
203-NYB-05 Laboratory Outline

Fall 2015

1. Schedule

Week /
Lab Report Due Date
Aug 24 / No Lab First Week of Classes
Aug 31 / DC Circuits
Sep 7 /

DC Circuits

Sep 14 / DC Circuits
Sep 21 / DC Circuits Lab Test / DC Circuits
Sep 28 / Permittivity of Free Space
Oct 5 / Introduction to Oscilloscope / Permittivity of Free Space
Oct 12 / No Lab Reading Week /
Oct 19 / DC RC Circuits
Oct 26 / AC RC Circuits
Nov 2 / RC Circuits Lab Test
Nov 9 / Magnetism and Induction
Nov 16 / Magnetism and Induction
Nov 23 / Magnetism and Induction
Nov 30 / Magnetism and Induction / Magnetism and Induction
Dec 7 /

No Lab Exams

2. Evaluation

Experiment / Mid-Term Grade / Final Grade
DC Circuits / 40 % / 20 %
DC Circuits Lab Test / 40 % / 20 %
Permittivity of Free Space / 20 % / 10 %
RC Circuits Lab Test / 20 %
Magnetism and Induction / 30 %

3. Laboratory Work

1. Rules

Attendance in the laboratory is mandatory. Students who do not come to the lab will be given zero automatically. In the case of multi week experiments, students will get zero if they do not attend any of the lab sessions.

The instructor reserves the right to deduct marks from individual students who do not contribute fully to the work of the team.

Students are not allowed to leave the lab without the teacher’s permission.

Cell phones and other electronic devices are forbidden in the laboratory.

2. Teams

Teams of three students will do the work in the laboratory. All the students in a team are equally responsible for the experimental work and the laboratory report. Each member of the team must prepare for the laboratory. All the work in the lab will be graded on a team basis except for the laboratory tests. The teacher may change the teams during the semester.

3. Safety Measures

Students must respect general safety measures and any and all safety instructions given by the instructor or by the technician for their security, for the security of others and for the sake of the equipment. Special instructions may be given by the instructor or by the technician.

4. Laboratory Report

A full laboratory report must include the following sections:

1.  Cover Page (respect the following order)

Title of the experiment, Names of the students, Physics 203-NYB-05, Laboratory Periods, Name of the instructor, Champlain-St.Lawrence College, Date handed-in (example: October 25, 2015).

2. Measurements and Calculations

A logical order must be respected. Start with the quantities read on measuring instruments and then present the calculated quantities on your way to the final results. Graphs and regression outputs will be put in this section. Physical variables and their symbols must be properly identified.

3. Discussion

Answer the questions on the lab sheets.

Laboratory reports must be stapled and printed (or handwritten in ink). Laboratory reports are due at the beginning of the lab period on the due date (see schedule above). No late work will be accepted. There will be no exceptions.

Incomplete laboratory reports will be granted an automatic zero.

5. Varia

If there are special circumstances that prevent students from respecting any of the rules above, the situation should be discussed with the laboratory instructor as soon as possible.