


20th January 2011

Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committeeof Pershore Town Council held at Pershore Town Hall, 34, High Street, Pershore on Thursday 20th January 2011 commencing at 7.00pm

Present: -Cllr P Merry (Chairman)

Cllr J Grantham MBE

Cllr D Hughes

Cllr C Parsons MBE

Cllr D Shaw

Items referred by members of the public

There were none

228. Apologies

Cllr K Rowe’s and Cllr M Rowe’sapologies were accepted as they were unwell, Cllr Wood’s apologies were accepted as she was away.

229. Declarations of Interest

Cllr. Grantham reminded members of his ‘dual Membership’ of the Town Council and the District Council, the statutory planning authority and as a result he would reserve his position on planning applications until the full facts were available to him in the report to the Planning Authority.

230. Minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Shaw, seconded by Cllr Hughes and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held 16th December 2010 and 6th January 2011 be signed as a true copy of the proceedings.

231. Matters arising from the Minutes

The Clerk advised that she had reported problems with guttering at 94, Newlands and Cllr Merry advised that this had still not been repaired. The Clerk will write to the District Council again.

The Clerk advised that a response was awaited to her letter to English Heritage regarding advertising in the Conservation Area which had been sent on 4th January.

232. Planning Applications


Orchard Farm, Defford Road, Pershore

Definition of curtilage area to, property known as Orchard Farm

Members were concerned that more information about the application was available on the website than had been sent to the Town Council for their comments and it was agreed that the Clerk would write to the District Council asking the reasons for this.

Additionally the Clerk was asked to contact the District Counciland ask whether it would be possible for them to endeavour to ascertain what the final objectives were for this site in view of the history of its planning applications.


Objection. The size of the proposed curtilage could restrict the ability for the property to retain its agricultural restriction. The site is also very close to Tiddesley Wood, a site of special scientific interest and members would ask that the Worcestershire Wildlife Trust also be consulted.

W/10/02199/AA and W/10/02208/LB

Angel Hotel, 9, High Street, Pershore

Erection of replacement sign


No objection in principle to signage but concerns over font style and use of Perspex and would ask that the Conservation Officer’s views be sought regarding such signage on a listed building and in the Conservation Area.


19, Cherry Orchard, Pershore

Extension and alterations to form garage and kitchen breakfast room


  1. Does not comply with Wychavon Residential Design Guide section 5.5, general design principles
  2. Internal layout indicates no internal access to the living room
  3. Extension is out of keeping with the existing street scene, particularly the proposed flat roof which is different from the adjoining semi detached property.

233. Land off Croome Road, Pershore

Members were disappointed at the lack of detailed information available at the recent public meeting concerning the proposals for 45 homes on land off Croome Road. Members who had attended the meeting had commented upon the poor water supply in the area and the possibility of the existing sewer being too small. There were also concerns about the increase in traffic in Holloway. Members agreed to await the planning application before making any formal comment and noted that it was still uncertain as to whether an outline or full application would be submitted.

234. February meeting

It was agreed that the February planning committee meeting would be held on Thursday 17th February at 9.30am and the Clerk will advertise the change.

235. Approvals and Refusals

The Chairman reported on recent approvals and refusals.

236. Items for future agenda

There were none

237. Items for information

There were none

There being no further business the meeting closed at 19.27

Signed……………………………………………… Date ………………………….
