

Scottish Workforce & Staff Governance Committee

Friday 11th January 2013

Conference Room 2, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh


Present: Pauline Howie, Scottish Ambulance Service (Chair)

Jane Anderson – Unison

John Connaghan, Scottish Government John Callaghan, Society of Chiropodists & Podiatrists

John Davidson, Scottish Government

Joyce Davison, British Medical Association

David Forbes, Unison

Anne Gent, NHS Highland

Donald Harley, BMA

Shirley Johnston, Amicus (covering for Linda Delgado, Unite)

Gordon McKay, UNISON

Pamela McLauchlan, Scottish Ambulance Service

Gerry McLaughlin, NHS Health Scotland

Brian Montgomery, Scottish Association of Medical Directors Jackie Mitchell, Royal College of Midwives

Rose Anne O’Shea, Scottish Government

Judith Proctor, Directors of Planning Group

Norman Provan, Royal College of Nursing

Ian Reid, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Shirley Rogers, Scottish Government

Claire Ronald, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Elizabeth Stow, Society of Radiographers

Anne Thomson, Royal College of Nursing

Rhonda Walker, Nursing Directors (by Video Conference)

Dorothy Wright, NHS Education for Scotland

Edwina Cameron, NHS Borders (covering for Gary Wilson)

In Attendance: Marilyn Barrett, Scottish Government

Fee Goodlet, Scottish Government (Minute) Janice Lennen, Scottish Government (Minute) Fiona MacKenzie, Scottish Government

Darren Patterson, Scottish Government

Liz Reilly, NHS Tayside

Carolyn Wilson, Scottish Government

Apologies: Michael Brown, Royal College of Nursing

Sandra-Dee Masson

Linda Delgado, Unite

Lynne Douglas, NHS Lothian

Gavin Ferguson, Unite

Jane Hamilton, Scottish Government

Gordon Jamieson, NHS Western Isles

Gary Wilson, Employee Directors Group

Agenda Item 1 – Welcome, introductions and apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Members were informed of the list of apologies (noted above) and that the meeting today was quorate.

Agenda Item 2 – Minute of meeting held on 26th October 2012

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the Committee, with the addition of Gavin Ferguson to the apologies list.

Progress on the action points was noted as follows:

·  SWAG Committee Co-Chairs to write to NHS Boards to raise awareness of the proposal for implementation of KSF. Update from Norman Provan Complete;

·  NES to be invited to consider Careers in Transition from the perspective of proof of concept and possible alternative means of delivery. Report back to SWAG Committee. On agenda – item 9. Complete;

·  Employee Directors Role, SWAG Secretariat to discuss how best to take forward and report back at the future SWAG Committee meeting. On agenda item 4. Complete;

·  Scottish Government to review current Quorum and attendance guidelines and encourage Employer deputies to attend meetings. Complete;

·  Liz Reilly to issue published Staff Experience literature review and Long Term Recommendations papers to SWAG Committee. Complete;

·  Staff Experience Project – Liz Reilly to provide written report to SWAG Committee members. Complete;

·  Staff Experience Project - SWAG Secretariat to consider, in light of the written report, the need for an in-depth presentation at the January SWAG Committee. On agenda item 7. Complete;

·  2020 Workforce Vision – Marilyn Barrett to consider a staff side representative on the Modernisation and Capacity Workstream. A staff side member has now joined workstream. Complete;

·  2020 Workforce Vision to be a standing item at future SWAG Committee meeting. Complete;

·  A detailed discussion around Family Nurse Partnership to be carried forward to next SWAG Committee meeting. On agenda – item 3. Completed.

Agenda Item 3 – Family Nurse Partnership

Carolyn Wilson presented an update on the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) project. During this and the subsequent discussion the following points were noted.

·  Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) is a preventative programme for vulnerable young first time mothers;

·  It offers intensive and structured home visiting, delivered by specially trained nurses, from early pregnancy until the child is 2;

·  Nurses must have adult community nursing background;

·  Nurses are predominately Public Heath Nurses;

·  Concerns expressed around drawing FNP nurses from Public Health Service, leaving them short;

·  From staff already recruited it was noted that their vacant posts had been filled or the service had been altered to accommodate their absence;

·  The importance of future staffing levels was raised and the committee agreed that these needed to factor into future workforce planning.

