The Board of Aldermen will hold a public hearing followed by their regular meeting at the TrinityFamilyChurch on FM 1641 and Interstate 20 in Talty, Texas on Tuesday,June 10, 2008, at 7:00P.M. to consider the following:
- Swear in newly-elected Aldermen
- Call meeting to order and announce a Quorum
- Pledge of Allegiance - All rise please
- Adjourn regular meeting and enter into public hearing for the following:
Revised Preliminary Plat for Phase 2 and Phase 3 of Layden Farms with the following variances: (1) side-yard setbacks on corner lots from 75’ to 45’; (2) rear of lots 5 & 6, Block G, toward side of lot 4, Block A; and (3) six-foot perimeter wood fence around the subdivision.
- Adjourn public hearing and resume regular meeting
- Citizens Participation
- Action Items:
1.Elect Mayor Pro-Tem.
2.Revised Preliminary Plat for Phase 2 and Phase 3 of Layden Farms with the following variances: (1) side-yard setbacks on corner lots from 75’ to 45’; (2) rear lots of 5 & 6, Block G, toward side of lot 4, Block A; and (3) six-foot perimeter wood fence around the subdivision.
3.Discuss and take action on approving bank for depository accounts.
4.Approve March Financials.
- Approve minutes of May 13, 2008.
- As authorized by Section 551.074 of the Texas Local Government Code,
the Board may convene into closed executive session for the purpose of evaluation of the Police Chief
- Reopen meeting and take any necessary action from Executive Session
- Discussion Items:
- Comments from Judge Ashcroft
- Report from Chief Jason West
- Updates on development in and around Talty
- Aldermen updates
IX. Adjourn
This meeting may be convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the Town Attorney on any agenda item listed herein, as authorized by Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code.
This building is wheelchair accessible. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours ahead of meeting. To make arrangements, call (972) 552-9592 or (TDD) 1-800-RELAY-TX (1-800-735-2989) TO REACH 972-552-9592.
I hereby certify that this agenda was posted at Town Hall located at 9550 Helms Trail, Suite 500 in Talty by 7:00 PM on Saturday, June 7, 2008.
Todd W. Hutton, Mayor