- How does a living cell perform all the basic functions?
- Give examples of cells which has (a) Fixed shape (b) Ever changing shape (c) Typical shape
- What is membrane biogenesis?
- Who discovered cells and how?
- What is plasmolysis? Give one example.
- What is cell made up of?
- What is the composition of the cell sap?
- How does each cell acquire its structure and ability to function?
- Who gave the cell theory? What are the postulates of the cell theory?
- Every multicellular organism has come from a single cell. How?
- Define (a) diffusion (b) osmosis (c) hypotonic solution (d) hypertonic solution (e) isotonic solution
- What will happen if we put an animal cell or a plant cell in (a) hypertonic solution (b) hypotonic solution (c) isotonic solution and why?
- What is endocytosis? How it is important to an organism?
- Do dead cells also exhibit osmosis? Why/why not?
- How do fungi and bacteria withstand very dilute external media without bursting?
- What is chromosome made up of?
- What is nucleoid?
- Why do large and complex cells have cell organelles?
- In which form is energy released from the mitochondria? How it is utilized in the cell?
- Virus does not show characteristics of life. Why?
- How does transport of substances occur across the plasma membrane?
- What are the two types of transport? Distinguish between them.
- (a) Design an activity to demonstrate osmosis.
(b) What is the importance of osmosis?
- (a) Expand DNA and RNA.
(b) In which part of the cell it is found? State its function.
(c) In which form is DNA present in (a) dividing cell (b) non-dividing cell?
- (a) What are genes?
(b) Where are they located?
(c) What are their functions?
- Differentiate between
(a) chromatin, chromosome and chromatid (b) diffusion and osmosis
(c) hypotonic and hypertonic solution (d) nucleus and nucleoid
(e) plant and animal cell.
- List two similarities between mitochondria and plastids.
- Name two types of ER. Distinguish between them on the basis of structure and function.
- Highlight the differences in vacuole in an animal cell and plant cell on the basis of (a) number (b) size (c) location.
- What are the function of ER and Golgi apparatus (bodies)? How are they related to each other?
- List the functions of (a) lysosomes (b) vacuoles (c) nucleus.
- Draw a neat labeled diagram of (i) nucleus (ii) animal cell (iii) plant cell (iv) prokaryotic cell.
- What are the different types of plastids? Differentiate between them.
- Identify the cell organelle;
a) Has a large network of membrane –bound tubes and sheets.
b)Consists of system of membrane bound vesicles arranged parallel to each other in stacks called cisterns.
c)Membrane- bound sacs filled with digestive enzymes.
d)Consists of numerous membrane layers embedded in stroma
e)Storage sacs for solid or liquid contents.
- Name the following:-
(a)Two semi autonomous organelles. Why are they known so?
(b)The type of enzymes found in lysosomesand their site of synthesis.
(c)Organelles involved in the formation of lysosomes.
(d)Two factors affecting osmosis.
(e)Two nucleic acids present in the cell.
(f)Three functional regions of the cell.
(g)Location of chlorophyll in a (i) plant cell (ii) photosynthetic bacteria.
(h)Role of ER cells in the liver cells of the vertebrates.
(i)Energy currency of the cell.
(j)Deep foldings in the inner membrane of mitochondria.and their significance.
35. (a)In the diagram given below identify the part marked B and C
(b)What are the substances that organelle A stores?
(c)Mention one function of organelle B and C.
(d)What are cisterns?
36. a) Observe the figure given below and answer the questions.5
(b)What has happened to cell A and B ? Explain.
(c)Identify the type of solution into which cell A and B are placed.
(d)Name and explain the process that has taken place in cells A and B.
- List two characteristics of cork cells which help them to function as protective tissue.
- Why do meristematic tissues lack vacuoles?
- State any two reasons for plant cells to have large central vacuole.
- What are pits? Where are they found?
- List any six characteristics of parenchyma tissue.
- Why does the growth of a plant occur in specific regions ?
- What are the two types of plant tissues? Differentiate between them.
- What are the characteristic features of the meristematictissues?
- How do meristemaic tissues form permanent tissues? What is this process known as?
- Name two specialized parenchyma tissues and mention their functions.
- What are the characteristic features of epidermal cells?
- Name the type of plant tissue that
a) Provides support and also stored food.
b)Allow easy bending in various parts of s plant. (leaf, stem) without breaking.
c)Is found in leaf stalks below epidermis.
d)Is found around vascular bundles.
