Strand 1: GET Teaching

Improve the quality of teaching & learning to consistently good or better and further increase the proportion of outstanding teaching by:

·  Ensure every lesson provides appropriate challenge for all learners through excellent use of data in planning;

·  Embed the use of Bloom’s Taxonomy in the setting of learning outcomes for all lessons;

·  Develop our common approach to marking to ensure feedback is clear and acted upon by learners then followed up by teachers;

·  Introduce a programme of high quality homework that is completed by learners using online tools as appropriate;

·  Further develop the lesson observation pro-forma to focus clearly on progress over time and school improvement priorities;

·  Improve understanding on outstanding teaching and learning by training all staff to be able to make accurate judgements of lesson observations and deliver effective feedback; and

·  Revise the GET teaching handbook to reflect all of the above and ensure consistent delivery of the key principles of GET teaching.

Impact / Development Actions / By whom? / Deadline/Frequency / Monitoring
All Learners making at least 3 levels of progress from KS2 to 4. / Improve the quality of assessment by:
·  Moderating assessments to improve the reliability and consistency of data capture analysis
·  Continuing to develop the assessment overview document so that teachers know in advance the evidence used to inform data captures
·  Embedding a common marking framework for class books/tests so that learners are aware of how they are doing, what they need to do to improve and act upon the feedback provided
·  Continuing to develop learners’ skills in self and peer assessment by training colleagues in the Teaching & Learning Communities Forum / CTL/HoD/KS Co-ordinator
GET teaching team/ CTL/ HoD / In-line with data captures
September 2014
In line with Marking Policy
In line with TLC meetings / JB/PG through LM
JB/CTL in WSR or lesson drop ins.
Homework to contribute to the progress of all learners. / ·  Launch ‘Show My Homework’ to learners and parents
·  Monitor the completion of homework through form time programme
·  Monitor the quality and consistency of set homework as part of the WSR process
·  Monitor the setting and completion of homework by Year Group / JB
Form Tutors
SALs / September 2014
Half Termly
Half Termly?? / PG
Impact / Development Actions / By whom? / Deadline/Frequency / Monitoring
All learners are challenged to make rapid and sustained progress. / ·  Embedding the setting of challenging learning
·  objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy in all lessons
·  Continue to develop teachers’ skills in setting and assessing challenging learning objectives and outcomes by training colleagues in the Teaching & Learning Communities Forum / JB
?? / December 2014
In line with TLC meetings / PG/JB/CTL in WSR or lesson drop ins.
Good or better lessons every day.
85% of lessons to be judged as good or better in WSR. / ·  Re-launch common set of high expectations to be used in all lessons as set out in the HHS handbook
·  Provide revised ‘GET’ Teaching handbook to all colleagues to emphasise the expectations of what is expected in every lesson
·  Organise a programme of lesson observations within the GET Teaching team to trial the use of the new lesson observation proforma (Proforma)
·  Plan a programme of informal lesson observations within each faculty in order to allow all staff to be trained in carrying out lesson observations using the new Proforma / AC
AC / GET Teaching group
AC / September 2014
September 2014
Week beginning 22nd September
Rolled out across the year starting in October 2014 / PG/AC/JB/CTL in WSR or lesson drop ins.
AC / GET Teaching group
All learners able to work independently and collaboratively.
All learners able to reflect on how they learn. / ·  Re-launch expectations for developing learners’ PLTS to all staff – moving from Year 8 trial to whole of KS3
·  Continue to develop the PLTS resource cards in AfL boxes
·  Plan a programme of dates at the end of each term for learners to review their PLTS and complete the PLTS section in their planners
·  Train tutors to review and discuss learners PLTS in tutor time / ‘GET’ Teaching Team
AC / SALS / September 2014
December 2014
December 2014;
March 2015; & July 2015
Year team meeting / PG/JB/CTL in WSR or lesson drop ins.
All learners to have achieved level 4 in English, Mathematics and Science by the end of Year 7 / ·  English, Mathematics and Science to continue to track and monitor all learners in Year 7 and intervene when necessary.
·  Planning for Year 7 learners to be routinely monitored for consistency and high expectations.
·  Year 7 SOW to be differentiated to ensure challenge and high rates of progress for learners of all abilities / CTL
CTL / After every data capture
September 2014 / SB

Strand 2: Achieving Excellent Behaviour

Improve behaviour so that lessons disrupted by poor behaviour are ‘extremely rare’ through:

