PALS Application
Please fill out the following application, complete the creative activity, and sign the Honor Statement.
A. Application Questions: Please respond on a separate piece of paper and attach.
- What would being a PAL mean to you?
- What are your extracurricular activities, and how can you apply your experience with them to PALs?
- What kind of experience have you had with kids, and which of those are most memorable?
- How has having or not having siblings affected your life?
- What have you learned about yourself in high school?
- What does the world need more of, scientists or artists? Why?
- What is the biggest misconception about you?
- You’re on a long car ride with a child. What will you do to keep him/her entertained?
- If you could have control over one thing, what would it be?
- What are your plans after high school?
B. Start with a blank, white sheet of paper. Feel free to do whatever you’d like with it, just make sure to keep your artwork flat. When you’re done, attach to this application to show your creative side.
C. Please fill in your schedule and teachers names. Get PALS recommendations from TWO teachers and/or coaches who have taught or coached you , either this year or last year
A Day B Day
1. 2.
2. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
D. Check yourself:
___ I have my application questions filled out.
___ I have my teacher recommendations complete.
___ I have completed the creativity activity.
___ I have filled in my schedule.
___ Both my parent and myself have signed the Honor Statement.
___ I have attached a current photo of myself.
This COMPLETE application is due by Wednesday February 5, 2014 by 5 p.m. to room 335.
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.