Faculty for Business, Economics and Law

International Business Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts

List of courses attended during the compulsory semester abroad

Name: ______Semester abroad will be spent at ______during the winter/summer term______
Enrolled in [ ] IB Bachelor of Science Program [ ] IB Master of Arts Program

Name of course attended at foreign university
(including course number, if applicable) / Module this course will be attributed to according to the Curriculum (Studienverlaufsplan/Prüfungsordnung), including PSSO number* / Credit points awarded for course by foreign university / Total number of credit points a regular student at the university abroad must achieve each semester in order to graduate from the program they are enrolled in on time (Regelstudienzeit)† / ECTS equivalent of credits awarded for course at foreign university
1 / 2 / 4 / 5 / 6
Sum credits
(courses must sum up to 30 ECTS or more): / 30 ECTS

* You can download the Curriculum (Studienverlaufsplan) here: https://www.th-koeln.de/studium/pruefungsangelegenheiten_360.php
† For some universities, this information can be found in the profile available on the Section for International Cooperation of our Faculty’s website:
Students spending their semester abroad at an institution whose academic calendar runs according to the quarter or trimester system, should submit a separate list for each quarter or trimester.
‡ To obtain a result, divide the number in column 4 (points awarded for the course by the university abroad) by the number in column 5 (total number of local credit points a regular student must
achieve to graduate from the Program they are enrolled in on time) and multiply the result by 30.

Please submit this course list either by email or through post to your Program Coordinator (by dropping it off in their mail box in the lobby of the Service Center).
You will be notified whether the suggested course list has been approved or whether changes (and what these are) need to be made.

Date: Student’s signature Date: Advisor’s signature:

This document was downloaded from: www.f04.th-koeln.de/kooperation-forschung/internationale_kooperationen/00852/index.html