October 2015
George Peabody Elementary
3101 Raydell Place Dallas TX 75211
T: 972-794-5200
From the Desk of Mrs. Hall:Greetings Peabody Family!
Peabody Elementary School has been off to a great start for the 2015-2016 school year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and guardians for their support in helping to make this a successful school year. We are Charging Boldly into a Bright Future!
On our journey to success, it is important that we establish a partnership between home and school to best support student achievement. This close partnership is one of things we are striving for this year at Peabody Elementary School.Throughout the year we encourage all parents and guardians to develop that partnership in a wide variety of ways. There are several ways to become involved in your child’s education including joining the PTA, volunteering in the classroom, helping at school wide events, attending parent meetings, reading to your child, helping your child with homework and helping in many other ways.
It is important to your child that you are involved in some way at school. It is a way to let your child know you think his or her school is important. One simple way to become involved is to communicate with your child’s teacher on a regular basis. An easy way to do this is to register for the Parent Portal. The Parent Portal allows parents and guardians to access their child’s grades, attendance, and assignments, setup alerts for grades and attendance, and it even provides a link to e-mail teachers or leave them an electronic note.
Please stop by the main office to pick up a verification code and instructions on registering for Parent Portal. You will need a picture identification card to receive a verification code prior to registering. We will be providing opportunities during our school meetings in October (PTA and Parent Conferences) for parents and guardians to register for Parent Portal.
Please check out our website at It is updated and has lots of important information about our school. Also, we do have a Facebook page where we post upcoming events. Moreover, we send home flyers regularly with upcoming events. These are all ways that you can keep up with what’s going on here at Peabody.
Together we will help our students achieve.Thank you for your support and I am looking forward to working together to helping all our children here at Peabody Elementary School be college and career ready.
Sherri Rogers-Hall
The Charger Gazette
News from the Counselor, Mrs. Herriage
Greetings! Fall is here and we are ready to celebrate two important weeks at the end of the month. October 19-23 is Character Counts Week. During this week we spend time talking about what having good character means. People with good character are trustworthy, fair, caring, respectful, responsible, and good citizens. As a parent you can reinforce this message by talking about these ideas at home.
October 26-30 is Red Ribbon Week. During this week we will talk about the importance of our students saying no to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. We focus on the fact that a healthy body promotes a healthy mind. We want all of our students to be as healthy, happy, and ready to learn! We will be sending home more information about these weeks soon. There will be opportunities to celebrate by wearing special clothes along with other activities. Until then, have a wonderful October!
News from our Campus Instructional Coach, Mrs. Villanueva
Your child will receive books from our campus library; you can take a trip to the public library, or use your own books from home to take advantage of reading. Take 15-20 minutes each night to read with your child and/or listen to your child read. Before, during, and after your child reads, take a moment to ask a few comprehension questions. Some questions could include: Who is the main character? Where does the story take place? What was the problem in the story? Did the character change in the story? How? What do you predict will happen next? Why do you think the author wrote this selection?
Show your children that reading is fun! Let your child know how much you enjoy reading. Take advantage of the following free websites: a site with an introduction of letters and sounds as well as reading and other games, a site of computer games and activities in various areas, a site that reads Spanish stories to students, and a site with a wide variety of genres to read online. Enjoy!
Page 1 of 3News from the Specials Teachers
Page 1 of 3Music:Second and third grade students are learning how to play xylophones and fourth and fifth graders are learning how to play congas.
Library: Visit our library website!
PE:Students in third through fifth grade will be taking the Fitness gram test which includes push-ups and sit and reach. Coming up in December, students will have the opportunity to participate in the Mayor’s Race 5K. Keep an eye out for the registration forms.
Art: All students are busy working on self-portraits.
Computer Lab: Students are learning touch keyboarding and how to use features in Microsoft Word.
TAG: Initial G/T testing continues for students in grades 1-5. Fifth grade students are working on a student newspaper. Second grade students are working on autobiographies and biographies.
Page 1 of 3Special Education: Ms. Martin’s students have been working on improving their literacy and math skills. Parents, please ask you student to share his or her levelled reader with you each week. Each student receives a new reader once a week and on Friday we each take an assessment on this book. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your student please contact me at
Page 1 of 3pTA News:
- October 6 is the last day to turn in chocolate money
- Next PTA meeting is Wednesday, October 21st at 6:00PM
- Fall Carnival is Friday, October 23rd
Important Dates:
- Elementary Fair Day is October 9th
- Food Pantry will be held on Wednesday, October 14 from 3-5PM
- Parent Conference are October 15th from 3:30-6:30PM
Charger News by grade
Page 1 of 3Pre-K
Your children will be performing the in November PTA program! Please support them and all of their practice and hard work by attending the November PTA meeting!
Thank you for a great 1st six weeks! We are excited to dive into more reading, writing, and math skills! Please continue to help your student with homework, reading with them and reviewing sight words daily. Keep an eye out for many exciting things to come in October!
2nd Grade Chargers are off and running. We are reading fables, folk tales, and fairy tales; and
learning more about nouns and verbs. In math we are learning about place value for numbers up to 1,200, how to locate numbers on open number lines, fractions, and money. Science is exciting, especially going to the Science Lab to learn about lab safety and matter. In social studies we are learning about being good citizens, Texas monuments, and maps and globes.
3rd grade is off to a great start! We are all excited and enthusiastic about teaching your child this year. It will be in your child’s best interest that we all work together in regard to your child’s education, so, the 3rd grade team will be asking for your support to encourage the following of classroom rules and procedures. We look forward to a great school year. WATCH US GROW!
Howdy, 4th Grade! For the month of October, 4th grade is scheduled to perform at the monthly PTA program. We will be doing a Texas-size performance on what the students have learned about our great state. There will be songs, history, and a whole lot of red, white, and blue! Hope you can make it out to support the 4th grade students.
In the second six weeks of school 5th graders will continue the unit on algebraic equations, multiplication and division of decimals, and begin our unit on financial literacy. Class presidents and vice presidents are being voted for in social studies. In science we are learning about force, motion, and energy.
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