- Is the outer layer of a branch of a tree different from the outer layer of a young stem? How?
- What are the various elements of phloem? Mention their functions.
- Differentiate between xylem and phloem on the basis of structure and function.
- Make a labeled sketch of phloem.
- Make labeled diagram of xylem elements and write their functions.
- Name the
a) Main cells of xylem
b)Conducting cells of phloem
c)Living cells in phloem
- Name the three types of simple permanent tissues and differentiate between them on the basis of structure a, location and functions.
- How is the epidermis modified to perform various functions in the following?
a) Desert plants b) aerial parts of plants c) exchange of gases d) roots
- Which elements of xylem
(i)help in transport of water and minerals,
(ii)store food, and
(iii)provide mechanical support ?
22.a) Identify the type of plant tissue given below. Where in the stem of a plant would
b)you find this tissue ?
c)(b) Label the parts marked 'A' and 'B'.
d)Mention their functions.
23. (a)Identify the given figures.
(b)State in brief their structure
(c)Describe the role performed by the two
24. Label and mention the type of tissue.
- 26. What are the different types of meristematic tissues? Where are they located in a plant? How do they bring about growth in plants? Illustrate with suitable diagrams.
25. Name the tissue responsible for flexibility in plants ? How would you differentiate it from other permanent tissues ?
26. Make comparisons between structure and function of tissues in plants and animals.
- During breathing, we inhale oxygen. Where does this oxygen go?
- Why do cells need oxygen?
- In what form stimulus is transmitted by a neuron?
- Where is fat stored in our body?
- What is the function of nervous tissue?
- Name theconnective tissuewhich helps in repair of tissues. State where this tissue is found.
- Write two functions of adipose tissues
- What is basement membrane? Where is it located?
- Write the functions of epithelial tissues.
- Name the different types of WBCs. Name a polynuclear leukocyte.
- What enables animals to move rapidly in response to stimuli?
- Where are smooth muscles found? Why are they knownso?
- Where are the skeletal muscles located? Skeletal muscles are also known as striated muscles. Give reasons.
- Give reasons for the following :
a)We can bend the cartilage of our ears but cannot bend the bones in our arm.
b)Blood is known as fluid connective tissue.
- Name the type of tissue whose cells are filled with fat globules. State its function
- a) What is aconnective tissue? State its any two basic components
d)Blood is known as connective tissue. Give reasons
- What is the peculiar characteristic feature of connective tissues? How is the nature of
matrix related to the function of the particular connective tissues ?
- What is the composition of blood? Mention the function of blood.
- What is the composition of blood plasma? Mention the functions of various blood cells.
- Why are muscle tissue also known as muscle fibre? How do muscles cause movements?
- Write the various components of nervous system? What are they composed of?
- What are the characteristic features of the epithelial tissue which makes it suitable for the following:
a)Protective role
b)Excretion and secretion
d)Mechanical support
- Specify the location of the following epithelial tissue. Mention their functions. How are they modified to performtheir function ?
a)Squamous epithelium
c)Columnar Ciliated
e)Stratified Squamous
f)Simple Squamous
- Draw a labeled diagram of bone and answer the following questions :
a)What are bone cells known as?
b)Where are the bone cells present?
c)What is the nature of the matrix in the bone?
d)What are canaliculi ?
e)What does the Haversian canal contain?
f)Write two functions of bone.
- Differentiate between the following :
a)Ligament and Tendon
b)Bone and Cartilage
c)Axon and Dendrites
d)Nerve fibers and Nerve
e)Voluntary Muscles and Involuntary Muscles
f)Compact Bones and Spongy Bones
- Draw a labeled diagram of cartilage and answer the questions:
a)What are the cartilage cells known as?
b)What is the nature of matrix and what is its composition?
c)Name the places in our body where cartilage is present.
d)Name an animal whose skeleton is made up to cartilage.
- Name the type of muscles responsible for the following :
a)Movement of limb
b)Movement of food in the alimentary canal
c)Contraction and relaxation of blood vessels
28. (a) Draw the adiposeconnective tissue.
(b)Mention one region in the body where this tissue is present and state one function of this tissue.
(c). Name the principle cells of this tissue.
29.(a)Draw a labelled diagram of a neuron.
(b)Identify the tissue which is made up of thesecells.Name one organ that is made of this tissue.
(c) What are nerve impulses?
(d) Name the part that
i)Receives impulse
ii)Conducts impulse