General Agreement, Release, Conduct, Waiver of Liability and Indemnity AgreementFor Participation, Transportation and Travel on School-Related Trips, Excursionsand Activities (hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”) between the Wo International Center, Punahou School (hereinafter referred to as “the Center”) and the undersigned parents or guardians of student admitted to the Pan Pacific Program (hereinafter referred to as “PPP”) at Punahou School, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. in the summer of 2011.

Please read and then return or fax only the last page to the Wo International Center Office at 808-944-5712 prior to June 15, 2011.


Students attending the Pan Pacific Program at Punahou School participate in school and after school activities both on and off campus that help to enhance the educational experience and the development of each young person. These include but are not limited to field trips, group trips, excursions, sports, and cultural excursions organized by program coordinators.

I.The Center shall provide the following:

(a)Instruction in English language and American and Hawaiian culturesat Punahou School.

(b)Materials for the instructional program at Punahou School.

(c)Appropriate field trips and extracurricular activities.

(d)Board and lodging in Hawaii from the time of arrival on July 16, 2011 until the last day of the program on August 12, 2011.

II.The parents or guardians of the student shall provide the following:

(a)Round-trip airfare from origin to Honolulu.

(b)A suitable amount of pocket money for personal and incidental expenses during the two-week stay in Hawaii (around $200 - $500 U.S. Dollars) is recommended with an additional amount for shopping purposes, but if the student is prudent in spending, $200 will suffice.

(c)Medical insurance coverage and payment of medical expenses during the student’s stay in Hawaii.

III.The parents or guardians of the student understand and agree:

(a)that the instructional program is under the direction of the Director of the Center, who is authorized to make pedagogical and administrative decisions concerning all curricular and extracurricular activities of the students, in cooperation with the Hawaii teaching staff;

(b)that the Director of the Center reserves the right to determine all board and lodging arrangements for the students during their stay in Hawaii, in the dormitory, and to modify or change such arrangements whenever she considers it to be in the best interest of the students and of the Center;

(c)that the Center and Director, with the support of the PPP coordinating teachers, shall have the right to

establish reasonable rules, standards of conduct and instructions for behavior for the students (which shall include the Punahou School policies governing student conduct), (2) enforce such rules, standards of conduct and instructions, and (3) terminate a student’s participation in the program due to any violation of such rules, standards of conduct and instructions (see subparagraph III.(g) below);

(d)that the Director of the Center, in cooperation with the Hawaii teaching staff, will make use, at her discretion, of public and private transportation for instructional field trips, extracurricular and recreational activities.

(e)that, in case of need and upon recommendation by a physician in Hawaii, medical treatment may be performed on the student;

(f)that Punahou School and all of its programs are smoke-, alcohol-, and drug-free. It is Hawaii State law that alcohol may not be purchased or used by those under 21, nor cigarettes by those under 18;

(g)that the Director of the Center may send back to his/her home country any student whose conduct, in her judgment, warrants such action or whose state of health, as determined by medical opinion, renders stay in Hawaii inadvisable. It is agreed that any additional expenses arising from an earlier return to the home country (or departure from Honolulu) will be borne by the parents or guardians of the students concerned;

(h)that the student, at the conclusion of the summer program, must return to origin unless cases of emergency, including reasons stated under subparagraph III.(g) above, require a different departure, or unless individual arrangements are made whereby a relative or family friend assumes responsibility;

(i) that any medical expenses arising from illness or from accidents are to be assumed by the parents or guardians of the student concerned;

(j)that participation in the program is subject to medical clearance by a licensed physician prior to the program;

(k)that neither the Center, Punahou School, nor the PPP coordinating teachers assume responsibility for the loss or theft of any personal property of the students, unless such property is entrusted to the Center staff for safekeeping; and

(l)that the Director of the Center reserves the right to make changes or substitutions to, or cancel the program entirely if in the determination of the Center, regional and world events may compromise the personal safety of the participants while in Hawaii or upon the occurrence of changed conditions or other emergencies, e.g., advisories issued by the U.S. Department of State.

