Title: Moon Phases
Developed by Kim Johnston
Objective: The students will create a PowerPoint presentation from a template that will show the eight phases of the moon.
Timeline: Two 30-minute sessions
Content Area: Science / Grade Level: Second GradeMaterials/Resources:
Oreo Moon PhasesActivitydiagram(shows the eight phases of the moon); Moon Phases Teacher Sample;Moon Phases Template;Microsoft PowerPoint; 8 Oreo® cookies; paper towel; a plastic spoon and/or a plastic knife; a marker / Technology Focus:
Subject Area - §112.4.5(A,B); §112.4.7(A,D)
Technology Applications - §126.2.1(A,B); §126.2.2 (A); §126.2.3 (A); §126.2.7 (A,B); §126.2.9 (B); §126.2.10 (A,B); §126.2.12 (B)
Before Coming to the Lab
- Using the Oreo Moon PhasesActivitydiagramactivity, introduce and discuss the phases of the moon and how they appear in the sky.
- Download the Moon Phases Templateinto each child’s folder.
- Show and discuss the Moon Phases Teacher Sample.
In the Computer Lab
Get Started – Slides 1 and 2
- Navigate to each child’s folder and open the Moon Phases Template.
- Insert the student’s name on the by-line on the title frame.
- Save.
- Go to Slide 2 titled NewMoon. Students should insert a circle from the drawing tools. Hold the Shift key down while drawing the shape to make it a perfect circle.
- Change the line color to gray by clicking the LineColor icon.
- Change the fill color to black by clicking the FillColor icon.
- Save.
Slide 3
- Go to Slide 2 and copy the circle.
- Go to Slide 3 titled WaxingCrescent.
- Paste the circle.
- Change the fill and line color of the circle to white.
- Click on the circle to select it. Press Ctrl+D to duplicate the circle.
- Change the circle color to black.
- Click in the center of the black circle and move it to cover all but a small crescent of the white. A small sliver of white should remain on the right.
- Save.
Slide 4
- Go to Slide 2 and copy the circle.
- Go to Slide 4 titled Half(First Quarter) Moon.
- Paste the circle and change the fill and line color to white.
- Select the Rectangle tool and draw a rectangle large enough to cover the left half of the white circle.
- Change the rectangle color to black.
- Save.
Slide 5
- Copy the circle from Slide 2and paste it onto Slide 5 titled WaxingGibbous. Again change the fill and line color to white.
- Go to AutoShapesBasicShapesand select the Moon tool.
- Draw a crescent shape large enough to cover the left edge of the white circle (you may have to make adjustments to fit correctly onto the white circle).
- Change the moon color to black.
- Save.
Slide 6
- Go to Slide 2 and copy the circle.
- Pasteit onto Slide 6 titled FullMoon. Change the line and fill color to white.
- Save.
Slide 7
- Go to Slide 2 and copy the circle.
- Paste onto Slide 7 titled WaningGibbous.
- Change the line and fill color to white.
- Go to Slide 5 and copy the moon shape.
- Paste it on the top of the circle on Slide 7.
- With the moon shape selected, go to DrawRotateorFlip and select FlipHorizontal.
- Move to cover the right edge of the white circle.
- Save.
Slide 8
- Go to Slide 2 and copy the circle.
- Paste the circle to Slide 8 titled Half(Third Quarter) Moon.
- Change line and fill color to white.
- Draw a rectangle large enough to cover the right side of the moon.
- Change the rectangle color to black.
- Save.
Slide 9
- Go to Slide 2 and copy the circle.
- Paste the circle onto Slide 9 titled WaningCrescent.
- Change the line and fill color to white.
- Duplicate the circle (Ctrl + D)and change the line and fill color to black. Move the black circle until there is a small sliver of the white circle showing on the left side.
- Save.
Add Transitions
- Go to SlideShowSlideTransitions.
- Select a transition and change the Speed to Slow.
- Change the timing to automaticallyadvance after 3 seconds.
- Click Apply to All Slides.
- Save.
Run the Show and Print
- Go to ViewSlideShow.
- Watch the show.
- To print handouts, go to FilePrint.
- Under the Print whatsection, click the down arrow and select Handouts.
- In the Handouts section, change the Slidesper page to 9 and click OK.
Assessment: Printed handout of presentation
Modifications: Circles can be present on each slide rather than copying and pasting each time. / Extensions: Students could type a description of each moon phase in a text box.Additional Resources:
Phases of the Moon: Zoom Astronomy
Our Moon’s Lunar Phases
Astronomy for Kids
Sun, Moon, and Stars
Manage Presentations / the skills utilized in the project
Create a presentation from a template / I / X
Save a presentation / I / X
Add slides / I
Move through a presentation (using mouse or arrow keys) / I / X
Add Objects
Add/arrange text and graphics / I / X
Customize the presentation
Add transitions / I / X