August 4, 2015

@5:30pm in ROOM 36 (HS Computer Lab)

I.  Opening Business

·  The meeting was called to order at 5:34pm.

·  The following members were present for the meeting: Brandy Feagan, Deana Cummins, Paradise Forbes, Bryan Winkle, Kacie Peer, Gina Smith, Susan Fugazzi, Alicia Johnson, Angel Crump, and Heidi Tien.

·  The August Agenda was approved by consensus. Susan Fugazzi asked that we add the approval of Community Based Instruction (CBI) for the FMD Classroom. The request was added under “New Business.”

·  The July Minutes were approved by consensus.

·  Good News Reports

·  Congratulations to Megan Robinson for receiving a “gold” rating for her project on advocacy at the National FCCLA Convention.

·  Congratulations to Shaelyn Jump for receiving third place in vocal music at the Grant County Fair Talent Show.

·  Congratulations to Brennan Stanley, who participated in the “Adidas Elite Top 60” basketball invitational at Lindsey Wilson College on June 26th & 27th. This was an invitation-only event held exclusively for the top 60 players in Kentucky.

·  Mrs. Feagan announced a middle school teacher representative vacancy, due to Mrs. Linder’s resignation. The vacancy will be announced via the school website and social media for two weeks, and a special election will be held at a faculty meeting, abiding by Council bylaws.

II.  Budget Report

a)  All budgets/accounts were reviewed and approved by consensus.

b)  Information about the “Pay to Play” fee for athletics was shared with the Council. A discussion as held, and Council decided against forwarding this suggestion to the Board. The Council requested more information about how much money was spent on each program this past year to better determine financial needs in specific athletic programs.

III.  Old Business

a)  The following policies were reviewed and updated by consensus: Assignment of Instructional and Non-Instructional Staff Time, Assignment of Students to Classes and Programs, and Instructional Practices—Planning and Resolution of Issues. The Technology Utilization Policy received its first reading by Council.

IV.  New Business

a)  The Student Handbook and Discipline Code was reviewed and approved by council.

b)  Council agreed to the start time of 7:30am and the end time of 3:30pm for all faculty. Mrs. Feagan shared with Council an idea for start/end times for the school day. Mrs. Feagan proposed having 25 “Late Start Mondays.” On designated Mondays, classes would not begin until 8:30am. From 7:30-8:30, teachers would meet for Faculty Meetings/Professional Learning and in Professional Learning Communities, as it is becoming more difficult for staff to meet after school, due to numerous staff members having obligations with coaching, directing, etc… Students who ride the bus will still come to school at the normal time, but would be held in the gym until the 8:30 dismissal. Other students could arrive at the regular time and also wait in the gym, or they could choose to arrive closer to 8:30. Mrs. Feagan explained that she discussed this plan with Mr. Poer, DPP, and he approved that the junior/senior high will have the required instructional minutes with the 25 “Late Start Mondays.” Discussion was held and Council approved. The proposal will be sent to the Board for final approval.

c)  Council reviewed the Safety & Emergency Management Plan.

d)  The following field trip was reviewed and approved by the Council.

FFA/Sullivan / KY State Fair/Louisville 8/28/15

e)  The following fundraisers were reviewed and approved by the Council.

Boys Basketball/Harden / Trash Pickup in September
Boys Basketball/Harden / Golf Tournament Fundraiser/Last Weekend in September
Boys Basketball/Harden / MS Boys Basketball Tournament/Early November
JV&V Volleyball/Montgomery / Fancloth Sales Fundraiser 8/12-8/16
JV&V Volleyball/Montgomery / Coed Intramural Volleyball 9/1-11/1
V Volleyball/Montgomery / Trash Pickup in Fall (When Date provided)
JV Volleyball/Montgomery / Trash Pickup in Fall (when date provided)
Jr. Class/Forbes & Giesbers / Soda & Popsicles Every day after school, all year
JV/V Cheer/Johnson / Yankee Candle Sales
Jr. Class & Volleyball/Johnson & Montgomery / MS Dance 8/28
JV/V Volleyball/Montgomery / Serv-a-Thon (Approved via email on 8/5)

f)  The following fundraisers were denied by Council:

JV&V Volleyball/Montgomery / MS Dance 8/14

*This was denied due to being too close to the start of school. The Junior Class representatives are willing to work with Volleyball to share the proceeds from the dance on 8/28 instead.

V.  Upcoming Deadline

a)  Mrs. Feagan shared with all members the following deadlines:

a.  August—Accountability/Individual Student Reports.

b.  September—Public Release of Accountability Information

c.  Second School Month—Adjustments in board allocation for materials and supplies due to increases or decreases in enrollment provided to councils.

d.  September 15—Adjustments in school board allocation for staffing and professional development due to Council.

e.  October 1—Update to School Improvement Plan, including Closing the Gap activities and goals due in Assist.

VI.  Adjournment

·  The meeting was adjourned at 6:44pm.

·  The next meeting will be held September 1, 2015 @ 5:30pm in Room 36.

Student Achievement Report—July 2015

Williamstown Junior/Senior High

*Number of students who were retained after the 2014-2015 school year (based on final grade, after all summer school work was completed).

6th Grade

·  1 student retained

7th Grade

·  1 student retained

8th Grade

·  1 student retained

9th Grade

10th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade

ESS Summer Session Report 2014-2015 School Year

Junior High

10 students were on the retention list before ESS summer session for 2014-2015. Out of the 10, 7 students were promoted after receiving credits after summer school work.

Senior High

28 students were on the retention/failure list before ESS summer session for 2014-2015. Out of the 28, 26 students were either promoted and/or received credits after summer school work.