IV. We ask students in the classroom, on field trips, in the dormitory and off Punahou School campus, to:

(a)Ask questions should you be in doubt about anything. The PPP staff members are here to help you with any question you might have.

(b)Participate enthusiastically in all classes, workshops and activities. You will learn more and you will have a more enjoyable experience through active participation.

(c)Be on time to all scheduled events and follow your daily schedule. If you are not sure where you are supposed to be at any time, please ask.

(d)Obey the rules of Punahou School and the PPP at all times; this includes respect for your teachers and fellow students, following instructions from the PPP teachers and staff, and staying alert.

(e)Display a sense of humor and a cooperative spirit. The program is designed for you to make new friends from other countries and will provide opportunities for you to work collaboratively with others.

(f)Be a contributing member of the PPP ‘ohana (Hawaiian word for family). You will be living with different people from different backgrounds and will experience Hawaii’s unique local culture.

(g)Review information on expected dorm conduct at the beginning of the program. There will be on site a dorm supervisor who will ensure proper dorm conduct and that dorm regulations are enforced. You have specific information on sign-in and sign-out procedures, buddy system, curfew, bed checks, noise, laundry, linen, room cleanliness, and other vital information. The rules will be reviewed with all students.

(h)Expect to experience some homesickness. There may be times when you are a bit sad or uncomfortable in strange surroundings, in a different culture, eating a variety of foods that you may be unfamiliar with. Be willing to try new things during the program. This will be a key part of your personal growth and development during the PPP.

(i)Try to rest. Quiet hours are scheduled from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am. Expect to be very busy during your time here so make sure you catch up on sleep when you are back in your room at night.

(j)Keep your room tidy, neat and organized. You will be sharing an area so be respectful of your roommates. You will be responsible for the cost of any damaged items in your room or in common areas.

(k)Do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages while at the dorm, at Punahou School, or anywhere else as a member of the PPP. Remember that it is against the law in Hawaii to drink alcohol when you are under 2l or to purchase tobacco when you are under l8.

(l)Go everywhere with a “buddy.” Do not go out nor swim alone. Ensure you have your PPP ID card with you at all times so that you have the phone numbers of people who can help you in case of an emergency.

(m)Advise one of the coordinating teachers of PPP or dorm supervisor if you are not feeling well. Should you need medical attention, we will make arrangements for you to see a doctor.

V. Attire

(a)For boys and girls: Casual attire to include pants and short-sleeved sports shirts, T-shirts and long shorts; girls may also choose to wear simple dresses, blouse-skirt combinations, slacks, long shorts and T-shirts. Bring a light rain jacket and appropriate clothing in case the evenings get chilly.

(b) Our daily program also includes excursions to the beach, hikes, and other outdoor activities, so all students must bring a swimsuit, tennis shoes, sun protection, and a pair of old sneakers and old clothes. Expect to do plenty of walking so make sure to bring comfortable shoes. You will be able to do laundry if scheduled in the dorm, however you will have to pay for usage of the laundry machines. Please check the "Suggested Packing List" for what other items bring.

VI. With regard to off-campus trips, excursions, and activities on O‘ahu, transportation may be provided by the School, by ground carriers not directly associated with Punahou School or by parents or teachers providing private transportation. With regard to trips, excursions, and activities that are off-island or outside the United States, transportation may be by air, ground and/or water carriers not directly associated with Punahou School. Traveling to other places is an enriching experience for students, but may involve risks associated with air travel, staying in a hotel or camp accommodations and being transported to and from activities and events.

Students participating in PPP are not allowed to drive. Punahou School will not be liable for anyaccidents, injuries or damages involving student drivers, their passengers, or any third parties, whether for school related or non-school related activities.

