Using ServerIron ADX XML API with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

Part 2 – Working with the AdcSysInfo API

This article will cover many of the methods that are available in the AdcSysInfo API. Using that API you can retrieve the ServerIron ADX configuration file, send CLI commands and retrieve system information such as host name, flash memory content, current software version, memory and CPU utilization, chassis and model information, etc. The complete description of the API can be found at

We will use MS Visual Basic to create a Windows application with three tabs: System, Configuration and Monitor (this document will cover the System tab only). We will also add a menu bar with a few additional functions. We assume the reader has average programming skills, including knowledge of MS Visual Basic and Visual Studio. It is not the intent of this document to teach visual basic programming or how to use MS Visual Studio. There are many tutorials in the Internet that can help the reader with that. However, we will explain in detail how to use the objects and functions available in the SysInfo API.

Main Form

Open up the API Demo project that we started in Part 1. In the Solution Explorer, rename Form1 form to Main, then select View Designer, change the form text property to “ServerIron ADX API Demo”, resize it and add the controls to create a layout like Figure 1. Start with one TabControl control and MenuStrip control, then add the other controls.

Figure 1 – Main form layout

The following objects need to be added to the Main form:

Name / Type / Text / Other Properties
tabControl1 / tabcontrol / 3 TabPages, named System, Configuration and Monitor
menuStrip1 / menutrip / 4 DropDownItems (see Fig.2)
btnGetHostName / button / Get Host Name
btnGetVersion / button / Get Version
BtnGetFlash / button / Get Flash
BtnGetCpu / button / Get CPUs
btnGetChassis / button / Get Chassis
BtnGetTemp / button / Get Temperature
btnGetMemory / button / Get DRAM
LblAddress / label / IP Address:
TxtIpAddress / textbox
txtHostName / textbox
txtVersion / textbox
txtFlash / textbox / Multiline=True
txtChassis / textbox / Multiline=True
txtTemp / textbox
gridCpu / datagridview / AllowUserToAddRows, AllowUserToDeleteRows, RowHeadersVisible=False,
gridMemory / datagridview / AllowUserToAddRows, AllowUserToDeleteRows, RowHeadersVisible=False,

Table A – Main form controls

Figure 2 – DropDownItems at the MenuStrip control

Three additional forms will be used in this application: Authentication, ConfigFile and FrontPanel. Add the new forms to the API Demo Project (from the Solution Explorer pane, right click on API Demo, select Add, New Item, Windows Form). Please refer to Figures 3, 4 and 5, plus Tables B, C and D to create the forms.

Authentication Form

This form will be used to save the credentials to access the ServerIron ADX.

Figure 3 – Authentication form layout

Name / Type / Text / Other Properties
label1 / label / User Name:
label2 / label / Password:
label3 / label / Re-Type Password:
TxtUserName / textbox
TxtPassword / textbox / UseSystemPasswordChar=True
txtRetypePassword / textbox / UseSystemPasswordChar=True
BtnOK / button / OK
BtnCancel / button / Cancel

Table B – Authentication form controls

Configuration File Form

This form will be used to retrieve the ServerIron ADX configuration file. Although it looks like it has no controls, it does have one: a textbox control, in multiline mode, which is docked to fill up the ConfigFile form.

Figure 4 – ConfigFile form layout

Name / Type / Text / Other Properties
txtConfigFile / Textbox / Multiline=True, Dock=Fill, ScrollBars=Vertical

Table C – ConfigFile form controls

Front Panel Form

The Front Panel will show a picture of the ServerIron ADX, depending on the ServerIron model accessed by the application. The front panel feature in this application is a little crude – there are only three different pictures and the same picture will show for any ServerIron sub-model. The app can be easily changed to reflect every hardware configuration. To simplify the app design even further, this form uses three PictureBox controls, each using a different image (ServerIron ADX 1000, ServerIron ADX 4000 and ServerIron ADX 10000). The pictures are superimposed in this form. The form code-behind will show or hide each picture depending on the ServerIron ADX model accessed by the application.

