
The name will be “Balonne District School Sports Association” (BDSSA).


To provide, foster and develop organised sport for students attending state and non-state schools affiliated with the Balonne District School Sports Association.

Powers and Functions:

  • To exercise the general control and management of Balonne District School Sport through cooperation with affiliated schools.
  • To distribute documents to aid the efficient administration of sport, at District level, in all affiliated schools.
  • To manage all funds held by the Balonne District School Sports Association in accordance with the Financial Procedures provided by DET / Queensland Government
  • To act in accordance with guidelines set down by the South-West Region School Sport Board.


  • All meetings shall be held at a time and place determined by the Balonne District School Sports Association.
  • The Secretary shall convene all meetings of the Balonne District School Sports Association by giving at least fourteen (14) days notice of such meeting to all affiliated parties of the Balonne Schools Sports Association.
  • All issues arising at any meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes, and in case of a tied vote, the motion shall be lost.
  • Each affiliated school is allowed a maximum of two (2) votes per motion.
  • The business to be transacted at every Annual General Meeting shall be -
  1. The receiving of an annual report and a statement of income and expenditure, and assets and liabilities for the preceding financial year.
  1. The election of office bearers.
  1. To finalise the sporting calendar for that year.
  1. To appoint convenors, coaches and managers for all District teams.

Participation by Schools:

  • State and non-state schools may participate in the activities provided by Balonne District School Sports Association by paying an annual affiliation fee.
  • The affiliation fee payable by participating schools shall be determined by the Balonne District School Sports Associationat the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Alterations to Management Procedures:

  • These Management Procedures may be amended, rescinded or added to from time to time by a special resolution carried by 75% of members at a meeting of the Balonne School Sport Association.


District Trials and Championships:

  • Ages of students participating will be decided by year of birth and will coincide with those laid down by the Balonne District Schools Sports Association for that particular sport.
  • Ten to 19 year old students are eligible for selection at all District Trials with the exception of 13 year old boys and girls in Rugby League.
  • It is the responsibility of each student’s school to ensure that he/ she is a bona fide student and that the student is participating in the correct age group.
  • Bona fide school students of affiliated schools only may compete at District trials and championships, with the exception of School of Distance Education students.
  • In non-team sports, the Balonne District School Sports Association will decide on the number of nominations per event, per school.
  • Transport to and from the District trials and championships is the responsibility of each participating school.
  • A school that has EIGHT or more students attending a Balonne District trial is required to have an allocatedstaff member from that school to accompany the students to the trial.
  • A school that has EIGHT or more students going to a Balonne District trial is required to inform the convenor prior to the event who will be the allocated staff member that will be accompanying these students.
  • The organising committee will be responsible for:
  1. The program, including the draw and method of scoring.
  1. The provision of allocation of officials.
  1. The closing date for nominations.
  1. Accepting or rejecting late nominations.

-students who cannot make it to the trials need to write to the convenor asking for consideration for the team they cannot attend due to extenuating circumstances.

  1. The length of games.
  1. The purchase of trophies, medallions or awards.
  1. The inclusion of coaching components where applicable.
  1. Provision of medical care.
  1. Invitations to sponsors.
  1. Setting up a disputes committee.
  1. Rules, including variations and modifications.
  1. Sending copies of all relevant information to the convenor for distribution to the schools.
  1. The method of deciding the championship winner which must be communicated to managers prior to the start of the championships.
  1. The number of students per team in the sports.
  • No more than one school day may be used to conduct a District trial or Championship.
  • In the event of an accident at a trial or championship the following accident

management strategy will be followed:

  1. The convenor and/or the supervising teacher will ensure the appropriate First Aid is administered (if required) in accordance with the First Aid (Version 3.1) Policy from the Policies and Procedure Register. This can be found on Education Queensland’s website:
  2. The convenor and/or supervising teacher will ensure a person with a First Aid certificate is on the premises.
  3. The supervising teacher will inform the convenor as soon as possible of the details of the accident and the apparent condition of the accident victim.
  4. The convenor will take immediate and appropriate action following the receipt of the accident details (e.g. call ambulance) and will follow the guidelines of the Health and Safety Incident Recording, Notification and Management (Version 4.1) from the Policies and Procedure Register of on the Education Queensland’s website:
  1. The convenor will:

On the day of the accident, contact the Principal of the school of the student concerned.