VII. In order to assist the School in attending to the health and safety of our child, the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of student, must give Punahou School a full and complete description of any health condition(s) or medical restriction(s) that the student may have. Punahou School will make every reasonable attempt to contact a parent or legal guardian in the event of a medical emergency.

VIII. In consideration of the benefits derived from the program, the parents or guardians, on their own behalf and on behalf of the student, voluntarily release and hold harmless the Center, the Director in Hawaii and her staff, Punahou School, its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives and PPP coordinating teachers for any and all claims, waive any claim against the Center, Punahou School, the Director in Hawaii and her staff, and the PPP coordinating teachers for any and all claims, liability, causes of action, costs and expenses which may arise in connection with their child’s participation in the program.

IX. The laws of the State of Hawaii shall govern the interpretation of the terms of this agreement. If any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid, the remainder of the agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

RETURN THIS PAGE ONLY BY JUNE 15th. Please make sure you are familiar with the Agreement and Expectations before submission via fax to (808) 944-5712, or by mail to address below:

I/We authorize Punahou School's employees, agents and chaperones (e.g., trainers, school nurses, team physicians) to: (1) accompany our child to a medical facility; (2) authorize treatment of our child by licensed medical personnel; (3) authorize and permit a nurse or other first aid or safety personnel to administer first aid or other treatment to our child; (4) take any other actions reasonably necessary to treat our child for any emergency (including illness or injury); and /or (5) to use and/or disclose pertinent health information to appropriate Punahou Schoolrepresentatives charged with the supervision and care of our child, other health care providers or health plans for the specific purpose of triage and treatment of any injury or health condition that may arise during a trip, excursion, or activity. I/We agree that any medical insurance that covers our child will be the primary medical insurance coverage for any such medical treatment.

Release, Waiver of Liability and Agreement to Indemnify Punahou School

I/We sign this General Release, Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement ("Agreement") individually and on behalf of our child, in consideration for Punahou School allowing our child to participate in PPP and all school-related trips, excursions, and/or activities, and assume all risks arising out of such trips, excursions and activities. I/We acknowledge that any school-related trip, excursion, athletic participation or other activity has certain inherent risks, such as transportation-related risks and risks that arise from the nature of the trip, excursion, or activity.

I/We agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless Punahou School, its employees, agents, representatives and chaperones from all liabilities and claims for any injuries, losses, death, damages or costs (including reasonable attorneys' and experts' fees) which arise out of or incident to our child's attendance or participation in any school-related or school-approved trip, excursion, or activity.

Use of Student's Likeness and Voice

I/We grant to Punahou School and its affiliates the right, in all media, to make adapt and use, for educational, promotional, or other lawful purposes of Punahou School, any recordings or pictures of (or including) our child, made or taken in connection with our child's activities at or for Punahou School, with or without our child's name, alone or incorporated with other materials. I/We waive any right I/we or our child may have to be notified of (or to review or approve) such recordings, pictures or materials, or to receive any royalties or other compensation for the use of such recordings, pictures or materials. Except as specified above, this does not affect our child's rights to any original work he or she created or may create at Punahou School.

Effect of this Agreement

I/We agree that this Agreement is with Punahou School. All parties to this Agreement further agree that this Agreement shall remain in effect from the date this Agreement is executed by the student's parent(s) or legal guardian(s) until: (1) it is superseded by a later General Release, Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement or (2) any party to this Agreement delivers to each of the other parties a written termination of this Agreement.

I/We acknowledge that I/we have read this Agreement and release, and fully understand its contents. I/We
represent that I/we are authorized to execute this Agreement individually and on behalf of our child. I/We are aware that this Agreement is a contract to, among other things, release from liability and to indemnify Punahou School, and that this contract is between Punahou School, our child and his/her parent(s) or legal guardian(s).

Signature of Parent or Guardian______Signature of Student______

Name of Parent or Guardian______Name of Student ______

Date of Signature: ______Date of Signature: ______

The Wo International Center ______Date of Signature ______

By Hope Kuo Staab, Its Director