RFP #16007-3802





Paulding County, Georgia

Richland Creek Water Supply Program


January 19, 2016

This addendum is being issued to provide clarification and answer questions received and make changes to the RFP. This addendum is also posted on the County’s official website: www.paulding.gov

RFP Changes

1.  RFP Page 6, at the end of Task 4 add:

“Engineer shall include design of a standby power system for the booster pumping station’s critical loads. The system shall provide automatic transfer from normal to emergency power. The emergency power source shall be a package diesel engine with a weather protected, sound attenuated enclosure and sub-base fuel storage tank. Systems shall be designed in accordance with the applicable NFPA standards and UL listed systems.

The Pump Station and Generator System Design shall include a PLC at the pump station with the capability of allowing remote telemetry (type to be decided at a future date). Permitting and any radio survey if required will be performed by others outside of this contract.”

Questions and Responses

1.  Question: For the finished water pipeline and booster pump station: Will the selected design engineer subcontract geotechnical and environmental services?

Answer: The scope for the finished water pipeline and booster pump station design includes geotechnical and environmental services needed for design. Geotechnical and materials testing services during construction are not included in the scope.

2.  Question: For the finished water pipeline and booster pump station: Who will be securing construction materials testing services, design engineer, contractor or County?

Answer: For design, the design engineer’s team will be providing these services. For construction, it has yet to be determined how these will be procured. There are several other projects with which these services will be coordinated. It is not anticipated that the design engineer will provide these services during construction. If these services are provided through the design engineer, an equitable adjustment is anticipated.

3.  Question: What type of modeling software is currently being used for the Richland Creek Water Supply Program?

Answer: The County uses Bentley WaterGems.

4.  Question: Can you provide a copy of the EJCDC E-500 contract?

Answer: The final contract will be established with mutually agreed upon completion of the EJCDC E-500 contract. A copy of this document has been uploaded to the County procurement website.

5.  Question: The page count is limited to 20. Is the cover letter and litigation history part of this count?

Answer: The cover letter and table of contents are not included in the 20 page limit. If the company has an extensive litigation statement, than provide a brief synopsis in the proposal and attach a detailed statement as supplementary information (the supplementary detailed statement will not be counted in the 20 page limit).

6.  Question: I don’t see a requirement for submittal of formal resumes. Can you confirm?

Answer: Project team qualifications will constitute 15 points in the evaluation process. RFP Item C.2 requests that proposers list experience for key team members. If you feel that providing full resumes in addition to this information will enhance you proposal, then they can be provided as supplementary information (will not count toward the 20 page limit.

7.  Question: Will as-built drawings be available for the water main that runs along the west side of Hwy 61?

Answer: As-built information is not available. County GIS data will be available to the selected design firm.

8.  Question: Is there any existing ROW survey for Hwy 61 that can be provided?

Answer: See response to Number 13 below.

9.  Question: Who will be responsible for coordinating construction activity impacts with the various residences, school, businesses, etc.?

Answer: The Program Manager and the County will coordinate construction activity impacts. Refer to Task 7 for engineer’s role in stakeholder involvement.

10.  Question: The pipeline crosses a railroad near Dallas. Has any coordination been done on this to date? Who does the railroad belong to?

Answer: No coordination has yet taken place. Norfolk Southern is the Railroad owner.

11.  Question: Are there any structural inspections or bridge reports on the Hwy 61 bridge that is intended to carry the pipeline?

Answer: Structural inspections are conducted by GDOT, and are maintained in GDOT’s records. Paulding County can assist with record retrieval after the consultant is selected.

12.  Question: Would the County be amenable to extending the RFP due date by one week?

Answer: No, proposals are due on January 29, 2016.

13.  Question: It’s stated that the pipeline would generally run along Hwy 61, then to Johnston Ave. I assume it would be in the R/W of these roads; are there plans available showing the R/W limits?

Answer: The typical ROW for SR61 is 100 ft but likely less within the City of Dallas limits. ROW is shown on the County’s GIS. The designer will need to verify row from records research during the survey/design process. GDOT archived plans should be available online and Paulding County can assist with record retrieval after the consultant is selected.

14.  Question: For the borings, would Paulding County dictate which side of the road the 133 borings would be located?

Answer: Final routing will be performed by the Engineer, which includes if and when to cross 61. Geotechnical borings shall be located by the engineer to support the design.