On the day of the accident, complete a BDSSA Incident Report Form and provide copies to the Principal of the school of the student concerned and as well as the secretary of the BDSSA.

As soon as possible, contact the parents of the accident victim, should the student require more than first aid.

Generally be responsible for the management of the accident response, process and procedure.

 A flow chart of these management procedure can be found at the following link:



  • The major criteria for selection will be the performance of the students at the District trials and championships. Areas considered will be:
  1. The level of skill exhibited.
  1. The performance of the student as a member of a team.
  1. The attitude and behaviour of the student on and off the field.
  1. The age of the student.
  1. Where applicable, the attainment of set qualifying times and/or distances.
  • As a general rule, students must attend District trials and championships to be considered for selection. A student who has an approved absence (illness, family bereavement, higher level of competition) at the time of the championship may be considered for selection provided written application has been submitted to the convenor prior to the commencement of the championship.

District Team:

  • In team sports, team size will be determined by the Balonne District School Sports Association.
  • Shadow players will be selected and announced.
  • The District team will be announced at the conclusion of District trials and championships for team sports only.
  • Team managers will advise school principals of student selections.
  • Team selections will be made by the convenor, coach and one other qualified person appointed by the convenor, or the nominees. (A total of three)
  • Selectors will maintain a written record of the selection process including the justification of individual selections.


Appointment Process:

  • As a general rule, appointments will be merit based. However, if circumstances require it, appointments will be made to meet the organisational needs of the Balonne District School Sports Association.
  • A minimum of two (2) officials, one of which must be a registered teacher, will accompany District teams.
  • The Balonne District School Sports Association will decide on the number of officials to accompany teams requiring more than two officials.
  • In girls and mixed sex teams, one female official must accompany the team.
  • Application forms for District officials will be sent to all schools prior to the annual general meeting of that year.
  • Any teacher registered with the Queensland College of Teachers is eligible to apply for the positions of District coach/manager. Such applications must be signed by the applicant’s school principal.
  • Any non teacher is eligible to apply for the position of District coach/manager. Such applications must be signed by the principal of the school with which the applicant has an affiliation. (Note: Non-Teachers must have a Working With Children – Blue Card)
  • The appointment of District officials will be made by the Balonne District School Sports Association.
  • If no application is received for any position the Balonne District School Sports Association will make a decision on the action to be taken. Such action may include:
  1. Recalling of the position.
  1. Not selecting a team in that sport for that particular year.
  • Successful applicants will be advised of their appointment, in writing, within one month of the closing date for applications.
  • Where possible, applicants will be given their first preference if their qualifications and experience are superior to other applicants.
  • If unsuccessful with their first preference, applicants with suitable qualifications and/or experience, may be offered other positions if vacancies exist.
  • Applicants will notbe offered a second position until all suitable applicants have been offered a position.
  • If positions still remain unfilled, suitable applicants may be offered a second position, subject to the approval of the applicant’s principal.
  • Positions, will be shared among the District’s schools (in a fair and equitable manner)


District Convenor

Prior to District Trials:

  • No later than three (3) weeks prior to the District trials, advise schools of:
  1. Venue.
  1. Start/ finish times.
  1. Trials schedule.
  1. Closing dates for nominations.
  • Have responsibility of all organisation of the trials.
  • Attempt to obtain media coverage.
  • Ensure that a first aid kit is onsite.
  • Obtain participating students medical forms, peruse and take necessary action
  • Conduct a Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment and submit to the District President 1 week prior to the District Trial.
  • The trials will start at 2pm and finish at 4pm. Athletics and Swimming carnivals are exempt from this.