First, get pictures for the ServerIron ADX 1000, ServerIron ADX 4000 and ServerIron ADX 10000. To add a picture to the PictureBox control (and to the application), use the Properties Pane and go to the Image property of the PictureBox. At the Select Resource window, click on Project Resource File, then click on Import to import the picture into the application and the PictureBox control. Repeat the process for the three PictureBox controls. The figures below show each individual PictureBox. Remember that they are superimposed in the same form.

Figure 5 – FrontPanel form layout

Name / Type / Text / Other Properties
PicADX1K / picturebox / SizeMode=StretchImage, Visible=False
PicADX4K / picturebox / SizeMode=StretchImage, Visible=False
PicADX10K / picturebox / SizeMode=StretchImage, Visible=False

Table D – FrontPanel form controls

Retrieving and saving the ServerIron ADX IP address

Now let´s work on the code. The following code needs to be added to the Main.vb file.

regKey is an object used to access the Windows Registry in the machine where the application is running. We will use the registry to save application parameters such as the ServerIron ADX ip address and the user credentials.

The SetCurrentAddressAsDefaultIPAddres subroutine will save the currrent ip address in the registry. Before that, we will use the IsValidIPAddress function to verify if the ip address typed in the textbox is valid.

The SetAuthenticationCredential subroutine will save the user credentials in the registry.

Imports System.Text

PublicClass Main

'define object types

Dim regKey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey 'registry key to save application parameters

Dim username, password AsString'credentials to access the ServerIron

PrivateSub Main_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load

regKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\AdxDemo", True)

'check if registry contains subkey "AdxDemo"

If regKey IsNothingThen'create subkey and key to store default ip address and user credentials

regKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE", True)


regKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\AdxDemo", True)

regKey.SetValue("defaultIPAddress", "")

regKey.SetValue("username", "")

regKey.SetValue("password", "")


txtIpAddress.Text = regKey.GetValue("defaultIPAddress") 'read the current ip address


PrivateSub SetCurrentAddressAsDefaultIPAddressToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SetCurrentAddressAsDefaultIPAddressToolStripMenuItem.Click

'saves default ip address in the registry

If IsValidIPAddress(txtIpAddress.Text) = TrueThen

regKey.SetValue("defaultIPAddress", txtIpAddress.Text)


MessageBox.Show("Invalid IP Address", "Warning!")



PrivateSub SetAuthenticationCredentialsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SetAuthenticationCredentialsToolStripMenuItem.Click



PublicFunction IsValidIPAddress(ByVal addr AsString) AsBoolean

'create the match pattern

Dim pattern AsString = "^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\." & _


'create the Regular Expression object

Dim check AsNew System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(pattern)

'boolean variable to hold the status

Dim valid AsBoolean = False

'check to make sure an ip address was provided and it does not ends with ".0"

If addr = ""Or txtIpAddress.Text.EndsWith(".0") Then

valid = False


valid = check.IsMatch(addr, 0)


Return valid



Saving the user credentials

We need to provide the means to save the user credentials in the Windows Registry. The Authentication form will be used for that. The following code needs to be added to the Authentication.vb file.

PublicClass Authentication

Dim regKey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey

PrivateSub Authentication_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load

regKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\AdxDemo", True)

txtuserName.Text = regKey.GetValue("username")

txtPassword.Text = regKey.GetValue("password")

txtRetypePassword.Text = regKey.GetValue("password")


PrivateSub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOK.Click

If txtPassword.Text > txtRetypePassword.Text Then

MessageBox.Show("The passwords don't match!", "Warning!")


regKey.SetValue("username", txtuserName.Text)

regKey.SetValue("password", txtPassword.Text)




PrivateSub btnCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCancel.Click




Using the Get Version method

ADXSYS is the object that will handle all calls to AdcSysInfo API.

The code shown below contains enhancements to the “Get Version” subroutine that was used in Part 1. The “Authenticate” subroutine was also changed to retrieve the ip address and user credentials from the registry.

