.0 (H) duly attested by Gazetted Officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent or Notary Public fulfilling the qualifying criteria shall be enclosed in Envelope-1. Completion Certificates from clients shall be in the name of the Company who is submitting the tender. The bidder has to produce original documents for verification at the time of opening of tender or as and when demanded. The Tender of any tenderer shall be rejected if on detailed scrutiny, documents submitted along with the tender are found to be unsatisfactory. The decision of EPI in this regard shall be final and binding on the tenderer.
Tender documents can also be obtained from Office of General Manager, Engineering Projects (India) Ltd., Vastava Complex 1st Floor, Tripura Road,Jaya Nagar, Beltala, Guwahati – 781028 (Assam)from 11.00 Hrs to 17.00 Hrson all working days (Monday to Friday) except Public Holidays, on submission of request letter along with tender fees of Rs. 10,000.00 (Rupees Ten Thousand only)(Non-Refundable) by Crossed Demand Draft favouring “Engineering Projects (India) Ltd.”, payable at Guwahati and relevant experience certificates and other documents as mentioned above (CI.1.0. (A) to 1.0 (H) duly attested by Gazetted Officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer or Engineer or equivalent or Notary Public) fulfilling the qualifying criteria. Issuance of Tender Documents Notary. Tenderershall, however, not construe that the tenderer is considered qualified for the tender work and the same may be rejected if on detailed scrutiny, the documents submitted alongwith the ten der are found to be unsatisfactory. Decision of EPI in this regard shall be final and binding of the Tenderer.
Tender drawings shall be collected from the Office of General Manager, Engineering Projects (India) Ltd., 1st Floor, Vastav Complex, Jaya Nagar ,Tripura Road, Guwahati-781028 from 10.00 Hrs to 17.00 Hrs on all working days (Monday to Friday) except Public Holidays up to last day and time of sale of tender document.
7.0All Tenders shall be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit as stated above. This can be in the form ofCrossed Demand Draft or Pay Order of any Nationalized Bank / Scheduled Bank for the full amount of EMD payable favouring, “Engineering Projects (India) Ltd.”, payable at Guwahati or in the form of Bank Guarantee of any Nationalized Bank / Scheduled Banks, accordance with the prescribed proforma, favouring “Engineering Projects (India) Ltd., Guwahati”. The EMD shall be valid for minimum period of 150 days (One Hundred Fifty Days) from the last day of submission of Tender. Tenders submitted without EMD or with inadequate amount of EMD shall be rejected.
8.0 EPI shall engage specialized agency /professional Architect for preparation of drawing and design and bill of quantities. The cost towards the same should be reimbursed by the contractor @1.5% (one point five percent)of the awarded value of work in four equal installment from 1st RA Bill onwards. However, the contractor has to carry out the detail survey as per drawing for the execution of work at his own cost and as per his requirement.
9.0The Terms & Conditions contained in this NIT and tender documents should be applicable.
10.0In case of any unscheduled holiday taken place on the last day of issue of Tender/ submission of tender, the next working day will be treated as scheduled day and time for issue/ submission of tender.
11.0Incase of tie-tender, where two firms are biding lowest, EPI reserves the right to split the work among these bidders and / or EPI will reserve the right to award the tender to any one of such bidder.
12.0EPI reserves the right to accept any tender of reject any or all tenders or annul this tendering process without assigning any reason and liability whatsoever and to re-invite tender at its sole discretion. The corrigendum, extension, cancellation of this NIT, if any, shall be given on the EPI’s website The intending tenderers are requested to visit the EPI’s website regularly for this purpose.
The tender documents shall be issued by and submitted to:
General Manager (MMD - Contract)
Vastava Complex,
1st Floor, Tripura Road
Jayanagar, Beltala, Guwahati
Pin – 781028
TEL. NO: 0361-2234685, 0361-2229982
FAX NO. 0361-2229983
Signature of Contractor 1 EPI