·  Improving regular monitoring of AEB processes to ensure that all lessons and tutorial periods follow AEB protocol giving learners total continuity of experience;

·  Eliminating ‘low level disruption to learning’ entirely through programmes to build learner skills, including Conflict Resolution, consistent rewards and development of B4L policy;

·  Raising further the expectations of learners around conduct, uniform, punctuality and attendance through consistent messages of high expectations in form time, lessons and SMSC and to and from school;

·  Developing a consistent process for the use of data around behaviour and achievement across all year groups including regular monitoring by SALs with Behaviour Data Capture Reports; and

·  Develop clear communication systems to staff, learners and parents around the sanctions system.

Impact / Development Actions / By whom? / Deadline/Frequency / Monitoring
100% of teachers have a clear understanding of behaviour processes and apply them consistently in classrooms and registration. / ·  Clear posters in all classrooms referring to AEB processes – Updated C1-4 Ladder of consequence, phones & head/ear phones, Stand & deliver/dismiss and corridor behaviour
·  Behaviour processes explained in GET Folder. Guidance sheets to be produced for how to log AP & BP
·  Time within Departments/Faculties to check understanding of B4L policy
·  Develop and implement methods for monitoring of Learning Walk for consistency of application of AEB processes
·  Flow chart for departmental/SAL/Late detention systems produced (links with greater use of SIMS to record and monitor detentions) / MRJ / RD
CTLs / AEB group
AEB sub group / SALs / September 2014
September 2014
Weekly – reviewed termly for impact
December 2014 then weekly / All posters in place and checked by drop-ins
MRJ/JT/TAC & CTL meeting notes
AEB group meetings
Data collected on LW call outs
CTL/SAL meeting notes, detention lists
Reduce calls for Learning Walk by teaching staff for low level behaviour issues. / ·  Promote Positive Behaviour system to encourage greater use of Achievement Points (links with Impact 4 as well)
·  Develop and implement methods for the monitoring of Learning Walk for consistency of application of AEB processes inc. ensuring staff follow up on their responsibilities within the Ladder of Consequence
·  Further development of a Conflict Resolution programme for targeted individuals identified through Panel, Learning Walk & SAL meetings / SAL / CTL
ED / TN / Termly
September 2014
September 2014 / AP v BP data
MRJ LM with SB
CR meeting notes/referrals from Panel/SALs
Impact / Development Actions / By whom? / Deadline/Frequency / Monitoring
100% of learners understand high expectations regarding conduct, uniform, equipment and Attendance & Punctuality / ·  C1-4 Ladder of Consequence to have impact evaluated through Learner Voice inc. evaluating proposed new poster by AP.
·  Seating plans for all classes but to be flexible for group work and differentiation
·  AEB policies applied consistently by staff through greater understanding of B4L policy. Agenda point for all SAL/Faculty meetings for recent AP/BP trends and ensure all staff understand expectations, especially new staff
·  Strict monitoring of Stand & Deliver-Dismiss / equipment / uniform at any point during the day
·  Develop system of monitoring through Learning Walk to monitor uniform & equipment throughout day (zero tolerance) / AEB sub group
Teachers / CTLs / SALs
Tutors / SALs / CTLs
SB / January 2015
September 2014
September 2014
End of September 2014 / Staff survey, BP data
CTL meeting notes & monitoring /LM / drop-ins
Monitoring data from meeting notes
Tutor checklists, SAL / SLT drop-ins
MRJ LM with SB
Through greater use of SIMS 100% of learners know their behaviour and achievement points and are fully engaged during their lessons inc. reduction of Fixed Term Exclusions to 40 / ·  Better SIMS tracking of BP & AP through a consistent, standard procedure developed by the SALs & MRJ in weekly summary reports.
·  Use of e-reports to be developed to replace card versions currently in use.
·  New Behaviour and Achievement reports to be developed and replace old BAT report(weekly/termly)for tutors and emailed to whole staff for analysis
·  Assembly system to be regulated to include structured and regular rewards assemblies (Links with Equalities AHT) / SALs / MRJ
SALs / SLT / September 2014
October 2014
October 2014 then weekly
½ termly / SAL meeting notes
MRJ / SAL meetings
Reports checked by SALs/MRJ/SB
Assembly PPTs shared & delivered
Better communication between stakeholders / ·  Audit of what communication issues exist for rewards and behaviour systems
·  Develop clear simple systems for communication about rewards and behaviour
·  Trial period for systems with feedback / AEB group
AEB group
AEB group / October 2014
February 2015
Summer term 2015 / Feedback to MRJ

Strand 3: Reading, writing, communication and numeracy

Overall aim:

·  Develop a coherent approach to and emphasis on raising standards of literacy skills through reading, writing and speaking and listening across the curriculum.

