Indirect ISE / Direct ISE
Glucose (mg/dL) / Na+
(mmol/L) / K+
(mmol/L) / Cl
(mmol/L) / Na+
(mmol/L) / K+
(mmol/L) / Cl
91.3 / 151.2±1.92 / 3.39±0.03 / 119.6±2.07 / 146.2±0.83 / 3.44±0.07 / 108.6±1.01
251.57 / 151.4±1.14 / 3.38±0.04 / 118.8±1.64 / 144.8±0.44 / 3.34±0.07 / 108.8±0.4
319.04 / 151.6±2.79 / 3.34±0.04 / 119.4±1.67 / 145±0.0 / 3.32±0.01 / 108.4±0.48
857 / 151.0±1.58 / 3.36±0.03 / 119.4±1.14 / 147±0.44 / 3.31±0.14 / 108.2±0.4
1103 / 150.6±2.88 / 3.33±0.06 / 118.8±2.04 / 147.0±0.0 / 3.30±0.14 / 108.6±0.55
1386 / 149.8±1.92 / 3.33±0.02 / 117.8±0.44 / 146.8±0.44 / 3.3±0.11 / 108.8±0.4
2486 / 148.6±1.67c / 3.31±0.33 / 117.2±0.83 c / 147±0.0 / 3.26±0.11 / 108±0.0
3520 / 148.4±2.7 c / 3.33±0.06 / 116.8±2.16 c / 147±0.0 / 3.29±0.08 / 108±0.0
4694 / 147.8±2.16 c / 3.42±0.04 / 115.8±1.48 c / 146.8±0.44 / 3.48±0.02 / 108.4±0.48
Glucose (mmol/L) / Na+
(mmol/day) / K+
(mmol/day) / Cl-
0 / 144.7±0.17 / 34.67±-0.87 / 145.97±0.47
207.92 / 144.41±0.42 / 34.69±1.04 / 145.62±0.39
414.03 / 144.45±0.64 / 34.46±1.1 / 145.69±0.26
630.99 / 144.05±0.6 / 34.26±0.74 / 145.28±0.38
855.18 / 144.3±0.32 / 34.0±0.49 / 145.41±0.17
1075.76 / 143.93±0.16 / 33.99±0.37 / 145.04±0.20
2104.51 / 142.54±0.4d / 33.76±0.2d / 143.14±0.45d
3122.42 / 140.92±0.46d / 33.68±0.84d / 141.85±1.0d
4145.744 / 139.76±0.51d / 33.43±0.64d / 140.51±0.25d
5172.699 / 138.99±0.40d / 32.99±0.43d / 139.12±0.29d

Supplementary Table 3. Serum & Urine electrolyte levels at different Glucose concentrations

aSerum electrolyte levels by direct and indirect ISE at different Glucose concentrations.

c, significant difference between each value with respective baseline electrolyte value at glucose conc. =91.3mg/dl at the level of p<0.05 as estimated by ANOVA followed bonferroni post –test.

bUrine electrolytes levels (mmol/day) in 24 hr urine by indirect ISE at different Glucose concentrations.

d represents significant difference between each value with their respective baseline value at nil glucose conc. at the level of p<0.05 as estimated by ANOVA followed by bonferroni post –test.