
March 10, 2007 ACPS Region IV Meeting Agenda & suggested topics:

Regional Meeting Schedule: (Last one held, Next one planned)

  • Possibly at the June show???

National & Regional Business:

  • Regional Committee nominations: need to get rolling for 2007. Need someone to run it this year.
  • Carole/Donna – updates to share from the January BOG meeting?
  • Next Inspections
  • Hosting Annual Meeting – 2008?

Treasury: (balance, fund-raising, other expenses or income generating ideas)

  • Stephanie, updates?
  • The two Connemara stallion videos are very out of date. Would it be possible for our region to try and get a new video together for the ACPS as a sort of fund raiser?
  • Other ideas

Annual Show:

  • Donna, updates?

Regional Store:

  • Carole, updates?


  • News/photos/birth announcements/stories/etc to me for the Spring newsletter; Kate’s new email address is

Other Activities (Connemara Camaraderie and Promotional Opportunities: e.g. Trail Ride, Horse Fair Exhibitions, Connemara Hunter divisions)

  • Ideas Anyone??

Breeding/Performance: (foals born, stallions standing, performance accomplishments, etc.)

Calendar of Upcoming Activities

  • June 9, 2007 ACPS Region 4 Show - Canterbury

Meeting Minutes from the 03/10/07 meeting at Vanessa Morgan's farm:


*Our next meeting will be held at the Region IV show in Florida on the evening of June 9th. We will select someone at this meeting to handle the regional committee nominations for 2007.

*We would like to have another regional trail ride in July.

Updates from annual BOG meeting

*A Premium Stallion Program has been approved. Stallions must be 8 years or older and have produced at least one foal to be considered for the inspection. A stallion must receive all very good or excellent marks to earn the Premium status.

*The ACPS is looking into using Paypal to facilitate online membership/renewal, classified ads, registration fees, etc.

*They discussed the possibility of getting the stud books online.

*There is a possibility that some of the ACPS regions will be reorganized. This would not affect the Eastern regions; it would be out West.

*There is discussion to eliminate the national store and just have stores per each region. This would rid of the fees to use the ACPS logo on merchandise.

National Promotions

*Nicole Haas has volunteered to work on Connemara advertisements for big magazines, ie Practical Horseman.


*We're not sure if we will have inspections in our region this year, as there hasn't been to many people inquiring about it. We discussed trying to set up a routine schedule for inspections, ie every other year.

*We will discuss this further at the June show meeting in hopes that more members of our region will be there to help formulate a decision.

National Meeting

*Our region was asked to run the National meeting for this year, 2007, but we deferred and it is supposed to be in CA. However, we are interested in running it the next time the meeting is held on the East Coast.

Regional Promotions

*Megan B Harris has suggested that our region produce a new and up to date stallion showcase video. Some of you may have seen the older videos that the ACPS store sells, however, most of the stallions featured are deceased, gelded, or quite old.She thought it would not only be a great fundraiser for our region, but very beneficial for everyone. We will collect videos from stallion owners (and possibly farms that just want to advertise their ponies but may not stand a stallion) and then have the videos formatted and compiled. Megan is currently looking into pricing to have the video made.

*Rachel is generously donating some of her time to make items for our publicity box. She is going to sew a table skirt and banner for the promotion of the Connemara breed and our region. The publicity box will be used at our region shows and would be available for our members to take to other shows to promote our ponies.

*We would also like our regional scapbook to be a part of the publicity box to showcase our farms and ponies. We need someone to volunteer to maintain and update the book.

Regional Store

*We are planning to sell polo shirts from our regional store this year. They will feature our logo and we plan on having several colors to choose from. Dark green, bright blue, and cranberry red have been suggested so far.

*We would also like to produce a travel coffee mug (the insulated kind with a lid) with our regional logo on it to sell from our store.


*Our next newsletter will go out in June. The deadline to submit information is May 15th! Please send in any new information you have about your farm, ponies,ponies for sale,and hopefully new foals! We are planning on having our newsletter go out bi-annually, in June (after most of the foals are born) and the beginning of December (after the show season comes to a close). Send all info to Kate Denton, her new email is .

June Regional Show

*Donna Duckworth reports that everything is running smoothly in preparation for the region show. We do, however, need class sponsors. It is $25 to sponsor a class and your name and/or farm name will be announced when the class is. A class list will be available soon and you can sign up for sponsorship then.

Breeding/Performance Updates in our Region

*Donna Duckworth has a brand new dun filly by *Gunsmoke and out of Elphin Chickadee. She also is the new co-owner of Fern Vale Matchmaker, a coming yearling colt by Hazy Match (Hazy Dawn) and out of a Abbeyleix Owen mare.

*We all got to see Vanessa Morgan's new filly, Foothills Caroline, who was born Friday morning before the clinic! Caroline is by *Gunsmoke and out of Foothills River Queen.

*Ann Bush informed us that Peggy Czwalis standinga lovely colt, Bailey's Irish Dream, by Balius Turlough (now gelded) and out of Beacon's Siobhan.