Sayed Mohammed Baqir Al-Qazwini:

The Origin of Imam Ali’s Shia

The Shia are the most misunderstood and misrepresented group in society. Many misconceptions and myths continue to perpetuate, even among other Muslim groups. Whilst many people may view Shi’ism as a deviant, latter-day sect focused on desecrating the face of Islam, it is imperative to inform them of the origins of the Shia at the time of the Prophet.

The word Shia simply means‘follower of’.This word is even mentioned in the Quran in the same context:


"And most surely Abraham was among theShi’a of him (i.e., Noah)

[Surah As-Saffat37; Verse 83]

In modern contexts, the term Shia is generally used to refer to a follower of Imam Ali. Interestingly, the origin of this title dates back to the life of the Prophet, as he himself embraced the term.

A few Sunni-based sources:

Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, in his book ‘Al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah’, narrates:

The Prophet said: “Oh Ali, on the day of judgement you shall meet your Lord with your Shia, and they will be satisfied and Allah(swt) will be satisfied with them.”

The Prophet said: “Oh Ali, Allah(swt) has forgiven you, your progeny, your children, your family, and your Shia and those who love your Shia.”

Al Manawi, in his book ‘KanzulHaqaiq’, narrates:

The Prophet said: “Ali and his Shia are the victorious ones on the day of judgement.”

Moreover, in the Holy Quran:


“Surely those who believe and do righteous deeds, they are the best of all creatures.”

[Surah Al-Bayyinah 98; Verse 7]

Al-Suyuti narrates from Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari (a close companion of the Prophet), who said:

“Once we were sitting with the Prophet, when Ali walked in. The Prophet pointed to Ali and said Ali and his Shia are the victorious ones and they are the best of creation.”

Overall, we find that this is an honorary title that was gifted by the Prophet. The Shia existed during the time of the Prophet. Examples include Salman al-Farsi, Abu Dhar al-Ghifari, al-Miqdad & Ammar Ibn Yasir. They all had a great relationship with the Prophet. On numerous occasions the Prophet had praised them.

Many other sects within Islam developed after the Prophet, whereas the Shia are a group whom the Prophet named and praised. So, how can one claim Shi’ism is an invented sect that developed after the Prophet?

It is important to note though brothers and sisters, that the position of a Shia is an elevated noble position that is bound by criteria and conditions.

In a hadith, Imam Ali describes the Shia:

“The Shia are those with such firm Iman(faith), they have no fear whether death approaches them or they approach death.”

“And they are the ones who have empathy for their brethren over their own selves, even if they are in need. And they are the ones who do not break the commandments of Allah(swt) through committing sin.”