·  The future cost of training FNP nurses was raised as a possible barrier for Boards and it was confirmed that at the moment the programme is funded by the Scottish Government;

·  Committee agreed this was an excellent programme.

Outcome – Gavin Ferguson and Jackie Mitchell have agreed to provide representation at future FNP Project Board Meetings.

Action Point – FNP Project to be invited to a future Committee meeting to provide update on progress.

Agenda Item 4 – Employee Directors Role

A paper outlining the Role of Employee Directors (EDs) role was circulated in advance of the meeting. Edwina Cameron discussed the following points with the Committee.

·  The EDs have developed a paper, in partnership with NHS Employers, to provide guidance on the role of, and support for, EDs;

·  Some re-wording is required at section 2.5 to clarify accountability to the Chair in relation to their elected chairs role of staff side;

·  It was agreed that this paper would set out the initial Employee Directors Role Framework (Part 1);

·  Further work is required to develop Employee Directors Role Framework (Part 2) which will provide guidance on:

-The training requirements for new EDs

-How to maintain professional registration and occupational competence in

relation to accreditation whist undertaking the ED role, and

-Agreed an exit strategy from ED role;

·  The 2nd part of the Framework to be developed by EDs during the next financial year.

Outcome – The Committee supported the 1st part of the Framework, with agreed amendments to section 2.5. The Cabinet Secretary is to be asked to endorse the paper before being issued to Boards as a Health Departmental Letter (HDL).

Action Point – Edwina Cameron to arrange for required re-wording of Employee Directors Role Framework (Part 1) Section 2.5 and send final version to Scottish Government;

Action Point - Scottish Government to invite the Cabinet Secretary to endorse the Employee Directors Role Framework (Part 1) before it is issued to Boards in the form of a Health Department Letter. Letter;

Action Point - Edwina Cameron to lead on the work to develop the Employee Directors Role Framework (Part 2) during 2013/14 and update SWAG on progress at future meetings.

Agenda Item 5 – Whistleblowing Helpline Update

A paper was circulated to members in advance of the meeting and John Davidson provided a further update. During this and the subsequent discussion the following points were noted:

·  The First Minister announced on 29 November 2012 that a National Confidential Alert Line for NHSScotland staff will be established;

·  The line will be piloted in the Spring of 2013 for 12 months and will be delivered by an independent organisation to ensure confidentiality and impartiality;

·  The service will be evaluated at the 6 and 12 month stages to provide an insight into the issues that are being raised and those that are being redirected to Boards;

·  The Scottish Government is currently working on the procurement and Call Handling process arrangements for the helpline;

·  The Call Handling Provider will be a company with experience in providing helplines and details of the successful bidder should be announced around February 2013;

·  Scottish Government agreed to share algorithms and protocols with Boards and SWAG members so messages to staff are aligned with the helpline;

·  Callers that are not genuine whistleblowing cases will be referred to the correct process route. e.g. personal grievance;

·  Callers that have not followed the Board internal whistleblowing processes will be referred to appropriate PIN Policy process;

·  Callers with genuine whistleblowing concerns will be passed to the relevant regulatory organisation for investigation.

Outcome - The group were content with the update and have asked for a further update at the next meeting.

Action Point – Scottish Government to share the Confidential Alert Line algorithms and protocols with Boards and SWAG members when available;

Action Point – Scottish Government to arrange for a further update on the Confidential Alert Line at the April 2013 Committee meeting.

Agenda Item 6 – 2020 Workforce Vision

This is a standing item for SWAG Committee. A update paper was circulated in advance of this meeting. Marilyn Barrett and Darren Paterson presented jointly on progress and during this and subsequent discussion the following points were noted:

·  Approach is to create a 2020 Workforce Vision to deliver the 2020 Vision which supports the delivery of the 3 quality ambitions for NHSScotland by June 2013.

·  Vision is to support people to live longer healthier lives at home in the home setting;

·  Anne Thomson has joined the Capability and Leadership workstream as staff side representative;

·  Lilian Macer and Elizabeth Stow will join the Modernisation & Capacity workstream or Governance & Engagement workstream as staff side representatives;

·  Existing work on Leadership and Capability reviews, Family Nurse Partnership Project, Staff Experience Project and the Caring Behaviours Assurance System etc will feed into 2020 workforce vision.

