Bayview Orthodox Presbyterian Church

505 E. Naples Street

Chula Vista, CA 91911

Tel.: (619) 421-1003Fax: (619) 216-9846


2017 Czech Republic English Camp Application Form

Please complete and return to Bayview OPC at the address given above.

Full Name: ______

Street Address: ______

Mailing Address if different from above: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Email Address: ______

Date of Birth: ______Sex:MF

Emergency Contact name, phone number and relationship: ______


Are you married?YesNo

Are you employed?YesNoIf so, what is your current occupation?


Please provide the name of the church where you hold membership as well as your pastor’s name and contact information. ______


Are you an officer in that congregation? If yes, which office?YesNo ______

Have you ever had any training or experience in a foreign mission field? If yes, please explain. ______



Have you ever had any training or experience in evangelism? If yes, please explain. ______



Do you have experience teaching Bible Studies, Sunday school or working in Youth Ministries? If yes, please explain, including age levels you have taught. ______




Do you have any gifts or talents that will be particularly useful to the Team? (like music, art, or athletics) ______

Do you have any experience in teaching the English language? If yes, please explain. ______



Do you have any allergies, medical conditions, or physical limitations which may hinder you from mild to moderate physical exertion (i.e., climbing several flights of stairs, walking uphill/downhill, heart condition, asthma, etc.)? If yes, please explain. ______



Please provide a list of medications currently prescribed. ______



Do you possess a valid United States Passport whichwill not expire before January 30, 2018? (If yes, include a copy of the front page with this application.) Yes No

Are you able to attend training/information meetings at Bayview OPC on February 11 and May 6, 2017? Yes No

Are you willing to commit to at least 8 hours of preparation per lesson?

(There are 6 lessons total).YesNo

Are you willing to transport teamsupplies as part of your luggage? This reduces the cost of shipping items. Yes No

Are you able to commit to arriving in Prague, CZ, no later than Wednesday, July 12, 2017, and departing from Prague no earlier than Monday, July 24, 2017?


Do you agree to take full responsibility for your own airline tickets and hotel expenses, as well as your meals and housing while at camp? (exact amount TBD)


Please include a letter from your Session recommending you for this short-term mission trip. It is helpful if this letter reflects the joint observations of the entire session andincludes an appraisal of your Christian maturity, holiness of life, and fitness to minister in a foreign setting.

May we (Bayview OPC) contact your Session regarding the information you have provided in this application? Yes No

On this page please write a short explanation of why you wish to be included on this team and what you specifically hope to add to the ministry in the Czech Republic.

Signature: ______

Date: ______

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