The Rising Dragon

Note: DragoMike, Mike, Arok, and all other characters appear in this story are ©DragoMike’s

Tombfyre © himself.

This story is © DragoMike 2003

Mike- Mike is a young 21 year boy with long black hair and dark black eyes he always wear fingerless gloves and a dragon shape pendant on his chest. He is an expert Spear user and very kind and helpful to someone that he needs help. Mike from time to time express extraordinary powers that even he doesn’t know how and when he got them, he also bears a scar on his forehead and the only thing that he knows about it is that he has this scar from a very little age.

He has no family and brothers.

DragoMike- DragoMike is a Giant green kind very fat and very very friendly dragon.

He is a size changer his normal size is about 1000ft but he usually is 19 with 20 ft tall in his everyday life. He helps everyone who needs help and even those who doesn’t need also he is an expert cooker and have magical powers such aura recognition and fire manipulation. He knows how to get out of trouble if he get his self into and will fight back with everything he got if things are heat up.

Arok- Arok is an orange dragon with white scales dark grey horns and green emerald eyes. Do not let his fearsome appearance scare u because in reality he is a good hearted dragon, Arok has been saved by Mike from certain death when he was little

He is a very powerful dragon warrior. From that day on Arok considers his self liable to Mike and helps Mike with all the might of his heart.

Tombfyre- Tombfyre is a Red huge macro dragon.

As DragoMike Tombfyre has the ability to change size too, like all the dragons Tombfyre has knowledge about the ancient dragon fighting arts, friendly and with a great sense of humor he takes the task to help Mike understand and improve his *unusual* powers.

Mike’s Pendant-Mike wears this dragon shaped pendant since he was a little boy.

He conceders this pendant really precious to his life because it’s the only thing left that he reminds him his father. He dose not let anyone to take it away from him first because he really likes it and second he can’t bear to loose it. Mike from time to time watching to his pendant brings him mysterious thoughts making him believe that this pendant is something more than a normal pendant….a mystery to him….

Chapter 1

Dragon encounter

Mike was waking up at the usual time in his small wooden house so he can arrange his daily jobs, well... Most of all cause he had hard times with the town folks because to tell u the truth he wasn’t really prepossessing from them and there are many reasons for this that will be explained later.

He was living in a small house in the middle of the White Plains at the foothill of the Windy Mountains he loved his home because it’s the only thing that was left from his family, it was his humble abode full with few but beloved memories.

Everyday Mike was wake up with the usual thought “what will I do today?”

For Mike it was really hard to arrange his job in the town, like all the people Mike had to work to pull out his daily bread but his reputation on the town wasn’t really good and that make things for him really bad.

He was working on the Town’s Library as a lower class Book organizer.u know the job of trying to gather tons of books and organizing in the order that a very very mean librarian gives you is a hard and tired work.

In his spare time Mike was sitting in the library and read for hours Books for dragons and everything that describes that marvellous creatures, the odd thing is that all books that write for dragons and the origins of them was in the restricted area of the library and Mike was waiting for all the people to pull out from the library and start his readings, Mike was a really fan of dragons, He really loved them and wants to suck up every piece of information about them.

He tried to do this very secretly because reading these books was totally illegal they consider them as classified and forbidden information and that’s because everyone in this town hate dragons! They hate them really much everyone except Mike and that’s the main reason why they hate him as much as the dragons.

Mike was following the same procedure every day all week little he knows that his life is going to change forever.

The weekend is about to came and Mike was having an idea of how is going to snatch every piece of chance of how to get his self in the library because at the weekends the library was all day close, so he gather all his courage and went to speak to the librarian to ask for a permission if he can work overtime this weekend just to*clean* the bookshelves without charging up his salary.

“Urr excuse me? Hello!” Mike said a little frighten,

“Well well what do we have here? It’s the dragon boy” said the librarian, everyone in the town was mocking Mike with this ironic *dragon boy* Mike didn’t mind though, he like’s it calling him this way but with a level of limitation cause it can be really annoying

“MIKE!!” shouted the librarian, he was a very big mean and really fat man his gut was spilled over his really tight trousers and outside his shirt and if u ever sow him for first time u will think that he has eat an elephant!!

“How many times did I have to tell you NOT to wear this disgusting pendant in here!!!!”

“What’s with my pendant?”

“It’s…its A DRAGON” said with a very disgusting and unpleasant tone in his voice, Mike didn’t want to make a scene and he hid his pendant under his t-shirt “phew…that better! Now what do u want!” asked the librarian and throw a cold sight on Mike,

“Can I work overtime in the weekend? I think the bookshelves need cleaning and some of them re-organizing!”

The librarian looked Mike at the eyes and start thinking

“Are you UP to something? Do you want A SALARY RISE!!!!?”

“No no no of course not!!!”

“You know that at the weekends we are close!!!!”

“I can come at the daylight to do all the jobs and u don’t have to pay for cleaning service!” hearing that the librarian smiled happily he also was a very scrooge man

“Is that so? Then yes! I can arrange that my dragon boy but don’t even think for a minute that you will get a penny for this!!!” Mike nods happily

“NOW GET BACK TO WORK!!! You should be great full that you work here!” He shouted at Mike’s Face making his long hair wave.

After his long working day Mike was returning at his home with a very big smile

“Wow what Luck a WHOLE weekend in the library reading about dragons and without that horrible man shouting at me!! YEY!!!!!!”.

The weekend came and Mike was very early up, he didn’t want to loose a minute he run as fast as he can to the library always cautious not to be seen by anyone or the library will be fill up and all his plans will be ruined, he lock himself in the building caring a bag with food and run at the restricted area where his favourite books was laying begging him to read them, he sat down and start reading manically and with joy eating simultaneously a pack of chocolate cookies.

Many hours past but for Mike every hour was like a minute he was really sink in his thoughts that he didn’t know how the time pasts but something horrible is bout to happen.

Something really bad.

At the same time the door of the building opened by the librarian followed by a couple of cops, unaware of what is going to happen Mike continue to read his books he didn’t noticed anything because he was at the basement of the building

“THERE HE IS!!!! GET HIM” the one cop shouted and other two begin to run toward to Mike,

Mikes quickly stand up dropping the book from his hand to his feet all cold sweated

But he was late and the two cops grabbed him from the arms, unable to move the librarian went in front of Mike at a close breath distance

“You didn’t expect me here do you? My dragon boy!!” Mike closed his eyes not because he was afraid but from disgust because he couldn’t take a breath from the horrific smell of the librarians breath!!

“You think that I am stupid enough not to notice what are you doing don’t you?” he shouted grabbing Mike from the hair

“I have been watching you about three weeks!! Sneaking in this area and reading forbidden books!” Mike was unable to move and the only thing that he was able to do was to push back the librarian from his massive gut with his feet!

“Get back you stinking breath!!!” Mike shouted kicking the Librarian making him fall back.

“grab him tight and search him under his T-shirt he has a dragon pendant!” both cops hold Mike even tighter and another one came to take the pendant from Mike’s neck he begun to wobble forcefully trying to free himself

“NO!!!!!” he shouted really loud

“NO ONE LAYS HIS HANDS ON MY FATHERS PENDANT!!!” and at the same time some kind of mystic force wave came out from Mike’s body pushing the cops away plus the librarian who was trying to stand up cause his massive gut and making all the books fall down from the bookshelves.

Astounded Mike looked at his hands with eyes wide opened

“There! It happened again!! Never mind I got to get out of here!” as he tried to move away a cop grabbed Mike from the leg with a quick move, Mike took a cookie from the floor and smashed it to tiny pieces and throw it to the cop’s face blinding him for a second.

Mike begun to run as fast as he can and started to climb up the stairs but as he start to climbing another strange feeling filled him! his forehead begun to burn him and a sense of vertigo started to spinning his mind, Mike grabbed his forehead and lean his whole self both body and head on the wall really dizzy

“No!...n...NOT again...aaargh!”

He climbed the last stair pretty difficult and begun to walk to the exit with really clumsy steps like he was trying to hold his body in position not to fall down always with his one hand in his forehead, but things wasn’t going to end so easy for Mike he was still inside the building and the cops was after him coming from the basement

“Hey you! STOP!!!!!” Mike turn around facing the cop.

“P…p...please don’t come any closer” Mike said with pain his forehead burned him even more, but the cop didn’t listen to him and begun to run towards to Mike with his hand wide open to grab him!

“G…g…get BACK!!!!!!” Mike shouted and another Force wave manifest pushing the cop back forcefully!

“Oh god I can’t stand it anymore! Such a pain!” Mike sniffed and a tiny tear dropped from his right eye he begun to recover his senses and quickly run outside the library.

He was running as fast as he can the only thing that Mike wanted is to reach his home

He was really terrified with today’s event that he didn’t feel the tiredness in his feet, soon Mike was arrived at his home and quickly went to his bathroom’s mirror to look at his self with quick moves he unwrapped his red bandage off his forehead to see what’s going on.

Mike had a scar…in a [W] shape he didn’t know how he got this all he knew was that he had this scar from a very little age. He looked into the mirror with his eyes wide open and he noticed that his scar had few blood drops at the edges,

“Not again! It seems is getting worst day by day!” he sighed and started to wash his face and clean his scar, he was really exhausted and he fall asleep really quick in his bed without worries to find him here no one knew that Mike was living here, his home was outside the town in the white plains near the black forest at the foothill of the windy mountain, people avoids to come to these places because its rumored that dragons inhabit the mountain! well sort off.. Mike didn’t mind because since 18 years that he lived in this place he didn’t sow one.

The next day Mike was really despaired “What and idiot I am!!! What am I suppose to do now? I can’t go pack to the town anymore after this! Plus my scar… what is happening to me?” he putted his hands in front of his face and leaned his head down,

But then it happened again!

But this time not with his scar or some kind of supernatural phenomena!

But with his heart!

Mike started to have a nameless feeling of fear in his heart! Like he knew that someone approaching near his home,

”What the… no one know that I live here what is going on!!” Mike’s heart beat begun to drum insane! He put his one hand on it and lean his back on the wall watching the door he knew that someone was outside!

The door begun to tremble forcefully not from the door knob but from the lower place where the doormat was placed. Mike was cold sweated!

Suddenly the door opened with force and what Mike faced was beyond his imagination! A little orange dragon with emerald green eyes popped out from the door landing on Mike’s bed.

Mike was really REALLY astounded he couldn’t pull out a word from his mouth both Mike and the dragon watched each other in the eyes for a minute until the dragon collapsed in Mike’s bed! His left foot paw was badly wounded Mike noticed that the wound was from a force hit a really powerful hit probably with some kind of pikestaff!