Add the following code to the Main.vb file:

The ADXSYS object definition must be added close to the other object types defined at the start of the Main Class:

'define object types

Dim ADXSYS AsNew Adcsysinfo.AdcSysInfo 'Adcsysinfo API object

The following sections are revised subroutines that should replace the ones created at Part 1:

PrivateSub btnGetVersion_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGetVersion.Click

If IsValidIPAddress(txtIpAddress.Text) = TrueThen

Call Authenticate()

txtVersion.Text = ADXSYS.getVersion()


MessageBox.Show("Invalid IP Address", "Warning!")



PrivateSub Authenticate()

username = regKey.GetValue("username")

password = regKey.GetValue("password")

ADXSYS.Url = " + txtIpAddress.Text + "/WS/SYS"'form the URL to access the ADX. The AdcSysInfo API resides at /WS/SYS

ADXSYS.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(New ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(username + ":" + password))) 'add the HTTP authentication header

ADXSYS.PreAuthenticate = True


Now you can run the application. First thing is to add the authentication credentials. Go to the Tools menu and click on Set Authentication Credentials. Type in the User Name and Password and hit the OK button. Now type in the ServerIron ADX ip address and click on the Get Version button. You can also save the ip address that is typed in the textbox (the same ip address will show when you run the application a second time) using the Set Current IP Address as Default IP Address in the Tools menu.

Retrieving the Configuration File

The menuStrip contains a tool to retrieve the ServerIron ADX configuration file. The method getRunningConfig is used to retrieve the configuration file. The following code needs to be added to the Main.vb file:

PrivateSub GetConfigurationFileToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GetConfigurationFileToolStripMenuItem.Click

If IsValidIPAddress(txtIpAddress.Text) = TrueThen

ConfigFile.Show() 'show configuration file form


MessageBox.Show("Invalid IP Address", "Warning!")



And the following code needs to be added to the ConfigFile.vb file:

Imports System.Text

PublicClass ConfigFile

Dim ADXSYS AsNew Adcsysinfo.AdcSysInfo 'Adcsysinfo API object

Dim regKey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey

Dim username, password AsString

PrivateSub ConfigFile_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load

regKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\AdxDemo", True)


Call Authenticate()

txtConfigFile.Text = ADXSYS.getRunningConfig.Replace(Chr(10), vbCrLf) 'get config file. Correct linefeed character


txtConfigFile.SelectionStart = 0 'take cursor to start of text

Catch ex As System.Net.WebException

If ex.Message.Contains("404") = TrueThen

MessageBox.Show("The SOAP XML API is not enabled on the ServerIron!", "Warning!")


MessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to the ServerIron!", "Warning!")


Catch ex As System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException

MessageBox.Show("Cannot authenticate, please check user credentials!", "Warning!")



PrivateSub Authenticate()

username = regKey.GetValue("username")

password = regKey.GetValue("password")

ADXSYS.Url = " + Main.txtIpAddress.Text + "/WS/SYS"'form the URL to access the ADX. The AdcSysInfo API resides at /WS/SYS

ADXSYS.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(New ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(username + ":" + password))) 'add the HTTP authentication header

ADXSYS.PreAuthenticate = True


End Class

Now run the application and test this function by going to the Tools Menus and click on Get Configuration File.

Show the ServerIron ADX Front Panel

The trick is to show a picture that represents the ServerIron ADX model accessed by the application. As mentioned before, this application simply unhides a picture depending on the ServerIron ADX model. A more polished application would determine which modules are installed in the chassis, and would show a picture representing the actual device.

The chassis object is created to gather all chassis-related information. When the getChassis method is invoked, the chassis object is filled up with information about fans, identification, power, temperature and wattage. Inside the identification key you will find more keys: bootprommac, model, serialnumber. We will use the model information to determine which picture will be shown.

The following code needs to be added to the Main.vb file:

PrivateSub GetFrontPanelToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GetFrontPanelToolStripMenuItem.Click

If IsValidIPAddress(txtIpAddress.Text) = TrueThen



MessageBox.Show("Invalid IP Address", "Warning!")



