Mrs. Nangle
1. Show respect to teacher, guests, fellow students & school property.
2. No use of cell phones/iPods during class.
3. No eating or drinking in class (water is acceptable at your desk- not
at lab tables).
4. Follow directions and raise hand for questions and discussion.
5. No profanity or teasing.
6. Remain in your seats until you are dismissed.
In addition, all school rules, as outlined in your student handbook, must be followed during class time.
If any rules are broken, the following may occur:
1. Phones/ iPods will be confiscated if used in class.
2. Student is kept after class to discuss situation.
3. Parents are notified of any problems.
4. After school detention is given.
5. Administration is notified.
Cheating is unacceptable. You are encouraged to share ideas during discussion periods, confer with your partner during labs, work on gathering information with your classmates, but your answers must be in your own words. If you are found cheating on a test, quiz, lab report, or homework, a zero will be given and parents will be notified.
Cheating includes:
1. Looking at someone else’s paper or copying their work.
2. Letting someone else look at your paper or copy your work.
3. Using notes without teacher permission.
4. Looking at your cell phone, iPod, iPad, or any electronic device, even if it is to check the time.
There will be NO individualized extra credit assignments available. There may be opportunities offered to the whole class for extra credit. It is imperative that students take advantage of all extra credit assignments when offered.
· Students must bring their three-ring binder, highlighter, pen and pencil to class each day.
· Be in your seat when the bell rings or you will be marked tardy. Any work missed because you are late (quiz, activity, etc.) will be given a grade of zero.
· Notes will be posted on my faculty page prior to each unit. You should print out the notes before the beginning of each unit. This will allow you to clarify the notes and have copies of the examples (Pictures, diagrams, concept maps, etc.).
· When you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed in terms of both class work and homework. Refer to your syllabus, check my faculty page or check with a reliable classmate. See me either before or after class to discuss the assignments missed.
· Any assignments that were due on the day of your absence are expected to be turned in on the day of your return.
· If you were absent on the day of a test/quiz, you should be prepared to take the test upon returning to school. Missing a review day does NOT exempt you from taking the assessment with the rest of the class. You can make up a test/quiz during your class period, lunch, study hall, or after school if arrangements have been made with me. If a test/ quiz is not made up within a reasonable time frame, you will receive a zero for that assessment.
· All assignments missed are due within one week of your return. Any work not turned in within one week will receive a grade of zero.
· All work for a chapter/unit must be made up by the time the chapter/unit test is taken, or you will receive no credit for this work.
· In the case of an extended absence (3 or more days), students must meet with me to make arrangements to make up the work and set deadlines for the work. Failure to meet those deadlines will result in a grade of zero.
o Students will complete assignments neatly on their own time. All HW will be posted on the syllabus which can be found on my faculty page.
o Assignments will be turned in on the due date. No credit will be given for assignments turned in late.
Ø Each assignment will be assigned a point value. Points earned on a given assignment are divided by the total possible points for that assignment. This number is multiplied by 100 to arrive at a percentage.
Ø Example: 20 points earned = .80 x 100 = 80%
25 possible points
Ø Marking period grades are weighted. The average for each category are weighted as follows:
Each Marking Period
Labs/ Activities 30%
Tests/Quizzes 40%
Project 30%
Homework which includes reading assignments, note-taking, answering questions and completing class activities will NOT be accepted late. A zero will be given for any homework assignment not turned on time.
Labs, reports, and projects will lose 10% of the grade for each day it is late. Seven days after the due date the assignment will not be accepted.
Tests and quizzes must be made up within two days (NOT two classes). After two days a zero will be given.
Extra help will be available after school on A Days in Room 211. If you do not understand a lesson, do not wait. Come for help immediately. Science concepts build upon each other, so do not wait.
I can be reached by email