California State University, Bakersfield
Department of Social Work
SW 593: Diagnosis and Assessment in Social Work
Winter 2010
Meeting: Tuesday – Thursday: 3:10 – 5:15 pm.
Classroom: TBA
Robert Mejia MSW, LCSW Office Hours:
Office: DDH A119 Tuesday 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 654-6043 Thursday 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
E-mail: Other hours by appointment
Course Description:
This course is designed to explore the processes of assessment and diagnosis in social work. Various approaches to classification are examined. The course includes an examination of mental illness and its implication for individuals, families, and society. Emphasis is placed on differential diagnosis, cultural implications, and the strengths perspective. Ethical issues related to assessment and diagnosis is addressed. The course emphasizes technical writing skills.
1. To understand and apply the different systems of classification.
2. To be able identify and apply data in the assessment process.
3. Identify, understand, and apply a strengths assessment.
4. Understand the ethical issues involved in diagnosis/assessment.
5. Understand the impact of the social environment in assessment/diagnosis/treatment.
Methods to Attain Objectives:
These objectives will be met through class discussions, workbook exercises, and a final paper. Class time will be used most productively if we all come prepared. Please bring your texts to class so we can refer to them.
Text Required:
1. Pomeroy, E. & Wambach, K. (2003) the Clinical Assessment Workbook: Balancing Strengths and Differential Diagnosis. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole.
2. American Psychiatric Association. Fourth Edition: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Text Revision.
Course Policies:
Assignments: Must be turned in on time. They must be submitted electronically via WebCT. Any assignment that is turned in late will have 5 points deducted for each day that it is late. If the assignment is not submitted on the due date then points will be deducted. See Workbook Assignments (below).
Class Attendance: Students are expected to attend each class session and participate in a professional manner. If you know that you cannot make a class then a phone call to the professor is expected. Notification must be made before the start of class. Tardiness is disruptive and should be avoided at all costs.
Academic Honesty, Cheating, and Plagiarism: The MSW student handbook and the CSUB catalog both addresses these issues. The NASW Code of Ethics also provides guidance regarding conduct appropriate to professional standards of behavior. No excuses will be made for academic misconduct. You may be removed from the program and the University. If you are unclear about what plagiarism means then ask. Do not rely on another student.
Special Needs: If you are a person with a disability please register with the Services for Students with Disabilities as soon as possible (654-2171). Not only are there many services available we will need to arrange any necessary accommodations as soon as possible in order to maximize your learning experience.
Grievance Procedures: See the Student Handbook for details.
Final Exam: A final exam will be given that will include randomly selected vignettes from your workbook. This final is worth 100 points.
Workbook Assignments: Each week you will be asked to complete selected workbook assignments. These cases are vignettes that give the student an opportunity to critically think of a variety of factors before making a diagnosis. Your answers to each of the questions in the workbook need to be thoughtful and complete. Your diagnoses will cover all 5 axes. Each workbook assignment may contain between 2-7 different vignettes. Once you have completed the assignment, submit your responses via WebCT and you will receive immediate feedback. Each vignette that you submit will be worth 10 points. There will be a total of 38 vignettes to complete. There will be a total of 9 assignments due for grading. These assignments will be due on Thursdays by 9:00 p.m.
Grading: There are a total of 480 points possible. You will need to obtain a minimum of 384 points to successfully pass this course. Grades will be according to the following scale:
A: 480 – 432 points
B: 431 – 384 points
C: 383 – 336 points
F: 335 – below
Weekly Schedule:
Week One: January 7/12/14, 2010
Read: Pomeroy and Wambach Chapters 1-2
Review: DSM –IV-TR pages 1-134
Discussion: Infant, Childhood and Adolescent Disorders
Week Two: January 19/21, 2010
Read: Pomeroy and Wambach Chapters 3-4
Review: DSM – IV-TR pages 135-296
Discussion: Cognitive Disorders; Alcohol and Drug-Related Disorders
Submit Assignment # 1
Week Three: January 26/28, 2010
Read: Pomeroy and Wambach Chapter 5
Review: DSM–IV–TR pages 297-344
Discussion: Schizophrenia and Other Psychosis
Submit Assignment #2
Week Four: February 2/4, 2010
Read: Pomeroy and Wambach Chapter 6
Review: DSM–IV-TR pages 345-428
Discussion: Disorders Related to Emotional State or Mood
Submit Assignment #3
Week Five: February 9/11, 2010
Read: Pomeroy and Wambach Chapter 7
Review: DSM-IV-TR pages 429-484
Discussion: Anxiety Disorders
Submit Assignment #4
Week Six: February 16/18, 2010
Read: Pomeroy and Wambach Chapters 8-9
Review: DSM-IV-TR pages 485-534
Discussion: Somatoform, Factitious and Disorders of Disassociation
Submit Assignment #5
Week Seven: February 23/25, 2010
Read: Pomeroy and Wambach Chapters 10-11
Review: DSM-IV-TR pages 535-596
Discussion: Sexual and Gender Identity and Eating Disorders
Submit Assignment #6
Week Eight: March 2/4, 2010
Read: Pomeroy and Wambach Chapters 12-13
Review: DSM-IV-TR pages 597-678
Discussion: Sleep-Related and Impulse Control Disorders
Submit Assignment #7
Week Nine: March 9/11, 2010
Read: Pomeroy and Wambach Chapter 14
Review: DSM-IV-TR pages 685-730
Discussion: Personality Disorders
Submit Assignment #8
Week Ten: March 16, 2010
Read: Pomeroy and Wambach Chapter 15
Review: DSM-IV-TR pages 679-684; 736-742
Discussion: Adjustment Disorders and V Codes
Submit Assignment #9
Final Exam March 17-20