Curridge Residents’ Association

Meeting Minutes

8pm on Wednesday 23rd April 2014

WI Hall, Curridge

Chris Cholmeley - Chair


Committee members present: Chris Cholmeley(Chair), James Pryor (Treasurer), Jenni Collins (Secretary), Cyril Wood , Diana ffrench, June Friend, Janice Bridger, Kathy Titcombe, Rob Crispin, Kirsti Murray

Also present – Toby Crispin


Apologies accepted

  • FORMAT OF CRA MEETING (Chris Cholmeley)

A)The format, attendance and conduct during CRA Meetings was reviewed, as well as the aims of the CRA.

B)Formally writing names on a register for attendees was reintroduced.


Minutes were reviewed, agreed and signed off as a true and accurate representation of the committee meeting.

Following a comment from a resident, it was noted that the abandoned car at the end of Chapel Lane has since been recovered by the police.

  • Treasurer’s Report (James Pryor)

A)Current balance is £870 (less cost of the meeting 23rd April)

B)Janice Bridger was thanked for her role as signatory, which has now come to an end.

C)Mandate for new signatories signed at the end of the meeting.

  • Parish Council update – R Crispin

A)Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - West Berkshire Council (WBC) is preparing its Site Allocations and Delivery Development Plan Document (SAD DPD). The SAD DPD will identify individual site allocations for housing and other development up to 2016 within the district. As a first stage a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) down to ‘service village’ level, which included Chieveley, has been published by WBC. The Parish Council held a public meeting in Chieveley and a report is available on the MyChieveley website.

It is very likely that a further stage of the SHLAA will be undertaken to include settlement boundary revisions to villages below ‘service village’ level such as Curridge. If that is the case then the PC may well seek support from the CRA in distributing leaflets, questionnaires or publicising meetings.

B)Super Fast Broadband – It does not appear Chieveley will be as well serviced as hoped. As far as we can tell of the two cabinets being surveyed in the area, one is at Curridge Road/B4009 and the other near Chieveley School.

C)Salt Boxes are in place

D)Dangerous trees in Marsh Road are being dealt with soon

E)Flooding -PC has had maps for residents to mark with areas of flooding, including areas such as Sandy Lane Junction, B4009 and Curridge Road.

If residents do have a problem with flooding they are asked to contact West berks Council via the ‘Report a Problem’ facility.

F)Roadworks – During the first two weeks of May there will be roadworks on Priors Court Road and the B4009

G)Curridge Playground – the PC nominated new trustees. CRA invited to offer suggestions to Playground Trustees, and Trustees to come back with requests for assistance.

H)Signage at Arlington Junction/Curridge Road – The Parish Council is trying to introduce new signage to keep HGVs from accessing Rookery Farm and industrial estate through Curridge Road. ACTION CRA to add weight to this by contacting Highways at WBC if any HGVs are seen using this access route.

I)Application for residential property on site of Bluebell Stables- Appeal dismissed

J)Stable View at Oare-an Enforcement Notice is in action, ongoing

K)Priors Court Road Crossing – no action yet

L)Dog Litter Bins -James Pryor asked if extra Dog Litter bins could be installed, particularly at Crabtree Lane/Curridge Road Junction.

ACTION Jenni Collins to write to Clerk of the Parish Council of the following points – Priors Court Road Crossing, Flooding and Dog Litter Bins so they can be raised at the next meeting.


A)CC asked if there were any worthy local projects that could benefit from the proceeds of the CRA’s social events this year. ACTION – ALL to consider

B)Themes suggested for the CRA summer event included WWI and World Cup

C)CC and JP (and JC from 25thMay) volunteered for action group for the Summer event. DF and KM also offered assistance.

D)Dates discussed – better to be in term time or last weekend in holiday. Suggested weekend or two before end of term (23rd July). Need to check for potential clashes – Horticultural Society BBQ 5th, WI Hall busy 12-13th, Sat 19th July (racecourse clash). Otherwise 28/6. [post meeting note - The Bunk also plan a beer festival for weekend of 12-13 July] ACTION – CC to confirm date with CRA and WI.


A)Local Business Directory to be improved – ACTION All to send suggestions to JC

ACTION JC to review Pathfinder for more businesses and to look at implementing a ‘review system’

B)Curridge History/Local photos – ACTION All to send in photos of Curridge now and in the past to JC

Roy Barlow suggested as a good source of Curridge historical photos. ACTIONJC to contact him via RC

C)Other suggestions for website including an Events Calendar and the history of local businesses to be included in directory. ACTION JC to investigate and implement where possible

D)It was suggested that Roy Barlow give a talk on Curridge at the next CRA Open Meeting

E)Dates for CRA Social Events 2014

Clean Up Curridge – 16th November 2014

Curridge Cheer – 14th December 2014

CRA Open Meeting – 21st October 2014

ACTIONJC to put on website

  • MEETING CLOSE – 9.30pm

DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 21st October 8:00pm WI Hall

ACTION J Friend to book hall. J Collins to publicise