15.  Question: Do you know how deep the pipeline would be; this impacts borings depths? Same question for the pump station.

Answer: Engineer shall establish depth in their design. In general, since this is a pressurized line, the pipeline will likely maintain minimal depth of cover (3-4 ft of cover) unless crossing utilities, streams, railroad, future roadway impacts etc. Pump station will require deeper borings to establish foundation requirements (responsibility of the engineer to size).

16.  Question: If clearing is needed for drill rig access, would you want to handle getting a small dozer and operator?

Answer: The final contract established with the selected Engineer will include an allowance that will allow for these services. Do not included cost for clearing for drill rig access in your proposal.

17.  Question: Can you give us any details on the railroad crossing, like how deep the embankment is?

Answer: The railroad is owned by Norfolk Southern. Embankment depth is unknown.

18.  Question: We have a few questions about the Environmental/Wetland delineation, like how far from the road do you need the delineation?

Answer: Delineation shall be appropriate to identify waters of the United States within any temporary or permanent construction area and to provide approval of required permitting.

19.  Question: Does the booster pump station require an emergency generator for backup purposes.

Answer: Yes, a standby diesel generator with a belly tank shall be provided. See this addendum.

20.  Question: Has a site been chosen and acquired for the booster pump station or is the selected engineer required to make those recommendations.

Answer: The BPS will be located on land already owned by the County off of Bethel Ave. Please see Figure 4 in the Conceptual Design document attached to the RFP.

21.  Question: Is Patterson the pump manufacturer of choice for Paulding County and if so is there an issue with single source suppliers being specified with the funding that will be utilized.

Answer: Patterson was just used in comparing the costs of a package systems compared to a custom pump station. There is no specific desire to sole source Patterson. The County and Program Manager will work with the Engineer in identifying additional suppliers.

22.  Question: The RFP states that the booster pump station will operate off of the head conditions related to the Macland elevated tank. Is this control system part of a SCADA system that would include the new WTP and if so is there a radio system that would require permitting and a radio survey. Additionally, if this is a SCADA system please list the equipment manufacturer and software utilized. If the only control resides at the Macland tank is it a hardwired probe, pressure transducer, or ultrasonic system that we can connect to via phone cabling for control.

Answer: The Design shall include a PLC at the pump station with the capability of allowing remote telemetry (type to be decided at a future date). Permitting and any radio survey if required will be performed by others outside of this contract.

23.  Question: For sizing and locational analysis for air release and surge relief valves, has the WTP design firm performed a surge analysis to size the surge protection devices to be installed at the WTP or will this be the responsibility of the firm selected for this project?

Answer: A preliminary transient analysis was completed and a surge relief vale that will be installed as part of the WTP construction was sized. Additionally provisions (piping connections) are being provided that allow for future installation of a surge tank if necessary. The Pipeline Consultant shall complete a transient analysis on their final design and incorporate these planned surge control devices within their design. This will include sizing of the surge tank (if required). Construction of the tank may take place by the WTP contractor (to be determined at a later date).

24.  Question: I was wondering if you could provide a summary of the total clearwell storage planned at the Richland Creek WTP?

Answer: Total Volume is 6.3 MG

Here is the Allocation:

1.5 MG is allocated for CT

0.8 MG is allocated for Backwashing

4.0 MG is allocated for Systems Storage

25.  Question: I was wondering if you could provide a summary of the total clearwell storage planned at the Richland Creek WTP?

Answer: At a future date when the plant expands from 18 mgd (plant can ultimately expand to 36 mgd) a second 6.3 MG clearwell will be added.

26.  Question: What is the firm capacity of the high service pump station?

Answer: 4 pumps will be installed at the high service pump station initially with provisions of adding an additional 3 pumps to support future expansion. Each pump is rated at 5556-gpm @ 445-ft.

No other changes to the previously issued RFP have been made with this addenda. Deadline for submission remains to be no later than 4:00 P.M. on Friday, January 29, 2016.


Tabitha Pollard

Finance Director

Paulding County Department of Finance

Request for proposals for design services of
Finished water pipeline and booster pump station
Distribution system improvements
RFP #16007-3802 / Addendum #1