Order Number 0402-01-45






Trinity Ridge Fire – Mountain Home RD

For Public Safety


Pursuant to 36 CFR § 261.50 (a) and (b), the following act is prohibited on all lands as described in this order, all within the Mountain Home Ranger District, Boise National Forest. This Order will be in effect on Monday, October 1, 2012 and shall remain in effect until further notice.

  1. Going into or being upon an Area. 36 CFR 261.52(e)
  2. Being on a trail. 36 CFR 261.55(a)


Pursuant to 36 CFR § 261.50 (e), the following persons are exempt from this order:

  1. Persons with a special use authorization or other Forest Service authorization specifically exempting them from the effect of this Order;
  2. Any Federal, State, or local officer, or member of an organized rescue or fire fighting force in the performance of an official duty; and

3.  Federal or State administrative personnel in the performance of an official duty.

4.  Persons using the segment of National Forest System Road #172 from the junction of NFS Road #183 westerly to the junction of NFS Road #129 after October 10, 2012 at 12:01 A.M. (see attached map).

5.  Persons using the segment of National Forest System Road #129 from the junction of NFS Trail #125 northerly to the junction of NFS Road #156 after October 10, 2012 at 12:01 A.M. (see attached map).


The Trinity Ridge Fire Closure Area – Mountain Home Ranger District portion, (including all roads and trails within the fire as area except defined below) is described as beginning at the intersection of Forest Highway 61 (A.K.A. Pine-Featherville Road) and the National Forest System (NFS) Road 172, located at Township 3 North, Range 10 East, Section 9; then continuing Northwesterly along (and excluding) NFS Road 172 to the junction of NFS Roads 172 and 183, then continuing Northwesterly along (and including) NFS Road 172 to the intersection of NFS Road 129, located at Township 4 North, Range 9 East, Section 20; then continuing Southerly along (and including) NFS Road 129 to its intersection with NFS Trail 125, located at Township 3 North, Range 8 East, Section 13, then continuing Southerly along (and excluding) NFS Road 129 to its intersection with the Southern line of Section 19, Township 3 North, Range 9 East; then continuing East along Section lines between Sections 19 and 30, 20 and 29, 21 and 28, 22 and 27, and 23 and 26 to the Section line intersection with NFS Trail 172, located at Township 3 North, Range 9 East, Section 23; then continuing northerly along (and excluding) NFS Trail 172 to its intersection with NFS Trail 270 (A.K.A. Green Creek Trail) located at Township 3 North, Range 9 East, Section 23; then continuing Southeasterly along (and excluding) NFS Trail 270 to its intersection with the South Fork Boise River, located at Township 2, Range 10, Section 5; then continuing Northerly along the Western edge of the South Fork Boise River to its intersection with Highway 61, located at Township 3 North, Range 10 East, Section 9; then continuing back to the point of origin.


NFS Trail #045 is closed to all uses from the Upper Roaring Trailhead, located at Township 3 North, Range 9 East, Section 6 Northerly to its junction with NFS Trail #122, located at Township 4 North, Range 8 East, Section 11.

The above described Area (including all roads and trails within the Area) and Trail are located on National Forest System lands within the administrative and proclaimed boundaries of the Mountain Home Ranger District, Boise National Forest, Elmore County, Idaho, Boise Meridian.


The Area as described above, enter into an area with ongoing wildfire activity (Trinity Ridge Fire). This area is closed for public safety and protection from hazards associated with wildfire.


1.  This Order will be in effect on Monday, October 1, 2012 and shall remain in effect until further notice.

2.  A map identifying the closure area is attached and made part of this Order.

3.  Violation of the above prohibition is punishable by a fine of not more than $5,000.00 for an individual, or $10,000.00 for an organization, and/or imprisonment for not more than six (6) months. 16 U.S.C. §551; 18 U.S.C. §§ 3571(b)(6), 3581 (b)(7).

4.  This Order supersedes any previous Order(s) prohibiting the same, or similar acts prohibited by this Order in the areas (and/or roads, trails) covered by this Order.

5.  Further information regarding this Order may be obtained at the Mountain Home Ranger District located in Mountain Home, ID, telephone number (208) 587-7961 and the Boise National Forest Supervisor’s Office in Boise, ID, telephone number (208) 373-4100

Done at Boise, ID this 28th day of September, 2012

David Olson



Forest Supervisor

Boise National Forest

Order Number: 0402-01-45

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