Web Setting Template Tool Services Offering


Web Setting Template Tool Overview

Sales pitch

WSttrequires NO WebFacing education and NO Code Designer/LPEX education and NO HTML/JavaScript education.

WSttgives your application WEB/GUI navigation capabilities by applying web settings in a rapid, simplified manner.

What does it do

WSttinserts WebFacing Web Settings globally into your application display files using a template. Ease-of-use screens, allows a green screen developer to accelerate the field by field effort required to insert web settings using Code Designer or LPEX. This will reduce the customization effort dramatically.

Sample Configuration

Hardware. . .IBM System i5 – 520/9406 1000cpw 4gig memory

IBM Desktop - Pentium 4 2.4gh 1gb ram

Software. . . .IBM WDSCi AE v6.0.1

Application. . AppSphere ERP application

Display File Members – 1300

Record formats – 8740

Web settings – 16,000


No WebFacing education

No Code Designer/LPEX education

No HTML/JavaScript education

Create WStt template (one time only) – 5 minutes (300 seconds)

Build a global rule – 5 minutes x 3 rules = 15 minutes (900 seconds)

Build global a web setting – 10 seconds x 3 different web settings = 30 seconds

Apply template to DDS – 10 minutes (600 seconds)

16,000 web settings = 300 + 900 + 30 + 600 = 1830 seconds

1830 seconds / 16,000 web settings = .02 seconds per web setting (2/10th of a second per web setting).

Code Designer/LPEX Example

Need WebFacing education -???

Need Code Designer education - ???

Need HTML/JavaScript education - ???

Create WebFacing Project – 5 minutes (300 seconds)

Open member – 90 seconds average x 8740 = 786,600 seconds

Add one web settings to one field – 20 seconds

16,000 web settings x 20 seconds = 320,000 seconds

16,000 web settings = 786,600 + 320,000 = 1,106,000 seconds

1,106,000 / 16,000 = 69 seconds per web setting

WStt = .02 seconds per web setting vs. Code Designer/LPEX = 69.0 seconds per web setting.

Why would your company use WStt

  • Companies new to WebFacing and want to drastically cut time and costs associated with creating and maintaining web settings for web navigation.
  • Applications developed using code generators that remove web settings and have a need to automatically reinsert the deleted web settings.
  • Companies who have third party software, not WebFaced, and need to automatically reapply web settings to new releases.
  • Companies/Business partners who need to maintain web settings for different versions of their software, new releases and their customer’s custom code.

Services Program

Modify Style Sheet

1 -Insert Company Name or Logo. Note -Logo Must exist.

2 -Change chrome color scheme to use company colors

3 -Link to your web site

Add Web Setting Using WStt

1 -Calendars – popup window calendar for date selection

2 -HTML Insert – Anchor image to invoke search function

3 -Tool Tips – Insert hover text for a field

Create/Review/Test WebFacing Project

1 -Create WebFacing Project

2 -Run Conversion

3 -Review Results

4 -Run on Test Server

Deploy Web Application to WebSphere Application Server v6

1 -Create EAR file on IFS

2 -Start HTTP Server

3 -Launch WAS Administrator

4 -Install Web App into WAS v6

5 -Test Intranet and Internet connection


1 -WDHT/WDSC AE/WDSC v6 or higher must be previously installed with service packs

2 -Must establish connection to customers development PC (IP address)

3 -Map Network Drive connection

4 -Will supply documentation and review the following

  1. WebSphere Settings
  2. iSeries Servers required
  3. How to create/convert/test/deploy/run a WebFacing project

To get started

1 -Signed PSO (professional service order)paid prior to start

  • Offer - $900.00
  • WStt License -$500.00
  • Total - $1400.00

2 -We supply a Mutual Confidentiality Agreement for both parties to sign

Please contact us if you have questions about this offering.


119 W. Chester Pike

Ridley Park, Pa.19078

V: 800 277-2664

F: 610 521-3511



Thank you



119 W. Chester Pike

Ridley Park, Pa.19078

V: 800 277-2664

F: 610 521-3511

