Barrhead Housing Association Limited
Minute of Governing Board Meeting
Wednesday 25th February at 6.00pm
60/70 Main Street, Barrhead
Rena McGuire, BEM, Chairperson
Brian Connelly, MBE, Secretary
Gavin McVicar
Laura Hendry
In Attendance
Shirley Robison, Chief Executive
Helen Sutherland, Director of Corporate Services
Jim Munro, Director of Customer Services
Dougie McIntyre, Director of Property Services
1 / Apologies & Sederunt CheckApologies were received from John Hamilton, Councillor Reilly, Claire Boyd and Michael Mukhtar. The Sederunt was signed by those present.
2 / Declaration of Interest for noting
3 / Approval of Minute
(a) Board meeting 18th December 2014
It was proposed by Rena McGuire and seconded by Laura Hendry that the minute be approved.
Minutes for Noting
(b) LPS Board Meeting 22nd January 2015
(c) Development Working Group meeting 25.02.15 (to follow)
(d) FLAIR Annual Review meeting 24.11.14
4 / Matters Arising from Above Minutes
At agenda item 5.2 under Health & Safety audit a change is to be made from ‘addressed’ to ‘identified’. The minute will be updated.
Rankin Way Roofs – staff are meeting the contractor on 27th February 2015 but it is thought that the works are on track at the moment.
LPS Board meeting – Due to insufficient members being present from BHA, this item will be highlighted for approval at the next meeting. Eddie Tweedie and John Logue have confirmed that they will be resigning from the LPS Board. They have not officially resigned yet and approval is required from Governing Board members. Chief executive stated that a letter will be sent to both Eddie and John to thank them for their contribution to the management boards and to accept their resignations. As Eddie Tweedie is standing down as LPS Chairperson, Douglas Yates has accepted the position of Chairperson until 2017. This will be ratified at the next BHA Board meeting.
5 / Matters for Discussion and approval
5.1 Chief Executive’s Report
The chief Executive referred to the written report. Members were satisfied with the benefits reported for being part of FLAIR. The Chief Executive confirmed that she had attended a meeting at SFHA on 30th January on HARIS funding model and confirmed that a large number of issues were unclear at present as to how it will operate. It was noted that two of the Association’s Banks had recently indicated that funding could be made available to BHA without any adjustment to existing loans. As BHA is not required to make any immediate decisions, the Chief Executive recommended that BHA attend the next meeting of HARIS before making any commitment. A report would be made to the next Board meeting. Board members approved our in principle interest in the sites identified by ERC in the SHIP. The Barrhead South sites are likely to be delivered as part of a section 75 agreement between the developer and the chosen RSL. The remaining site was a vacant piece of land that would be acquired for development by an RSL.
It was proposed by Brian Connelly and seconded by Laura Hendry that this be agreed in principal. Members approved the EVH ballot on salaries, which had been incorporated into the budget for 2015/16.
All other items in the report were noted. With regard to the setting up of a charitable Trust by VA-ER, the Board noted that the Chief Executive was happy to accept the appointment. It was proposed by Rena McGuire and seconded by Brian Connelly that the position is approved.
5.2 Investors in People Re-assessment Report
The Assessment went extremely well and the Association was successful in receiving the following;
· IIP Silver Accreditation
· Investors in Young People Good Practice Award
5.3 Budget 2015/16
The Director of Corporate Services presented the budget to the Governing Board and highlighted the main points of to Board members - 1.9% rent increase but rent harmonisation figures were still to be updated; no increase on the repairs/void budget; Salaries increased as per EVH’s ballot outcome; projections show there will be a net outflow of £840k in the year – the reason being the Darnley Road build and the office refurbishment. The position for Darnley Road and ROTS was noted by members. The final budget requires approval from the Governing Board following discussion on item 5.4 on the rent review and rent harmonisation review.
5.4 Rent and Service Charge, Rent Harmonisation Review
The Director of Customer Services presented the report to the Governing Board. This had been subject to extensive reporting and presentations to previous Board meetings. Staff were now largely happy with the proposal subject to further consideration of MtR properties and main door flats. Consultation had also been undertaken with no major concerns. There were 72 responses received from the rent increase consultation and the general response to a 2.3% increase was positive, therefore, the increase of 1.9% will be well received.
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the introduction of the revised Draft Rent Setting Policy and its rent-setting Mechanism.
It was proposed by Brian Connelly and seconded by Laura Hendry that the Final Budget and Rent Setting Policy and rent harmonisation proposals be approved.
5.5 Management Accounts to 31.12.14
The Director of Corporate Services presented the Management Accounts to the Governing Board and the main points highlighted were;
· The main areas of underspend are; Salaries, Bad Debt, Cyclical Maintenance and Reactive & void Repairs.
· Reactive and void repairs are underspent by £10k, following the introduction of the new single term contract.
