Youth Book Club Kit Questions

The Road to Paris

By Nikki Grimes

1.  Why do Paris and Malcolm decide to leave the Boone’s home? Where do they go?

2.  Compare Paris and Malcolm. How are they similar and how are they different? Why do you think they are so close?

3.  In the beginning Paris says, “Sometimes I wish I was like my name, somewhere far away, out of reach” and also “She felt like a nobody caught in the dark spaces in between. A nobody on her way to nowhere.” Does she still feel this way by the end of the novel? How has she changed? What changed her?

4.  Why is Paris so frightened by the nighttime routine at the Lincoln house? How is it resolved? What does this show us about her foster mother and brothers?

5.  Why can’t the kids’ grandmother keep them with her?

6.  What is the Lincoln’s home like? ( both the physical and the emotional space)

7.  Why is the word home such a strange word for Paris? How does she think about it differently than most kids? What can turn a house or address into a home for a child?

8.  Describe Paris’ conflicted feelings when she visits her mother in the city. How does her attitude change over the weekend? What does she learn about herself?

9.  What events help Paris feel like she belongs in Ossining?

10.  At first Paris thinks that she’ll never try to have another white friend. What advice does her foster mom teach her about judging people? Does she take a chance again? With whom? Why?

11.  Paris becomes involved in what church activity? How does this teach her to keep “God in your pocket?” Do you think this is the activity that most influences Paris’ change of attitude and confidence? Why or why not?

12.  In the end where will Paris live? Why?