Biya, Ministers in Mad Panic as Southern Cameroons Liberation Movements Move into Higher Gear


rom the beginning of this September, 2005, and within the last few days, cohorts of La Republique have been on the wings, assembling those they can quickly lay their hands on to call on them to turn their backs on the Southern Cameroons struggle. The grandiloquent and panicky manner in which the calls are being made, compounded by the personalities behind the calls, betrays a lot. The long and short of it all being that the day is fast breaking and the truth is gradually surfacing.

It all started at the North West Fon’s Union General Assembly where the Assistant SG at their Presidency Philemon Yang battled with the former Transport Minister of La Republique, Nsahlai Christopher, to pass on the message that the Fons should never support “Secessionist” tendencies being orchestrated by some “ illegal Movements”. Of course, our Fons told them that they will never support any…( even that of 1984 where Biya resorted to the Pre-Unification appellation of La Republique du Cameroun, instead of Federal Republic of Cameroon.) The Fons doggedly and resolutely vowed to support what is right and true. Now that Right and Truth are surfacing, Yaounde wants to cause some cacophony in the midst of Southern Cameroonians, so that we wake up in dispersed ranks.

In a recent Cabinet Meeting held at Biya’s Palace, at Etoudi, it was revealed, to the consternation and trepidation of all the Ministers that the Southern Cameroons Independence is imminent and almost 94% around. The only way out now was for “NW” and “SW” elite to cause confusion in the midst of the Liberation movements by putting up bulwarks against them.


The tone was first given by the SW Chief’s President… without the accord of his colleagues. He vows his unalloyed support for “Secession” by supporting Mr. Biya. Next in turn was Emmanuel Ngafeeson and Ama Tutu Muna ( both junior figures in the Cabinet). Ama Muna makes it more banal and insipid when she proposes that Southern Cameroonians send a Memorandum to Paul Biya. Obviously, and evidently, this must be what Biya suggested as a way out. She should tell her master that the time for memos had long expired. After all, what happened to the many sent to Biya by our Pa Foncha? Did we not send many after AAC1 and AAC2 ? If he could not listen to the U.N.’s Secretary General, Kofi Annan, five years ago, is it now that a memo will open his brains up?


Calls on all the Movements, SCNC, SCARM, AMBAZONIA, SCYL, and SCAPO to severally and collectively remain steadfast and be resolute to face any planned onslaught to derail the cause.

Informs the International Community that Southern Cameroonians are united as far as the Independence Restoration bid is concerned;

Assures all Southern Cameroonians that what is happening now is one of the logical stages in an Independent struggle like ours…and it is often the last stage.


Coalition of Liberation Movements

of Southern Cameroons

Martin Fon Yembe

For the Ad Hoc Committee

Can Southern Cameroonians Face the Truth Now?


he story of the Southern Cameroons struggle is one of the most intriguing at the U.N., the A.U and even to those on the corridors of power in Yaounde. One great Political Scientist recently remarked that new textbooks have to be written to redefine the concept of Liberation Struggles, given what he has been observing in the case of the Southern Cameroons Struggle. He further allies this position with the pathetic situation of the main opposition political party in Cameroon, the SDF. In both cases, he lays blames on the leaderships that have engaged themselves in very shady deals, engaging very crude methods to force their positions across-including dishonest means and deceiving their followers all the time.

Truth is always consistent with itself and needs nothing to help it out. A lie is troublesome, and sets a man’s invention upon the rack; and one trick needs many more to make it good. The meeting of the Coalition of Liberation Movements of Southern Cameroons that met last Saturday in Bamenda has further exposed how this situation is being indulged and taking roots in the struggle. The question ons many lips are:

Did the Cow-Street SCNC send a delegation to the Coalition Meeting? Did Mr. Ngock Martin, SCNC Minutes Secretary propose that roll call be taken so that elections can go ahead? Did Dr. Yongbang reject the proposal on grounds that Chief Ayamba had not regularly convened the meeting? Did Ngock then introduce Hon. P.P. Nkwenti, President of Cow Street Think Tank as Ayamba’s representative at the meeting, on delegation from Ayamba himself? Did Julius Ndi identify Ebong, Nfor, Yongbang, Ndangam and Fossung as the architects of problems in the struggle? If today, Chief Ayamba is refuting that he sent anybody to the meeting, then who is lying? Ngock or Ayamba. Who is who in Ayamba’s SCNC? A man must have the courage to be himself, and not the shadow or the echo of another. . Someone is just the shadow of another in this struggle...One way or the other, we are digging, and before long we must have the truth in all these, and more.

The Sons

How Mbinglo-Nfor, Others Feed Fat on the Southern Cameroons Struggle

By Kum Elias

National Assistant Financial Secretary



Your Excellency,

I have the respectful honour to put forward to your high office and to Southern Cameroonians in general the prevailing financial crises since you came to the helm of the SCNC.

The SCNC that you inherited from your predecessor Dr. Luma NGEKA kept no financial records. Asylum documents were signed both by Vice National Chairman Mr. Nfor Ngala Nfor and the Northern Zone Chairman Mr. Mbinglo Hitler, and no record showed these financial transactions.

When I was elected by the Northern Zone Council in 2003 as National Assistant Financial Secretary, I took the challenge to clean the SCNC of its dirty financial image, which no other people were responsible but Mr. Nfor N. Nfor and his collaborator Prince Mbinglo Hitler.

I put in my experience and created working documents for Revenues received and payment made by SCNC on expenditures. I also created the budget and stock files for updating financial and stock datas.