·  The Capability Report on skills needed for 2020 will be available at the end of January 2013; The Leadership Review will also be available then.

·  There will be 2 staff communication/engagement approaches in forming the 20:20 Workforce Vision. Board Level Toolkit and a National Online Discussion Forum;

·  The Board Level toolkit was issued on 13 December 2012 and contains guidance for Boards, power point presentations, posters, web banners, key messages and questions to use in discussions;

·  There is no need to duplicate work already undertaken, however, it is important for Boards to use the National branded (Everyone Matters) Posters etc;

·  The National Online Discussion Forum was launched on 7 January 2013 and will be used to supplement local facilitated discussions. Users will be guided through the key messages contained within the Board Toolkit, before participating in the online discussion forum;

·  The Online Discussion Forum is hosted by SHOW and is accessible via the Boards internet at the following address: www.workforcevision.scot.nhs.uk;

·  Scottish Government Assurance Returns are included in the Toolkit, the 1st Return is due on 11 January and the 2nd on 28 February 2013. Any anomalies between the Return and the Online Discussion Forum will be fedback to Boards;

·  Committee members were asked to raise awareness of the workforce vision website, online discussion forum and encourage staff to participate;

Outcome: Committee members noted the update.

Action: Arrange for a further update on 2020 Workforce Vision at the April 2013 Committee meeting and possibly concentrating on one workstream. To be discussed by SWAG Secretariat at 22 February 2013 meeting;

Action: Scottish Government to identify appropriate staff side communication channel for cascading future communications around all staff side members;

Action: Scottish Government to investigate access issues to the workforce vision web site for NHS staff that do not have access to SHOW.

Agenda Item 7 – Staff Experience Project - Outputs

Liz Reilly presented an update on the Staff Experience Project. During this presentation and the subsequent discussion the following points were noted:

·  The aim of the project is to develop tools for monitoring staff experience and should ultimately enhance patient experience;

·  A Staff Experience Framework has been developed and signed off by the Staff Experience Steering Group;

·  Two tools have been developed: Bespoke staff survey, with input from workforce and poses questions to staff linked to the 20 Employee Engagement Components. Team Vitality Questionnaire was an existing tool and has been further developed;

·  Three Boards were involved in the 1st Pilot Testing and four Boards in the 2nd Pilot testing of products. Three Boards will be involved in the 3rd Pilot testing of Bespoke which is due to be launched on 18th January 2013. One Board has taken part in pilot three testing of Team Vitality;

·  The Bespoke staff survey is being considered for validation by the University of West of Scotland and Team Vitality will be validated internally;

·  This project has close links to the Person Centred workstream;

·  It was acknowledged that this was an excellent piece of work designed by the staff for the staff;

·  Bespoke survey has been copyrighted as a number of sources are keen to use it;

·  National Staff survey will be informed by the Bespoke Questions;

·  Slight concerns expressed on how we handle Employee Engagement Index.

Outcome: Progress noted. The Committee asked for a further update on the project at their next meeting.

Action Point – A further update on the Staff Experience Project to be arranged for the next Committee meeting in April 2014.

Agenda Item 8 – Staff Governance Standard – Monitoring Framework

John Davidson had previously discussed the development of the new Staff Governance Monitoring Framework at the October 2012 Committee meeting. An updated paper was circulated in advance of this meeting and John led a discussion on this paper. During the discussion the following points were noted.

·  The Short Life Working Group (SLWG) have finalised the Monitoring Framework and are proposing 2 monitoring templates at Annex A and Annex B;

·  Annex A is more in-depth and is for Boards own use when monitoring the Staff Governance Standard at all levels within their organisation;

·  Annex B is a shorter monitoring template for Boards to submit to the Scottish Government, confirming that the internal review has been completed, and providing some key information and details from the Staff Governance Action Plan;

·  The SLWG has taken longer than expected to finalise the proposed new Framework, which has meant that consultation has been delayed;

·  The timescales noted in the paper includes full consultation;

·  The new Framework will be piloted during 2013/14 in 4 – 5 Boards;

·  The monitoring arrangements for the non pilot Boards will involve asking them to confirm that they are implementing the new Staff Governance Standard and to submit a copy of their Staff Governance Action Plan to the Scottish Government by May 2013;