Persuasive Essay Preliminary Outline (partially completed)
Whatley, I’m really interested in this case. I think that the school probably wasn’t justified in strip searching her.
Arguable Proposition: The Safford Unified School district violated Savana Redding’s rights when they strip searched her. Likewise, the Supreme Court’s decision did not weigh heavily enough the consequences of the school’s actions.
- ISSUE: Did the fact that her binder had items in it forbidden in schools make their search of her unreasonable?
- Opposite opinion: Yes, it justified the school’s action. When they confiscated her binder they found (insert research here & analysis).
- Research:
- Commentary on research:
- My opinion: No, she had stated that her binder had been loaned to another student. Nothing in the binder presented enough of a danger to the students to justify their actions.
- Research:
- Commentary on research:
- ISSUE: Could this search lead to other, more invasive searching and a general breakdown of personal privacy?
- Opposite opinion: No, schools are special places, and students enter school understanding that they do not have the same rights as those in society in general.
- Research:
- Commentary on research:
- My opinion: Yes, weighing against the girl makes a social statement about our rights of privacy as individual citizens. Her case may be cited by others as setting precedence.
- Research:
- Commentary on research:
- ISSUE: Was the fact that this was Ibuprofen 300, rather than a narcotic, a mitigating factor in the search?
- Opposite Opinion: Yes, even though it was a relatively innocuous type of drug, it was still a prescription drug, and thus quite dangerous. It is the responsibility parentis ex absencia of teachers to ensure the safety of the student body.
- Research:
- Commentary on research:
- My opinion: No, the fact that it was basically three Advil makes the case that the school massively over-reacted to her and made what was a relatively inane.
- Research:
- Commentary on research:
- ISSUE: Is it unreasonable to request a student to be strip searched?
- Opposite opinion:
- Research:
- Commentary on research:
- My opinion:
- Research:
- Commentary on research:
- ISSUE: Is the cost of one student’s humiliation worth the potential safety to all other students?
- Opposite opinion:
- My opinion
- ISSUE: Could you be psychologically harming the student through a strip search?
- Opposite Opinion:
- My opinion:
- ISSUE: Is it possible to discern between something being ‘annoying’ or ‘bothering’ and something that is dangerous to the student body?
- Opposite Opinion:
- My opinion:
- ISSUE: Is hearsay enough to warrant a strip search in cases involving teens?
- Opposite opinion:
- My opinion:
- ISSUE: As a result of her case, will other districts enforce policies that violate student’s rights?
- Opposite Opinion:
- My opinion:
3/29/06-Persuasive Essay Preliminary Outline sample