These measures were too hard that the National Vice Chairman and the Zonal Chairman Prince Mbinglo Hitler began operating a secret financial Register unknown to the National Assistant Financial Secretary.

When I came to know about the secret financial transactions in the issuance of affidavits to asylum seekers and the monies were paid to the typist secretary, I requested for the register which unwittingly she gave me.

I realized that in 2004, from the 4th January to 4th December 2004, when she was controlled on the 10/02/2004 sixty (60) affidavits were issued to asylum seekers including Mbinglo Brendaline. I noticed that no amounts paid by asylum seekers were mentioned, as the rate for each affidavit in 2004 was 130.000 francs. I made my remarks on the secret register and appended my signature and stamped. Photocopies of register available as material proof.

I asked your vice and the Northern Zone Chairman who were signing the asylum documents which is our source of Revenue to justify the expenditure of 7.800.000 francs received for these transactions. They have been unable to give account of that money they received and did not pay it in to the finance Department of the SCNC.

In my report dated 18/04/2004 I expressed my worry about Prince Mbinglo collecting and using SCNC monies without any documentary justifications. When you were on mission this year in Geneva, Prince Mbinglo Hitler collected SCNC solidarity funds from one health institution amounting 115.500 francs and from one devoted Southern Cameroonian 50.000 francs respectively and only informed me verbally that he spent 140.500 francs, but did not produce receipts for the expenditures he made. He became angry when I persistently asked him to justify his expenditures by receipts. Up till today he has produced no proof of spending.

The 25.000 francs which was balance, he told me also verbally that he will use the money for his trip of 9th March 2005 to Mbiame LGA. On that day of his going to Mbiame, Prince Mbinglo Hitler phoned me early in the morning and told me that he had received 100.000 francs from a goodwill Southern Cameroonian, and had taken 40.000 francs from it for the Mbiame trip. He then used 65.000 francs from Bamenda to Mbiame in Bui county. What extravagance.

No receipts to justify the spending of the 65.000 francs were brought to the National Assistance Financial Secretary for accounting purpose. He is not in good mood when I ask him to justify any expenditure he made.

On the 24/02/2005, 50.000 francs was withdrawn from the bank, and the money was for Prince Mbinglo to go with Maître Mbah to Lebialem and seek the release of the National Chairman and other detained in Menji.

The same day we withdrew the money the Chairman, his Vice and Amadou Ndam who were detained in Menji returned to Bamenda. Prince Mbinglo Hitler, and Lawyer Mbah did not go to Menji. I expected Prince Mbinglo Hitler to pay back the 50.000 francs to the SCNC coffers, but he used the money and has not given an account why he had to use the 50.000 francs when the journey to Menji was cancelled by the return of those detained there.

While you and your Vice were in Geneva for the UNCHR, Prince Mbinglo Hitler deceived members of the Monday think tank that Mr. Nfor Ngala Nfor had phoned him, and also sent an E-mail, and through the phone call had instructed him to tell T.T. members to choose a different person who will do the banking transactions. This was a lie and misrepresentation of Mr. Nfor Ngala Nfor who would have not given such instructions without consulting the National Chairman who was leading the delegation to Geneva.

Prince Mbinglo Hitler influenced T.T. members to choose Mr. Kumka Simon. I was then giving monies to Mr. Kumka Simon for banking. On the 11/4/2005 he signed out 332.000 francs for the bank, and I entered this amount in my cash journal. On the 12th April 2005, Mr. Kumka Simon brought to me a bank receipt showing 330.000 francs instead of 332.000 francs. I asked him why he had to save lesser the amount I gave him. He explained that Prince Mbinglo Hitler instructed him to use 2.000 francs, and I the National Assistant Financial Secretary was never informed of the back door transaction. There was imbalance in the two records of account. The cash book has a different amount and the passbook has also a different amount.

One thing I must draw the attention of the National Chairman, and inform Southern Cameroonians is that the SCNC is not the property of an individual as Mr. Nfor and his friend Prince Mbinglo Hitler claim ownership. I believe each and everyone of us is making enormous sacrifice to liberate the Southern Cameroons from the annexation of La République du Cameroun. The SCNC is not for particular counties as claim the two gentle men.

As concerns the balance of 25.000 francs, Mbinglo told me a lie that he paid the money to Pa Ndi Stephen. Verification made in Pa Ndi Stephen’s records from 18/2/2005 to 21/3/2005 nothing had been paid in by Prince Mbinglo Hitler who grossly told a lie to free himself from blame and accusation for defrauding the SCNC.

From the time I opened the account of SCNC when Prince Mbinglo Hitler was in the Gambia, and immediately he returned I gave him the resolutions to sign as requested by the financial institution, he told me that since I was a signatory to the account he was not to be party to it. Why did he say that? It is because he found me an obstacle to his financial malpractices, which he had been carrying out at the detriment of Southern Cameroonians and the SCNC.

Your Excellency, you quite remember that you and your Vice returned from the Hague with some money in Euros which Mbinglo and my humble self went and exchanged for 270.000 francs. That money was given to Mbinglo to advance payment for the rents of the office to Pa Ndi. The payment was not done as I had no receipt for rents from the landlord Pa Ndi. Mr. Mbinglo did not justify the spending of the 270.000 francs. When I asked for justification he was angry.

On the 14/3/2005, withdrawal of 350.000 francs was made from the bank account, and Mbinglo said the money was meant to repay a loan. He has since then brought no receipt from the lending party to justify payment.

Amadou Ali Mandated to handle Negotiations with SCNC