Procedure 1 : Taiwan opto-package test (v1.0 5 June 01)
The opto-packages are received mounted on individual test PCBs.
- Add furcation tubing to the fibres from opto-package. Cut to the lengths below, removing inner strands. One tube per fibre (3 per package).
Dogleg 1: 279mm
Dogleg 2: 390mm
Dogleg 3: 530mm
Dogleg 4: 653mm
Dogleg 5: 782mm
Dogleg 6: 908mm
- DC test the opto-package using the Taiwan opto test board. Connect the board to bench psu and multimeter. Record results in QA folder.
(a)Insert VCSEL fibre into handheld power meter using single fibre connector. Ensure power of each VCSEL > 300W at 10mA
(b)Insert PIN fibre into bare fibre adaptor and connect to laser source (OPTIF) of power 0.1 – 1mW. Measure the voltage drop across the 1K resistor on the test board and calculate the responsivity of the PIN ensuring it is greater then 0.2A/W
- Record the colour of the fibres.
Procedure 2 : bare dogleg assembly and test
- Mount the dogleg on the single dogleg jig.
- Mount passive components (R&C’s) with reference to T.W. drawing.
- Mount module, powertape and two redundancy arm connectors with reference to Robs connector drawing.
- Continuity test the dogleg using the Labview program and the test set-up below.
Dogleg continuity test set-up
Title:Bill of Materials
Date:Jul 6 9:45:51 19101
Ref Des Part Name Part Number Manufacturer Qty
U8 AMP6CON ? ? 1
C1 CAPACITOR_0402-10N,+80%, MCH155F103Z - 1
C2 CAPACITOR_0603-100N,+80%, MCS182F104Z - 1
C3 Test Point Vset - - -
U5 CON32_5PIN ? ? 1
U2 CON38_PT1 ? ? 1
U1,U16 CON6X1X1MM ? ? 2
U13 DORIC4A ? ? 1
U3 VDC ? ? 1
R1,R3 RESISTOR_0402-100R,5%, ROHM - 2
R2 RESISTOR_0402-1K,5%, ROHM - 1
Procedure 3 : dogleg bonding
- Remove opto-package from test PCB by carefully slicing underneath it with a scalpel.
- Glue opto-package,VDC and DORIC4A chips to dog-leg with H20-E conductive adhesive. Place the components accurately using the fiducial marks on the dogleg surface. See diagram for placement details.
- Cure the adhesive at room temperature for 24hrs.
- Wire bond according to bonding diagram.
- Glue opto-package cover in place using Devcon epoxy. Ensure accurate placement of cover by using the SMT components as a guide.
Dogleg wire bonding diagram
Procedure 4 : assembled dogleg test
- Connect the power supply PCB to the powertape connector and the load module to the module connector. See diagram.
- Test TTC link.
(a)Insert PIN fibre into a BFA and connect to the OPTIF VCSEL output.
(b)Switch on dogleg power and set delays in Redlitmus using LV program.
(c)Run LV program - BER scan versus OptiF VCSEL DAC value. There should be no errors for DAC values in the range 60 to 200.
(d)Check 40 MHz clocks with scope using clock monitor.
- Data links.
(a)Insert VCSEL fibres into BFA’s and connect to OPTIF PIN inputs using MT connector.
(b)Switch on dogleg power and set delays in Redlitmus using LV program.
(c)Run LV program - BER scan versus DRX DAC value. There should be no errors for DAC values in the range x to y.
- Redundancy output.
(a)Plug in redundancy cable and check CLK1 40 MHz clock on scope.
(b)Run LV program and check COM1 TTC data.
- Following the specified numbering scheme print label using label printer and attatch to dogleg.
- Strain relief furcation tubing near opto-package on dog-leg using Devcon epoxy.
Procedure 5 : powertape asssembly and test
- Follow Robs powertape assembly drawing.
- Connect all six powertapes to PP1N in the order specified by A.Nichols drawing to make complete powertape assembly.
- Connect RAL patch panel to multiplexer and powertape assembly as shown below. Continuity test using LV program. Test each powertape in turn by changing the LVPSU socket and test module connections.
Powertape assembly test set-up
Procedure 6 : harness assembly
1. Remove the six individual doglegs from their jigs.
2Mount the six doglegs and secure in place on the harness jig following the order specified in A.Nichols drawing.
- Connect the powertape assembly to the doglegs and the redundancy arms to each other following A.Nichols drawing.
- Secure powertapes with Kapton tape.
- Fibre layout.
(a)Starting with the longest, layout the fibres in order, from the bottom to the top along the length of the powertapes. Include an extra 28mm curved length as the fibres exit the opto-package.
(b)Secure the powertape/fibre assembly at dogleg intervals with Kapton tape.
(c)Gather all the fibres and cut at a point at least 15cm past the end of the furcation tubing.
- Ribbonising.
(a)Check the fibre colour sequence is correct and separate into the 12 VCSEL and 6 PIN fibres.
(b)Lower the jig accordingly and place the 12 VCSEL fibres in the correct order into the ribboniser clamp. Make sure the fibres are equally drawn into the clamp up to the end of their furcation tubing.
(c)Close the lid firmly and bring the ribboniser jaw together, drawing the fibres together in a ribbon.
(d)Ensure the correct colour sequence at the output of the fibre holder then apply the ribbonising glue.
(e)Strip, cleave and splice the ribbon to a pre-prepared MT12 ribbon. Ensure pin1 indicators on the MT connectors are matched and that a splice protector has been added.
(f)Repeat stages (b) – (e) for the 6 PIN fibres and adjust accordingly.
section showing fibre harness layout
ribboniser set-up
Procedure 7 : harness test
- Connect insulation resistance meter to RAL patch panel and set to 500V. Test each powertape assembly individually ensuring there is no breakdown.
- Redundancy flow
(a)Connect long redundancy arm cable between dogleg 1 and 6.
(b)Plug LVDS cables into rotated positions (to be defined).
(c)Check for 40 MHz clocks on all doglegs using clock monitor and scope.
(d)Perform BER scan for TTC links using LV program.
- Check average output power on all VCSELs > 150W at 10mA drive.
- Run automated responsivity LV program. PINs> 0.4 A/W.
- Run LV program for LI scan for all VCSELs.
- Run BER scan for TTC and Data links.
- Run long BER count for TTC and Data with optimal settings for >= 24 hours. Error must not exceed 10-9
- Package barrel harness in custom box.
Procedure 7 : harness test (set-up)
- Barrel harness attatched to RAL patch panel PCB at Molex connector
- Test modules attatched at each of the six module connectors
- Electrical test cable connected to test modules 1-3 then to patch panel PCB
- Electrical test cable connected to test modules 4-6 then to patch panel PCB
- VME crate instruments connected to patch panel PCB