WWCHA MeetingAgenda

25th May 2015

Date: Monday 25thMay 2015

Time: 7.30pm – 9.00pm

LocationJubilee Park Club Rooms

Chaired by:L.Geaghan

Board Membership: C. Bailey, K. Boyd, S. Bloomfield, S. Wellham, B.Williams, B, Wellham, S. Arnold, K. Wickson

Club Membership with Voting Privileges: Cavaliers, CSU, Harlequins, Lake Albert, Mustangs, Rosellas, Royals



2.0Apologies: K. Boyd,

3.0Minutes of Previous Meeting

3.1April27th General Meeting Minutes attached

4.0Actions arising from previous minutes

5.04.0 Matters arising from previous Minutes / Person Responsible / Timeframe / Progress
4.1 / Umpire Payments / Karen/Benson / 25/5/15
4.2 / 2014 Junior season review / Kate/Sarah / 25/5/15
4.3 / Complaint from Royals hockey club, Benson will speak to those involved and have an outcome for the May meeting / Benson / 25/5/15
4.4 / All clubs are required to provide the Officiating Manager with a list of at least 4 players from their club that can umpire Division 1 games / Clubs / 4/5/15
4.5 / There has been some interest for advertising via signs around the hockey grounds. There needs to be discussion regarding the fees that would apply for advertising. A fee structure is to be put forward for voting at the next meeting / Board/Sharyn / 25/5/15

6.0Correspondence In

7.0New Business

7.1:Lighting on Second Turf

8.0Board Reports

7.1 President / No report
7.2 Administration / Attached
7.3Treasurer / Attached
7.4 Competitions / Attached
7.5 Officiating / No report
7.6 Development / No report
7.7 Representative / Attached
7.8 Events / Attached
7.9 Facilities / Attached

9.0Club Reports

Cavaliers / No report
CSU / No report
Harlequins / No report
Lake Albert / No report
Mustangs / No report
Rosellas / No report
Royals / No report

Next Meeting: 22nd June 2015

WWCHA Board Reports

27th April 2015

Agenda Item 7.2 Administration Report

After a lot of work with Tumut, Griffith and Hockey NSW both Tumut and Griffith are now active clubs under WWCHA.

Agenda Item 7.3 Treasurer Report

Treasurer Report for May 2015

I do apologise for not being at this last two meetings. This meeting I am away with Under 15s and then CHS. So all hockey orientated.

Balance Accounts as at 18.5.15

Cheque Account$14960.42

Reserve Account$17284.51

Term Deposit$166772.74

Card Account$50.44

Funds to be banked $1916.07

As asked in previous meeting. We had 2 clubs outstanding with fees from last year. One has been rectified and one will be cleared as soon as possible as issued with them changing banks.

All accounts have been paid and all up to date.


We have sent two teams away so far. Most fees have been paid and a few paying off. But we have made a loss on both accounts.

Under 18 boy’s loss of $356

Under 18 girl’s loss of $594.5

The big killer of both teams has been the accommodation. I feel that accommodation has been a bit extravagant and not warranted. Too many rooms booked on both occasions. If this level of accommodation continued we have to raise representative fees by $50 per player. Under 18 boys had 3 players from another association but the spare room was taken by a Wagga family and fees paid to cover this and there games costs were covered. Under 18 girls has 1 player from another association but full fee was paid.

On this note I feel it should not be the responsibility of the bus driver to cover the cost of fuel. So I have ordered a card on the account that when teams go away I will transfer $250 into account so that fuel can be paid from here. Receipts will need to be kept. This will happen with an approved bus driver. A note to bus drivers, the bus is to be filled with fuel before returning. Avis has brought this to my attention that this has not happened.

Banks accounts now fully operational after a few hassles.

Wagga Hockey accounts

After board held a meeting last Saturday and accounts were discussed. As we have issues with active and inactive players is has been hard to get the proper figures on club members. Players that have taken the field are eligible to pay the wagga component. Invoices will be sent out on my return and as clubs have had plenty of time to collect fees from their members, these invoices would be expected to be paid within 7 days. Invoices will include Wagga component, lighting bills and up to round 10 for turf fees.

Meeting with Council – re lights on second turf.

Luke, Sharyn and myself attended a meeting with council to discuss lighting of the second turf. This will be discussed at meeting.

My option is that lighting is getting to be a necessity with so that more games can be played on a Saturday to satisfy players. But keep in mind that the cost may go up.