Impact / Development actions / By whom / Deadline/Frequency / Monitoring
Embed Accelerated
Reading, DEAR and reading for pleasure / Develop wider reading, independence and reading for pleasure by:
·  Embed AR programme in English using diagnostic reports and effectively plan rapid progress in reading , setting challenging reading targets for all learners.
·  Work with AHT English ( 2ic) to improve progress in reading. Collaborate with English department to ensure all learners are making at least expected progress in reading
·  Continue to support literacy coordinator and all staff, including SALs/ASALs and tutors , to manage daily DEAR programme consistently.
·  Review current DEAR in KS4 and 5 model / KEK- lead Lit Co
English dept
AHT English/
English dept
All staff / September 2014
September 2014-July 2015
September 2014 ongoing
October 2014 / Library reports
English reading data
Sample planning
Lit-co /SALs monitoring
Improved RWC( M) planning in most ( 75%) of lessons
Improve quality of written and spoken communication in KS4 and 5 / Years 7-9 Literacy/ reading and writing champions to:
·  Continue to develop and embed key literacy skills ( reading and writing) with targeted departments
·  At Key Stage 3-ensure consistent and effective planning and adapting of lesson plans with explicit literacy focus in conjunction with GET strand
·  Attend CTLs meetings to consult, advise and disseminate good practice with CTLs
·  Continue to improve delivery of teaching and learning of key reading and writing skills in targeted departments through professional development and monitoring meetings.
Years 10-13 literacy team to:
·  Consult CTLS and audit current practice in KS4 and 5 including vocational subjects
·  Plan effective model to improve the quality of written and spoken communication( QWC in exams)
·  Launch Key Stage 4 and 5 written and spoken communication strategy / KEK-lead
Lit champions Targeted depts.
Lit co
CTLs / September 2014-ongoing
Summer 2015
September 2014
October 2014 / WSR
Lesson plans
Lesson plans
Lesson drop ins
Learner/ teacher surveys
Termly MERs
Literacy learning walk
Impact / Development actions / By whom / Deadline/Frequency / Monitoring
Improve progress - most learners ( 75%) to make good or better progress / Improved reading and writing strategies evident in Key Stage 3 planning and lessons such that there is:
·  Improved access to the curriculum that enables learners to actively engage with / actively read a wider range of texts more independently
·  Learners can more independently plan and write more extended responses for different text types ( fiction/ non-fiction) appropriate to the subject / KEK- lead
Lit co
Literacy team / July 2015
July 2015 / WSR ( lesson drop ins)
Progress data
Book samples
Improved planning for reading and writing across the curriculum / Literacy champions and literacy leads effectively coached to disseminate good practice in reading and writing in years 7-9 by:
·  Continue to consolidate knowledge, understanding and planning for key literacy skills in reading and writing with all lead professionals
·  Review current CPD model to improve practice for teaching reading and writing with all lead professionals
·  Continue to develop literacy champions coaching skills to Identify , build and apply skills with targeted teachers and ensure consistent implementation in lessons
·  Continue to Improve planning and adapt lesson plans for own classes and rapidly roll out in faculties
·  Monitor effective delivery of teaching and learning of key reading and writing skills in targeted departments / KEK lead
Literacy champions
+ targeted teachers TBC
Lit co
HOF/ HOD / December 2014
Termly / Minutes- meeting
Sample lesson plans
Lesson drop ins
Learner/ teacher surveys
Termly MERs
End of year review
Improved literacy intervention programmes in Key Stage 3 / Develop coherent and effective literacy intervention programmes in Key stage 3 by:
·  Evaluate and amend current provision of KS3 literacy intervention programmes and range of Inclusion reading/writing programmes
·  Improve current systems for data , tracking and planning interventions to ensure all are rigorous, reliable and robust
·  Consolidate revised literacy intervention model in literacy and Inclusion
·  Monitor and evaluate literacy and Inclusion programmes / KEK
AHT Inclusion
Lit Co / September 2014
September 2014
Termly / LM
Dept. and whole school data captures
Termly reviews

Strand 4: Leadership and Management