Leadership Team Meeting
April 11, 2016
Members Present:
Mr. Barnwell
Allison Gaines
Amy Dowdy
Natasha Jones
Lisa Johnson
Amy Beavers
Emily Collins
Meeting Started at 3:18 p.m.
The agenda for the meeting was passed out by Mr. Barnwell. The 2016-2017 school calendar was also passed out, along with the 2016-17 Report Card Distribution and Inclement Weather Schedule.
Review of the Minutes
The last SIP Meeting was in February. The minutes were approved by email by all staff members.
Questions and Comments
There are no questions or comments at this time.
School Improvement Plan Progress
The school system wants for schools to begin planning for the 2016-17 SIP before the beginning of next year’s school start date. We may not be able to do that due to testing information and EVAAS data being returned.
EOY Incentive and Field Day Plans
In past years, we have had incentives for students that use testing strategies and attend school without tardies and absences. This year, we are looking at the attendance/tardy incentives (no absences/tardies during the testing review date window). We will still have incentives for those who attend school without absences/tardies.
Field Day plans are for a tropical slip n’ slide, blue glacier water slides, chilly willy station, the fire department water spray, playground, and the gym. Hot dogs will be provided for the staff.
2016-17 BOY Planning
Amy Beavers created a handout for the testing information needed by all staff members. She also has been in contact with the technology department and has set up any and all technology that will be needed for testing.
EOG Testing Training is on May 16, 2016 from 3-5 p.m. in the media center.
2016-17 Handbooks
SIP members are asked to read through these and make any suggestions, notes, etc. on them and return to Mr. Barnwell the first of May.
School Survey
This year, Mr. Barnwell is creating an “End of the Year” survey for all Bennett School employees are to fill out.
2016-2017 School Calendar
Classroom keys will be handed out the first week of August.
8/19 Optional Workday
8/22 Optional Workday ~ Back to School Breakfast and Class Rosters
8/23 Workday
8/24 Required Workday
8/25 Convocation ~ Back to School Bash and Open House
Lunch from Bennett Baptist Church
8/26 Workday
SIP Summer Meeting is set for August 8, 2016 tentatively.
The next SIP Meeting will be May 9, 2016
The Meeting Adjourned at 3:55 p.m.