Register of Interests of Current Governors serving, and those who have served at any point in the last 12 months, on the Board of Governors at Greengates Primary, 2017/2018


Full Name / Type of Governor
[including Associate Members] /
Appointed by / Date of Appointment / Term of Office / End date if Applicable / Committee membership , voting rights of Associate Members
any special roles or chairing responsibilities / Other educational institutions
at which a governor / Business Interests and Date notified
/ Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives) / Meetings attended over previous academic year out of a total number of applicable meetings
Abbreviations – GB – Governing Body, T and L – Teaching and learning Committee, P and F – Personnel and Finance Committee, PM – Performance Management Committee, Dis/PP – Disadvantaged and Pupil Premium named Gov, CP – Child Protection
Steve Allan / LA / 1/11/13 / 1/11/18 / GB Chair, Area Briefing rep, Full voting rights, H and S rep / Lower Fields Primary
Whetley Academy
Peel Park Primary / None / Spouse – HLTA / 8/9
Helen Flesher / Co-0pt / 21/10/17 / 21/10/21 / Vice Chair of GB,Area Briefing rep
Full voting rights / Benton Park High School / None / None / 9/9
Andy Gaunt / HT / Sept 2004 / N/A / Full voting rights / None / None / None / 9/9
Karl Slater / Staff / 14/11/16 / 14/11/19 / Full voting rights / None / None / None / 9/9
Helen Pemberton / Co-Opt / 21/10/16 / 21/10/20 / Full voting rights
Dis /PP named governor / 6/9
Elaine Mallinson / Parent / 9/6/15 / 9/6/18 / All committees Safeguarding Gov, full voting rights / None / None / None / 7/9
Jenny Collins / Parent / 21/9/17 / 21/9/20 / Full voting rights
Dis /PP named governor / None / None / None / 0/9
Julie Conway / Associate / ongoing / Associate Governor / None / None / None / 9/9
Steve Jenkins / Parent / 8/3/13 / 7/3/17 / Full voting rights / None / None / None / 6/9