Psychology 101: Introduction to Psychology

Chapter 10: Practice Questions

1. / Regarding the definition of personality, all but which of the following belong?
A) / Relatively unstable
B) / Psychological characteristics
C) / Behavioral patterns
D) / Accounting for individuality and consistency
E) / Environmental adaptation
2. / Freud developed an approach to personality called ______theory.
A) / psychoanalytic
B) / trait
C) / social-cognitive
D) / humanistic
E) / levels of consciousness
3. / In Freudian theory, the level of consciousness that corresponds to our current level of awareness is the
A) / unconscious.
B) / conscious.
C) / preconscious.
D) / superego.
E) / ego.
4. / Using an iceberg analogy, the tip of the iceberg is most like which level of consciousness in Freud's theory?
A) / Preconscious
B) / Unconscious
C) / Ego
D) / Conscious
E) / Superego
5. / Id, ego, and superego refer to which component of psychoanalytic theory?
A) / They describe the levels of consciousness.
B) / They are types of defense mechanisms.
C) / They describe the stages of psychosexual development.
D) / They are methods of psychoanalytic therapy.
E) / They describe the structure of personality.
6. / Using the iceberg analogy, which personality structure(s) lies completely below the water?
A) / Superego and ego
B) / Ego and id
C) / Superego and id
D) / Superego only
E) / Id only
7. / From the psychoanalytic perspective, it is possible for a person to unconsciously banish unacceptable wishes, urges, and impulses. This type of motivated forgetting, thought by Freud to be a primary defense mechanism, is called
A) / sublimation.
B) / repression.
C) / regression.
D) / reaction formation.
E) / projection.
8. / According to Freud, the purpose of defense mechanisms is to
A) / satisfy the id.
B) / destroy the id.
C) / prevent threatening thoughts from attaining awareness.
D) / unite the id and superego.
E) / protect the superego from troubling impulses.
9. / After 6-year-old Samantha's baby brother was born, she started to have temper tantrums the way she had when she was two. This may be a case of
A) / repression.
B) / regression.
C) / projection.
D) / displacement.
E) / sublimation.
10. / Ingmar's boss ridiculed him in front of the whole office. When Ingmar returns home, he yells at his wife and children and kicks his dog. This is an example of
A) / projection.
B) / reaction formation.
C) / regression.
D) / displacement.
E) / sublimation.
11. / It is often said of substance abusers that the first step in recovery is admitting they have a problem. In Freudian terms, we might say they need to overcome
A) / projection.
B) / denial.
C) / reaction formation.
D) / rationalization.
E) / displacement.
12. / Angela unconsciously despises old people. Yet, she volunteers two days each week at a retirement home. This is a classic case of
A) / regression.
B) / displacement.
C) / reaction formation.
D) / sublimation.
E) / projection.
13. / Rapists sometimes defend their actions by saying, “she asked for it.” This is an example of
A) / denial.
B) / displacement.
C) / sublimation.
D) / projection.
E) / regression.
14. / Rodina has suffered from substance abuse for many years. She stopped using and now competes in extreme sports. She may be demonstrating
A) / projection.
B) / displacement.
C) / rationalization.
D) / regression.
E) / sublimation.
15. / Ruth has conflicting feelings about getting married that she has not allowed to enter her consciousness. On the night before her wedding, Ruth says, “Tomorrow I'm going to my funeral.” Ruth's comment is an example of a(n)
A) / displacement.
B) / projection.
C) / rationalization.
D) / inferiority complex.
E) / Freudian slip.
16. / What is the correct ordering of Freud's psychosexual stages of development?
A) / Anal, oral, latency, phallic, genital
B) / Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
C) / Oral, anal, latency, phallic, genital
D) / Oral, phallic, anal, latency, genital
E) / Anal, oral, phallic, latency, genital
17. / Jung believed that similarities among cultures in dream images, art, and religious symbols are explained by the
A) / personal unconscious.
B) / collective unconscious.
C) / creative self.
D) / cultural consciousness.
E) / reality principle.
18. / Mahatma Gandhi's lifelong commitment to non-violent solutions to social problems would likely be considered an example of a(n) ______trait.
A) / ordinal
B) / central
C) / secondary
D) / cardinal
E) / primary
19. / In Allport's view, cardinal traits are
A) / the most pervasive characteristics of one's personality.
B) / basic building blocks of personality.
C) / specific preferences.
D) / fluctuating patterns of behavior.
E) / superficial traits inferred from observation.