And the following code needs to be added to the FrontPanel.vb file:

Imports System.Text

PublicClass FrontPanel

Dim ADXSYS AsNew Adcsysinfo.AdcSysInfo

Dim username, password AsString

Dim regKey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey

PrivateSub FrontPanel_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load

Dim chassis AsNew Adcsysinfo.chassis 'define a chassis object

Call Authenticate()

'get chassis data


chassis = ADXSYS.getChassis

SelectCase chassis.identification.model.ToString()

Case"SI-1216-4-PREM"'other ADX1K models will return different strings

Me.Text = "ServerIron ADX 1000"

Me.Size = New Size(Me.Size.Width, 150)

PicADX1K.Visible = True

PicADX4K.Visible = False

PicADX10K.Visible = False

Case"SI-4000-PREM"'not tested

Me.Text = "ServerIron ADX 4000"

PicADX1K.Visible = False

PicADX4K.Visible = True

PicADX10K.Visible = False

Case"SI-10000-PREM"'not tested

Me.Text = "ServerIron ADX 10000"

PicADX1K.Visible = False

PicADX4K.Visible = False

PicADX10K.Visible = True


Catch ex As System.Net.WebException

If ex.Message.Contains("404") = TrueThen

MessageBox.Show("The SOAP XML API is not enabled on the ServerIron!", "Warning!")


MessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to the ServerIron!", "Warning!")



MessageBox.Show("Cannot authenticate, please check user credentials!", "Warning!")



PrivateSub Authenticate()

regKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\AdxDemo", True)

username = regKey.GetValue("username")

password = regKey.GetValue("password")

ADXSYS.Url = " + Main.txtIpAddress.Text + "/WS/SYS"'form the URL to access the ADX. The AdcSysInfo API resides at /WS/SYS

ADXSYS.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(New ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(username + ":" + password))) 'add the HTTP authentication header

ADXSYS.PreAuthenticate = True



Run the application and test this function by going to the Tools Menus and click on Get Front Panel.

Get Host Name

Use the getHostName method to retrieve the hostname configured in the ServerIron ADX.

The following code needs to be added to the Main.vb file:

PrivateSub btnGetHostName_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGetHostName.Click

If IsValidIPAddress(txtIpAddress.Text) = TrueThen

Call Authenticate()

'get the hostname


txtHostName.Text = ADXSYS.getHostName

Catch ex As System.Net.WebException

If ex.Message.Contains("404") = TrueThen

MessageBox.Show("The SOAP XML API is not enabled on the ServerIron!", "Warning!")


MessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to the ServerIron!", "Warning!")


Catch ex As System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException

MessageBox.Show("Cannot authenticate, please check user credentials!", "Warning!")



MessageBox.Show("Invalid IP Address", "Error")



Get Flash

A flash object needs to be defined to store information about the primary and secondary flash, which includes size, version name and used bytes. The getFlash method retrieves all information from the ServerIron ADX. The relevant fields are concatenated and assigned to the txtFlash textbox.

The following code needs to be added to the Main.vb file:

PrivateSub btnGetFlash_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGetFlash.Click

If IsValidIPAddress(txtIpAddress.Text) = TrueThen

Dim flash AsNew Adcsysinfo.flash 'create flash object

Call Authenticate()

'get all flash data with a single fetch


flash = ADXSYS.getFlash

txtFlash.Text = "Primary flash:" + vbCrLf + "version: " + flash.primaryImage.version + vbCrLf + "label: " + flash.primaryImage.label + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "Secondary flash:" + vbCrLf + "version: " + flash.secondaryImage.version + vbCrLf + "label: " + flash.secondaryImage.label 'create string and print

Catch ex As System.Net.WebException

If ex.Message.Contains("404") = TrueThen

MessageBox.Show("The SOAP XML API is not enabled on the ServerIron!", "Warning!")


MessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to the ServerIron!", "Warning!")


Catch ex As System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException

MessageBox.Show("Cannot authenticate, please check user credentials!", "Warning!")



MessageBox.Show("Invalid IP Address", "Error")



Get CPUs

The Get CPUs button will run code to populate a datagridview control.

cpu is a generic object that will hold raw data for all BPs and the MP. By invoking the getCPU method just once, all cpu data will be loaded into the cpu object. The resulting cpu object structure looks like a matrix, with each index containing data about one cpu.