The Residents’ Action Council at Ohio University

260 Living Learning Center | 111 South Green Drive | Athens, Ohio 45701

740.593.9173 | |


Name:______Residence Hall:______

E-mail:______Cell Phone:______Class Standing:______

Are you in good standing with the University? (i.e. Judicial Referrals, Academic Probation, etc.) If no, please explain:


You can find a list and description of the position at the bottom of the page

Please answer the following questions on a separate, attached sheet of paper. Each answer should be a maximum of 300 words. Each applicant will be asked to give a 5 minute presentation to the General Body covering their application followed by a 3 minute Q&A session.

  1. What has been your involvement in the Residents’ Action Council and/or your hall/complex council up to this point?
  2. What skills and past experiences do you possess that will help you in your desired executive position? (Please limit your response to your top choice.)
  3. What are your goals for the upcoming year in your position?
  4. How do you believe you are qualified for the President Position, if you have not had tRAC executive experience?
  5. Why do you want to be the President of tRAC? What do you hope for the future of tRAC?
  6. Do you believe you are flexible? Seeing that you will need to adapt as a President and leader depending on the dynamic of your executives. If so, please describe.

You will also be required to sign and submit a Contract Of Understanding.

Thank you for your interest in an executive position with the Residents’ Action Council.

The Residents’ Action Council at Ohio University

260 Living Learning Center | 111 South Green Drive | Athens, Ohio 45701

740.593.9173 | |

Requirements for all positions:

  • 5 hour commitment per week, minimum:

-2 executive meetings

-1 general body meeting

-2 office hours

Adhere to the tRAC By-Laws and Constitution

The Residents’ Action Council at Ohio University

260 Living Learning Center | 111 South Green Drive | Athens, Ohio 45701

740.593.9173 | |




By completing this document I, , have stated my interest in running for the position of on the Residents Action Council executive board for the academic year of 2018-2019. In preparing for this position I have read the constitution and by-laws and fully understand the expectations for said position and will follow the rules that are set forth by said documents.

Please initial on each line saying you understand and agree to the following terms if you are elected:

_____ I understand that as a member of the 2018-2019 executive board I must attend all executive
board meeting and general body meeting weekly.

_____ I understand that in my position I will have to hold office hours for two hours a week for the academic school year.

_____ I understand that I must follow all regulations set forth by this contract and must complete the duties that are stated under my desired position.

Upon turning in my application I fully understand and accept the responsibilities that will be required of me if I were to be elected to the tRAC executive board for the academic year of 2017-2018. Questions of clarification should be sent to . By signing this document I am stating my intent to follow the expectations set forth in the tRAC constitution, tRAC by-laws and the expectations set forth by my fellow tRAC members. I am aware and understand that not meeting these expectations are grounds for impeached.

My signature also acknowledges that I give permission for the advisors of tRAC to check with University Judiciaries for any record of judicial violations on my part. I understand that any such record will be shared with the current executive board to determine whether my application will be accepted.

Signature of applicant: ______

Name Printed: Date: ______

Signature of a current Executive: ______