Heritage Football

520 Evergreen Mills Road

Leesburg, VA 20175

February 17, 2012

As the football team ends its winter workout period and heads into the spring “dead period”, I wanted to take a few moments to fill you in on our plans for the spring. Coach Smart and I have worked hard to create a lifting schedule and program that will enable all of the football players involved in a Spring Sport to continue their weight training, without interfering with their spring practice and game schedules. This schedule will work in conjunction with the workouts being performed by our athletes that are not playing a spring sport.

The “dead period” will run from February 20th through February 29th. During this time, there will be no lifting or organized activities as a part of the football program. The idea behind the “dead period” is to allow athletes interested in trying out for another sport the time needed to do so. We will restart our lifting and conditioning programs the week of March 5th.

With upwards of 45 athletes that play football being involved in a spring sport, we must ensure that we are continuing to work on our explosiveness, speed, and power during the spring season. Not only will this help you prepare for football, but it will also help you perform at your highest level during your spring sport. We are looking for each Spring Athlete to commit to coming in for two morning workouts per week. Our success in the fall has a lot to do with how we prepare in the off season. We cannot expect to be successful in the fall without committing to do what is necessary in the spring.

The schedules on the second page take into account the days when your sport has the majority of its games. The scheduled days are days when you do not play the majority of your games. If there is a change to your schedule and you have a game on one of your lifting days, do not come on a game day. Simply come in on one of the other days that week when your team does not have a game (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday). After finishing with this letter, please read the lifting schedule and Dedication Pledge. Please sign the pledge and return to Coach Williams, Coach Smart, or Coach Long by Wednesday, February 29, 2012.

We are planning on conducting portions of the Tuesday and Thursday morning Explosive Power and Speed Training sessions outside on the track. Please make sure you bring appropriate clothing for the weather with you (sweat shirt, sweat pants, hat, & gloves). If you do not have clothing appropriate for the weather, you will not be allowed to participate outdoors.

Again, I hope tryouts treat our spring athletes well. If you have any questions, please stop by and see me in Room 210, Coach Smart in the main office, or Coach Long in Room 305. The coaching staff is looking forward to seeing all of you the week of March 5th.


Coach Williams

Spring Lifting Schedules

Athletes not participating in a Spring Sport: Starting Monday, March 5th:

Monday and Friday Afternoons Tuesday and Thursday Mornings

Core Lifting Program Explosive Power and Speed Training

4:00 – 5:30 pm 7:00 – 8:00 am

For our Track Athletes: Starting Tuesday, March 6th

Tuesday and Thursday Mornings

Explosive Power and Speed Training

7:00 – 8:00 am

Lacrosse Players and Tennis Players: Starting Tuesday, March 6th

Tuesday Mornings Wednesday Mornings

Explosive Power and Speed Training Core Lifting Program

7:00 – 8:00 am 7:00 – 8:00 am

Soccer Playersand Baseball Players: Starting Wednesday, March 7th

Wednesday Mornings Thursday Mornings

Core Lifting Program Explosive Power and Speed Training

7:00 – 8:00 am 7:00 – 8:00 am

*For Tuesday and Thursday morning workouts, make sure to bring appropriate clothes for being outside (sweatshirt, sweat pants, hat, & gloves). We will be going outside when we can, but you must come prepared for the weather. If it is cold, and you are not prepared, you will not be allowed to participate outside.

Dedication Pledge

I have read the letter and spring lifting schedule sent by Coach Williams.

I understand that:

1) Academics are the reason I am in High School. If I do not succeed academically, I cannot succeed athletically. Passing 5 classes is the minimum academic requirement I must meet in order to play a sport. I do not want to simply meet the minimum requirement. I want to push the maximum of my ability.

2)My commitment to the off-season training program is just as important to my commitment and work ethic during the regular season. The success that my team and I have during the regular season is built from the hard work and sacrifices I make during the off-season.

3)Time management is essential to being involved in athletics. It is what allows me to participate without sacrificing my academic success.

4)My attendance, while not mandatory, is expected. If I cannot make a training session, I will notify a member of the coaching staff in advance.

5)Not showing up or simply going through the motions in the weight room is unacceptable. If you do these, you become a safety risk in the weight room. Injuries occur when people are not working and when they are not mentally or physically focused.

I Pledge to:

1) Dedicate myself to academic success and work to get the best grades I can.

2)Dedicate myself to being the best athlete and teammate I can be by working as hard as I can to improve my athletic ability. I will push myself to improve as a student and an athlete. I will show this commitment by achieving measurable goals in the classroom and the weight room.

3)Attend EVERY off –season workout I can. I will make my attendance a priority. If I cannot attend, I will notify a member of the coaching staff in advance. I will follow the weight room program as instructed and will track my progress. I will push those around me. I will push the maximum limits of my ability, and not settle for doing just the minimum.

4)Manage my time responsibly so that I can successfully meet the requirements of my classes and the expectations of my teammates and coaches. I will not use the excuse that “I don’t have time to”.


Student Name (Printed Neatly) Student Signature

Please Return to Coach Williams, Coach Smart, or Coach Long by Wednesday, February 29