The Director of Corporate Services discussed the breakdown costs with the Governing Board and there were no questions in relation to the accounts.
It was proposed by Gavin McVicar and seconded by Rena McGuire that the Management Accounts be approved.
5.6 Business Plan Q3 update including risk, development plan
The Chief Executive referred to the progress on all of the objectives for Quarter 3. It was noted that issues with implementing the new repairs contract were improving as were costs reducing; that training was still required for customer services officers; that further progress was required for QL; no feedback had been received on the Performance Report from tenants; PCER project was going really well with high demand for services; the 30-year business plan update was now progressing; and data profiling was continuing. The report was noted by members present.
5.7 Q3 Performance Reports
The Director of Customer Services highlighted that the rent arrears are higher than targeted, this is due to several factors; former tenant arrears, delayed HB payments and HB sanctions. Void loss remains lower than target and is significantly lower than the same period in 2013/14. The performance report was attached for information and there were no further questions at this point.
5.8 Q3 Repairs Report and update on Atlas Maintenance
The Director of Property Services presented the report to the Governing Board and highlighted the following points;
· Repair costs reduced significantly
· Performance Issues – average time to complete / Right first time were getting better
· Appointments kept – performance with appointments not good enough. 14 fails for Atlas Maintenance so far
· BHA are working with Atlas Maintenance to sort out issues with the main priority being the tenants
There were no questions from GB members at this point but Brian Connelly stated that the performance should be closely monitored and if there is no improvement it should be fed back to Atlas Maintenance. Then Director of Property Services acknowledged this point and confirmed regular meetings take place and the contract is continuously monitored.
5.9 Q3 Complaints Report
The complaints to the end of Q3 were noted at 101 complaints processed at the end if quarter 3; 97 – stage 1; 4 – stage 2; 42 were upheld. Senior staff consider the complaints in more details at regular meetings. There were no concerns raised or questions asked in relation to the complaints report.
5.10 Homelessness Strategy – request for accommodation
The Director of Customer Services presented the report to the meeting. If a lease is agreed with ERC, the Association would have to ensure this did not cause any management problems. In addition to this, it was noted that discussions had taken place with ERC regarding the impact of Universal Credit with the Connor Road Project. It is being recommended that the Board approve the request from ERC to assist them with homeless accommodation and to note the discussions with ERC concerning Connor Road. It was proposed by Laura Hendry and seconded by Rena McGuire that the request from ERC be approved.
5.11 Tele-care Services
This report was initially presented to the Board in September 2014 regarding the tele-care proposal from ERC CHCP to take over the Community Alarm Service at the Sheltered Housing Complex. A proposal has been received from CHCP and two consultation meetings with residents have been held. The costs and draft service level agreement are detailed in the report provided - we are awaiting costs for 2015/16. It is recommended that CHCP proposal and draft service level agreement is approved as the costs proposed are value for money in comparison to the current provider Bield. It was proposed by Gavin McVicar and seconded by Laura Hendry that the proposal be approved.
5.12 I-FLAIR price refresh report – next meeting
5.13 Approved Contractor’s list – update
The approved contractors list was provided for information only and amendments require GB approval. It was proposed by Rena McGuire and seconded by Gavin McVicar that the updated contractors list be approved.
5.14 LPS Board reports 22.01.15 and 23.02.15
For information only. No questions were raised.
5.15 Development Programme – updated report on progress for Darnley Rd
Following on from today’s meeting, members noted that the acquisition of the site is not yet concluded but a clear Title was now in place. Atrium has recommended that we apply for a license to demolish the existing building now in order to move the build along quickly once acquired. A tender application was submitted to Scottish Government on 19th December 2014. An increased offer of £837,185 funding was received which is the equivalent of £55,812 per unit. It is recommended that the grant funding offer of £837,185 from Scottish Government is accepted and that the contract also be formally awarded to McTaggart Construction for £1,390,650. It was proposed by Gavin McVicar and seconded by Laura Hendry that the Scottish Government grant funding for the Darnley Road site be approved and the McTaggart appointment also approved. It was noted that prices should be held by McTaggart to allow this site start to commence before March 2015 but any further delay in acquiring the site wasn’t guaranteed to contain the contract prices. All efforts would focus on getting the site acquired as urgently as possible.
6 / Matters for Information/Standing Agenda Items
6.1 Correspondence
For information only.
6.2 Quarterly workplan update
6.3 Notifiable events (no report)
6.4 Documents for execution/approval/noting – Annual Return to Scottish Social Care Commission 31st Jan 2015: noted
7 / Health & Safety
Nothing to report.
8 / AOCB
An arrangement will be made to mark Rena McGuire receiving a BEM for service to the community of East Renfrewshire. Once a date is set for the receiving of her award, arrangements can be made. Everyone congratulated Rena on this significant achievement.
9 / Date of next meeting: Thursday, 26th March 2015
Signed by Chairperson: ______
Date: ______