It will give us more options to hold mid-week competitions, gain NSW state championships and to prolong the use of the first turf as training can happen on sand turf.

Please discuss how you feel about spending some of the money in term deposit that has been ear marked for replacement of turf. The turfs are council property.

WWCHA Board Reports

27th April 2015

Agenda Item 7.4Competitions Report

Competitions Report:

Suspended Players, unfinancial, those teams which have been penalised

Junior Scorecards- we are going to trial a new way - this will involve one scorecard and juniors presenting to the middle dug out before taking the field.

Senior scorecards- we need to get a tech bench or umpires need to do their job and check that the number of goals matches up with the final score recorded!

One sport system

WWCHA Board Reports

27th April 2015

Agenda Item 7.7 Representative Report

Hockey report

Statehouse cup teams - June 14th – as follows (I'll send when complete)

There are 16 named where possible; please contact me if I may have omitted any one from any team. Please let your contact person know if you are not available so we can find other players. .

I am trying to organise a fundraiser on the day which all rep teams will be expected to contribute to supply volunteer time. The profits will go to all rep teams in the future.

So far to report: Dylan Martin – futures squad; U18boys - D3 runners up; U18girls – D3 5th; Isobel Cowell NSW U18 Squad 2016; few U15 boys away with other associations. Thanks to all involved with these teams.

Next up is over 45s – Sharon Smith, then Open Men – Phil Bradley and Benson Williams and JLW Canberra Teams over the three girl’s age groups.

After these the U15 girls, U13 girls and boys and lastly Masters Women's.

Next few weeks Wagga socks will be available in the canteen on a Sunday $12 pair. Please think ahead for upcoming carnivals etc.

Board Reports

27th April 2015

Agenda Item 7.8 Events Report

My planned roster for Canteen & BBQ for the 2015 Steakhouse Cup which I didn't save was this as follows (1 hour stints)

8.45am - Rosellas

9.45am - CSU/Rivcoll

10.45am - Mustangs

11.45am - Royals

12.45pm - Lake Albert

1.45pm - Cavaliers

2.45pm - Harlequins

All clubs regardless of size get one vote at general meetings and Mustangs need to pull their weight at a Wagga Hockey level, (Cavaliers get sick & tired of been lumped with them and get no support from them when on duty). If they (Mustangs) fail to show up, CSU can continue their duty til Royals time slot as they weren't that great on last Saturday. Many thanks to the people who stepped in whilst Benson & I were away at the Board meeting.

Cheers Sam

WWCHA Board Reports

27th April 2015

Agenda Item 7.9 Facilities Report

Facilities Report May 2015-05-17

Since the last report we have had a lot of work done by WWCC with the upgrade of power to the Jubilee park sub stations for the future. Luke, Karen and myself had a meeting with Peter Cook and Phil Blake of Wagga Wagga City Council on last Friday re the possibility of getting lights on Noonan Turf. They had a quote from a company and were asking us of our interest in contributing to the cost of lights and also a time frame of possible work. Our Options are to contribute $17,000 to the infrastructure as would touch footy contribute the same. Also to put in moneys now to try to get lights fast tracked for possibly next year 2016 or in the WWCC budget lights have been earmarked for Jubilee Park in 2016-2017 financial year. They will try do the works in our off season. Obviously more discussions to be had.

I have sent out the duty team roster for Wagga Hockey to each club email. I will get out to you next week your dates when your club can have a fundraiser day. If your club wishes not to use this please let me know so we can cover the day/weekend.

Steakhouse Cup Canteen Duty – SUNDAY 14th JUNE 2015 the canteen will close at 5.30pm

8.45 CSU Rivcoll

10.00 Harlequins

11.15 Royals

12.30 Lake Albert

1.45 Cavaliers

3.00 Mustangs

4.15 Rosellas

All Clubs we have Uni Games in Wagga starting Monday 4th July till Thursday 8th July so we will need Helpers – Please let me know your availability during that time all clubs will need to possibly provide help for half a day. It is school holidays so you may have responsible teenagers in your club who could help. We do realise it is during the working week for most. So let me know your preference early.

House Keeping- please remember to clear the dugouts when you leave and that means empty the rubbish bins into the larger bins

Also if you use an Ice pack from the freezer please return it and not leave it on the seat in the dugout it doesn’t stay cold there.

On the fence as you walk into the fields there is a sign that says NO Smoking, NO Glass Bottles (If you do bring them take them home with you!!!!!) And NO Dogs please....

Sharyn Wellham

25th May WWCHA General Meeting Agenda / 1