At the District Trials:

  • Disseminate all information including rules and playing conditions to relevant personnel and participants.
  • Ensure that the Department’s Codes of Behaviour are adhered to by participants.
  • Aid in the selection of the district team along with coach and one other relevant person.
  • Inform the District Secretary of the team selected.
  • Immediately contact the President of Balonne District School Sport for a resolution of any dispute that cannot be settled.
  • Provide any relevant information to local media about the day’s events.
  • Ensure that all activities included in the program coincide with Workplace Health and Safety Regulations.
  • Implement the accident management strategy, if required.
  • Ensure that a person who holds a current first aid certificate is present at all times.
  • Ensure that an official/referee/umpire in accordance with the relevant policy from the Policy and Procedure Register.

After the District Trials:

  • Provide a report of the trials to the Secretary of Balonne District School Sports Association
  • Bring to a closure any issues as a result of the trials eg. accident management, student management.

Team Coach

Prior to Training

  • Complete a sport specific Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment and submit to the District President for approval 1 week prior to the commencement training and make your Manager aware of the risks identified.

Prior to Regional Championships:

  • Develop and issue a training schedule.
  • Accept full responsibility for coaching the selected team.
  • Plan coaching sessions that are active and varied.
  • Be punctual for coaching sessions.
  • Ensure sufficient equipment, in good condition, is available for coaching sessions and games.
  • Look like a coach i.e. suitably dressed for the coaching sessions.
  • With the manager, take complete control of the team during coaching and games.
  • Ensure that at the end of coaching sessions all team members are informed of arrangements for the next coaching session or game.

At Regional Championships:

  • Develop a positive team spirit and an attitude of sportsmanship and fair play.
  • Ensure that all team members receive a reasonable amount of playing time during championships.
  • Liaise with the manager at all times on all aspects concerning the team, i.e. dress, behaviour, team assembly, etc.
  • Be punctual for games.
  • With the manager be responsible for the students behaviour on and off the field.

Team Manager

Prior to Regional Championships:

  • Liaise with the secretary of Balonne District School Sport on the following matters:
  1. Travel arrangements.
  1. Team levies and uniforms.

-it is compulsory that all students who are not provided with a jersey on the day of the trials to wear a Balonne District polo shirt to any SW trials.

  1. Training venues and times.
  1. Billeting requirements of team members.
  1. Ensure all medical forms, permission notes and consent forms are returned (prior to training)
  2. Complete the required Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment for Managers and submit to the District President one week prior to attending the regional carnival.
  • Liaise constantly with the coach.
  • Ensure a copy of all relevant information is given to selected team members.
  • Ensure school principals are aware of team selections and dates students will be absent from school.
  • Be available for consultation with parents and team members.
  • Ensure that parents are aware of the name and telephone number of the child’s billets.
  • Advise billets of any relevant medical information of team members.
  • Have the address and telephone number of team members staying privately.
  • Write any publicity for the press regarding championships.
  • Write a report of the championships, using standardised form, and forward it to the secretary of Balonne District School Sport within four weeks of the conclusion of the championships.

At the Regional Championships:

  • Attend to medical and first aid requirements of team members.
  • Carry team members medical forms with you at all times.
  • With the coach, be responsible for the behaviour of team members on and off the field.
  • Take all necessary equipment with you and be responsible for its return.
  • Keep a detailed record of any money or valuables held in trust.




Applications Close:......

With:The Secretary

Telephone: (07) 46208333FAX: (07) 46208300




Contact Details:Ph ______FAX ______

Email ______

School:...... QCT Rego #/Blue Card # :……………

Positions Applied For:......


Coaching/Managerial Experience:......



First Aid Experience:......


Years of Teaching Experience:......

Relevant Sporting Qualifications:......



Other Relevant Information:......

Applicant’s Signature:...... Date:......

Principal’s Signature:......





Student’s Involved:







Details of Incident:......




Action Taken:......




Official’s Recommendations for Future Action:......





ManagerCoach Date




Carnival Venue:......

Dates of Carnival:......

Team Results:......





Students Selected in Regional Team:......




Other Relevant Information:......



Suggestions for Future:......




Signed:...... Date:......





Carnival Venue:......

Dates of Carnival:......

Team Results:......





Students Selected in Regional Team:......




Other Relevant Information:......



Suggestions for Future:......




Signed:...... Date:......
