Title: Moon Phases

Developed by Kim Johnston


Objective: The students will create a PowerPoint presentation from a template that will show the eight phases of the moon.

Timeline: Two 30-minute sessions

Content Area: Science / Grade Level: Second Grade
Oreo Moon PhasesActivitydiagram(shows the eight phases of the moon); Moon Phases Teacher Sample;Moon Phases Template;Microsoft PowerPoint; 8 Oreo® cookies; paper towel; a plastic spoon and/or a plastic knife; a marker / Technology Focus:
Subject Area - §112.4.5(A,B); §112.4.7(A,D)
Technology Applications - §126.2.1(A,B); §126.2.2 (A); §126.2.3 (A); §126.2.7 (A,B); §126.2.9 (B); §126.2.10 (A,B); §126.2.12 (B)


Before Coming to the Lab

  1. Using the Oreo Moon PhasesActivitydiagramactivity, introduce and discuss the phases of the moon and how they appear in the sky.
  2. Download the Moon Phases Templateinto each child’s folder.
  3. Show and discuss the Moon Phases Teacher Sample.

In the Computer Lab

Get Started – Slides 1 and 2

  1. Navigate to each child’s folder and open the Moon Phases Template.
  2. Insert the student’s name on the by-line on the title frame.
  3. Save.
  4. Go to Slide 2 titled NewMoon. Students should insert a circle from the drawing tools. Hold the Shift key down while drawing the shape to make it a perfect circle.
  5. Change the line color to gray by clicking the LineColor icon.
  6. Change the fill color to black by clicking the FillColor icon.
  7. Save.

Slide 3

  1. Go to Slide 2 and copy the circle.
  2. Go to Slide 3 titled WaxingCrescent.
  3. Paste the circle.
  4. Change the fill and line color of the circle to white.
  5. Click on the circle to select it. Press Ctrl+D to duplicate the circle.
  6. Change the circle color to black.
  7. Click in the center of the black circle and move it to cover all but a small crescent of the white. A small sliver of white should remain on the right.
  8. Save.

Slide 4

  1. Go to Slide 2 and copy the circle.
  2. Go to Slide 4 titled Half(First Quarter) Moon.
  3. Paste the circle and change the fill and line color to white.
  4. Select the Rectangle tool and draw a rectangle large enough to cover the left half of the white circle.
  5. Change the rectangle color to black.
  6. Save.

Slide 5

  1. Copy the circle from Slide 2and paste it onto Slide 5 titled WaxingGibbous. Again change the fill and line color to white.
  2. Go to AutoShapesBasicShapesand select the Moon tool.
  3. Draw a crescent shape large enough to cover the left edge of the white circle (you may have to make adjustments to fit correctly onto the white circle).
  4. Change the moon color to black.
  5. Save.

Slide 6

  1. Go to Slide 2 and copy the circle.
  2. Pasteit onto Slide 6 titled FullMoon. Change the line and fill color to white.
  3. Save.

Slide 7

  1. Go to Slide 2 and copy the circle.
  2. Paste onto Slide 7 titled WaningGibbous.
  3. Change the line and fill color to white.
  4. Go to Slide 5 and copy the moon shape.
  5. Paste it on the top of the circle on Slide 7.
  6. With the moon shape selected, go to DrawRotateorFlip and select FlipHorizontal.
  7. Move to cover the right edge of the white circle.
  8. Save.

Slide 8

  1. Go to Slide 2 and copy the circle.
  2. Paste the circle to Slide 8 titled Half(Third Quarter) Moon.
  3. Change line and fill color to white.
  4. Draw a rectangle large enough to cover the right side of the moon.
  5. Change the rectangle color to black.
  6. Save.

Slide 9

  1. Go to Slide 2 and copy the circle.
  2. Paste the circle onto Slide 9 titled WaningCrescent.
  3. Change the line and fill color to white.
  4. Duplicate the circle (Ctrl + D)and change the line and fill color to black. Move the black circle until there is a small sliver of the white circle showing on the left side.
  5. Save.

Add Transitions

  1. Go to SlideShowSlideTransitions.
  2. Select a transition and change the Speed to Slow.
  3. Change the timing to automaticallyadvance after 3 seconds.
  4. Click Apply to All Slides.
  5. Save.

Run the Show and Print

  1. Go to ViewSlideShow.
  2. Watch the show.
  3. To print handouts, go to FilePrint.
  4. Under the Print whatsection, click the down arrow and select Handouts.
  5. In the Handouts section, change the Slidesper page to 9 and click OK.

Assessment: Printed handout of presentation

Modifications: Circles can be present on each slide rather than copying and pasting each time. / Extensions: Students could type a description of each moon phase in a text box.
Additional Resources:
Phases of the Moon: Zoom Astronomy
Our Moon’s Lunar Phases
Astronomy for Kids
Sun, Moon, and Stars



Manage Presentations / 
the skills utilized in the project
Create a presentation from a template / I / X
Save a presentation / I / X
Add slides / I
Move through a presentation (using mouse or arrow keys) / I / X
Add Objects
Add/arrange text and graphics / I / X
Customize the presentation
Add transitions / I / X