20. / Allport proposed ______types of traits in the personality, and they are called _____.
A) / 2; internal and external locus of control
B) / 5; neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness
C) / 3; introversion-extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism
D) / 2; surface and source traits
E) / 3; cardinal, central, and secondary traits
21. / _____'s model of personality describes personality in terms of three major traits: introversion-extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism.
A) / Cattell
B) / Eysenck
C) / Allport
D) / Freud
E) / Jung
22. / Cathleen takes the 16PF test of personality. This test will measure Cathleen's _____ traits.
A) / source
B) / surface
C) / central
D) / primary
E) / cardinal
23. / Current research on the “factors” of personality suggests that there are _____ major personality factors that best describe human personality.
A) / thousands of
B) / hundreds of
C) / twenty-four
D) / sixteen
E) / five
24. / The construct of ______represents the belief that behavior involves an interrelationship between personality traits and situational factors.
A) / eclecticism
B) / interactive associationism
C) / reciprocal determinism
D) / self-efficacy expectations
E) / interactionism
25. / The idea of reciprocal determinism was developed by
A) / Bandura.
B) / Rotter.
C) / Skinner.
D) / Cattell.
E) / Mischel.
26. / Which of the following best describes Bandura's ideas about the relationship between behavior, cognition, and environment?
A) / Cognitions, behaviors, and the environment mutually influence each other.
B) / Cognitions influence behaviors that, in turn, influence the environment.
C) / Behaviors influence cognitions that, in turn, influence the environment.
D) / The environment and cognitions jointly influence behavior.
E) / The environment influences cognitions and behavior.
27. / Who are the two main contributors to the humanistic perspective?
A) / Jung and Adler
B) / Bandura and Rotter
C) / Cattell and Allport
D) / Murray and Rorschach
E) / Maslow and Rogers
28. / According to humanists, personality is
A) / one's consistent manner of behavior.
B) / the interaction between genes and environment.
C) / the expression of conscious experience of directing ourselves towards achieving our own unique potentials.
D) / determined by reinforcement and punishment.
E) / based on a hierarchy of pervasive characteristics.
29. / Roger used the term ______to describe acceptance of a person's basic worth under any circumstance.
A) / unconditional positive regard
B) / self-actualization
C) / self-esteem
D) / subjective value
E) / conditional positive regard
30. / Generalizing from Roger's ideas about positive regard, which tactic should parents take with their children?
A) / Prize their children regardless of their behavior at any particular time.
B) / Accept all of their children's behavior.
C) / Bestow approval on their children only when they behave properly.
D) / Teach their children to judge their behavior based on whether or not they meet other people's expectations.
E) / Reward their children for appropriate behavior and ignore their inappropriate behavior.
31. / The belief that people's character and mental abilities could be judged by the patterns of bumps on their skull is called
A) / psychometrics.
B) / psychophysics.
C) / phrenology.
D) / psychokinesis.
E) / projective testing.
32. / ______are the most widely used method for learning about personality today.
A) / Formal personality tests
B) / Case studies
C) / Observational techniques
D) / Experimental studies
E) / Phrenological studies
33. / A(n) ______culture is one that emphasizes social roles and obligations.
A) / archetypal
B) / self-actualized
C) / individualistic
D) / humanistic
E) / collectivistic
34. / Jacob and his friends like to lie around on summer days, stare up at the clouds, and tell each other what they see in the clouds. Their activity is most like which test of personality?
A) / The Thematic Apperception Test
B) / The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
C) / The Rorschach test
D) / The 16PF
E) / The Eysenck Personality Inventory
35. / Wanda takes a personality test in which she is required to tell stories in response to a series of ambiguous pictures? Which test is Wanda taking?
A) / Rorschach test
B) / Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
C) / Eysenck Personality Inventory
D) / Thematic Apperception Test
E) / 16PF

Answer Key

1. / A
2. / A
3. / B
4. / D
5. / E
6. / E
7. / B
8. / C
9. / B
10. / D
11. / B
12. / C
13. / D
14. / E
15. / E
16. / B
17. / B
18. / D
19. / A
20. / E
21. / B
22. / A
23. / E
24. / E
25. / A
26. / A
27. / E
28. / C
29. / A
30. / A
31. / C
32. / A
33. / E
34. / C
35. / D