Site Critique

Name of website:
Site address: /
Owner of website: / Christopher
Critiqued by: / [ ]Alison
Email address: / [ Optional ]

Score the website design with a X according to the criteria listed below:
(1= poor; 2 = average to poor; 3 =average to good; 4 = excellent)

Navigation and ease of use

The site is designed so that:

/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
It loads in a reasonable amount of time.
It is easy to find the information you are looking for.
The home page gives a clear indication of what the site is about.
The various links on the home page are easy to understand.
It is easy to go to other links and return to the other menus on the site.
It is easy to return to the home page at any time.
The navigation graphics and tools are self-explanatory.
The design of the navigation is identical on each page.
You do not have to click through many pages to get to your destination page.
All links work. There are no broken links.

Page layout

The site is designed so that:

/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
It contains a site title.
Each page contains a page title that is descriptive or representative of the page's content.
The logo or graphics used give the site its identity.
Each page has a similar layout (or is purposely intended to have a distinctive layout for sections).
When different layouts are used throughout the site, they contribute to the cohesiveness of the entire site and do not distract or confuse the end user.
All links work. There are no broken links.

Content and its reliability

The site is designed so that:

/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
There are clear headings on pages.
The content is meaningful and is intended to educate, inform or entertain.
Contains a reasonable amount of information supporting the intent of the website
There are external links to other sites, as needed.
There are opportunities for interaction and to ask for additional information.
You can see who the author is and/or what their contact details are.
You can see which resources were used to develop the site.


The site is designed so that:

/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
The design is tasteful and the colors harmonize with each other
It is visually interesting with a variety of graphics
There is continuity of style throughout the site
The graphics are relevant to the topic and add to the design rather than annoy
The design is relevant to the content


The site is designed so that:

/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
The text, tables, graphics and photos are easy to see and read
The spelling and grammar is correct
It includes content that is current and up-to-date (where necessary)
The size and color of the text and background makes it easy to read
Photographs are of a good quality

Overall Impression:

My overall rating for the site:

/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4


Please mention reasons why you liked or dislike this website:
No site uploaded at this time. nov1,2011
Please offer comments, suggestions, constructive feedback, etc: