October 2, 2006 MINUTES

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.

SUNSHINE STATEMENT: The Chair read the Sunshine Statement.



Lynn Ballerini, Chair Thomas Thornton

Kenneth Cerullo

Barbara Shanley

John Bristow

Gus Vasiliadis

Marthajean Drago

Carol Greene, 8:36pm

Attorney: Nilufer Descherer, not present

Salute to the Flag:

Chair’s Report

Mahwah Day: Mrs. Ballerini and Mrs. Shanley attended Mahwah Day and sold Memories of Mahwah Ornaments.

25 East Mahwah Road: Mrs. Ballerini and Mrs. Shanley obtained 25 signatures at Mahwah Day in favor of saving the Winter’s Dairy house. They plan on collecting additional signatures outside of the Post Office. Mrs. Ballerini would like to use this list, which now includes over 100 residents, as a mailing list to inform residents of HPC updates.

43 Alcott Road: Mrs. Ballerini reported that Mr. & Mrs. David Sheehe, 43 Alcott Road, Mahwah had contacted her regarding adding their home on the HPC Ordinance as a historic property. The letter of request went to the Mayor and Council. Mrs. Ballerini will make up an application template for such requests.

Vacancy: Mrs. Ballerini reminded the Commission, that they still have two vacancies on the Commission and urged them to actively seek interested individuals to fill these vacancies.

New Business:

NJDEP Block 1 Lot 159.01 (111 Midvale Mountain Rd) Highlands Exemption, no comment.

NJDEP Shortline Terminal Agency, Inc., no comment.

NJDEP Block 109, Lots 2 & 3 (Airmount Rd) Freshwater Wetlands.

Let the minutes reflect that after a thorough review of this NJDEP letter of review for Block 109, Lots 2 & 3 (Airmount Rd) Freshwater Wetlands, Mrs. Shanley moved to send the NJDEP a letter stating the HPC concerns regarding this application and Mrs. Drago seconded the motion. All approved. Mrs. Ballerini will write the letter with HPC comments regarding this request.

Vote 6 yes 0 no. Drago, yes; Bristow, yes; Cerullo, yes; Shanley, yes; Vasiliadis, yes, Ballerini, yes.

NJDEPGulf Service Station, 261 Rt 17N & Moffatt Rd. Let the minutes reflect that after a thorough review of NJDEP Gulf Service, 261 Rt 17N & Mottaff Rd. Mrs. Shanley moved to send the NJDEP a letter stating the HPC concerns regarding this application and Mrs. Drago seconded the motion. All approved. Mrs. Ballerini will write a letter with HPC comments regarding this request.

Vote 6 yes 0 no. Drago, yes; Bristow, yes; Cerullo, yes; Shanley, yes; Vasiliadis, yes, Ballerini, yes.

124 Lawrence Road. Mrs. Ballerini reported that she had spoke to the applicants attorney and reported that the HPC requested to take a photo documentation of the property. The property is to be sub-divided and the existing structure is marked for demolition. The HPC has not received a demolition application for this property. No action was taken.

Eagle Scout Project: No update.

Historic Road Marker: Mrs. Drago reported that she will obtain quotes for the marker and write the text for the historic road marker, at the Westervelt Hoosey house on the corner of Airmount and Masonicus, and the Ackerman farmhouse at the corner of Wyckoff and Forest.

Street Names:

Airmont Acres, LLC Docket 481F. The secretary reported that the Township Council accepted Hummingbird Court.


Muriel Boone, Major Subdivision/Revised Plans, Bl 54 Lot 27 (carried from 9/5/06 agenda)

Let the minutes reflect that after a thorough review of Muriel Boone, Major subdivision, Mr. Bristow moved to approve this application with no comment, and Mrs. Shanley seconded the motion. All approved.

Vote 5 yes, 1 Abstain, 0 no. Drago, abstain; Bristow, yes; Cerullo, yes; Shanley, yes; Vasiliadis, yes; Ballerini, yes.

KKTT Restaurant Corp. (T/A Roxanne’s) Docket 459A Amended Site Plan & Sign.

Let the minutes reflect that after a thorough review of Docket 459A KKTT Restaurant Mr. Vasiliadis moved to deny Docket 459A stating that in as much as the 2003 Construction removed the historic appearance of this house, the HPC does not approve a new glass enclosure on the existing patio as an “historic” addition to the current structure. The HPC also does not believe that a free-standing pylon sign is appropriate for this historic site and does not approve. Mrs. Shanley seconded the motion. All approved the denial.

Vote 6 yes 0 no. Drago, yes; Bristow, yes; Cerullo, yes; Shanley, yes; Vasiliadis, yes, Ballerini, yes.

ADPP Enterprises, Inc. Docket 1192-06SP, Block 55, Lots 1,2,3 & 4.

Let the minutes reflect t hat after a thorough review of Docket 1192-06SP, Mrs. Shanley moved to approved Docket 1191-06SP with no comment, and Mr. Cerullo seconded the motion.

Vote 7 yes, 0 no. Drago, yes; Bristow, yes; Cerullo, yes; Shanley, yes; Vasiliadis, yes; Greene, yes; Ballerini, yes.

Telecommunications Monopole W.O. #3800.61.238 Sprint Site No NY61XC238, 997 Macarthur Blvd. Let the minutes reflect that after a thorough review of this application Mr. Cerullo moved to approve with no comments and Mr. Vasiliadis seconded the motion. All approved.

Vote 7 yes, 0 no. Drago, yes; Bristow, yes; Cerullo, yes; Shanley, yes; Vasiliadis, yes, Greene, yes; Ballerini, yes.

Emerald Artisano, LLC, Docket 499, Minor Sub-Division: (124 Lawrence Road) Let the minutes reflect that after a thorough review of Docket 499, Mr. Vasiliadis moved to approve Docket 499, Minor Sub-Division with a request for a photo documentation and Mr. Bristow seconded the motion.

Vote: 5 yes, 2 no. Drago, no; Bristow, yes; Greene, yes; Shanley, no; Cerullo, yes; Vasiliadis, yes; Ballerini, yes.


59 Chapel Road, Bl 162 Lot 274

Let the minutes reflect that after a thorough review of Demolition Application 59 Chapel Road, Mrs. Shanley moved to approve this application with no comment and Mr. Bristow seconded the motion. All approved.

Vote 7 yes 0 no; Drago, yes; Bristow, yes; Cerullo, yes; Shanley, yes; Vasiliadis, yes; Greene, yes; Ballerini, yes.


The secretary reported that the Woodcliff Lake Developer (Thomas Decker house Fike Road) has sold the development. The new has made inquiries regarding demolition of the historic structure. The secretary has contact the HPC attorney, and the Chair. The Chair and attorney will review the past documents and call the present owner back, to discuss the options.

Mrs. Greene nominated the KohlerMansion as the 2006 recipient of the HPC Historic Award, and Mr. Vasiliadis seconded Mrs. Greene’s nomination. All approved. Mrs. Shanley will not be present at the November 9, 2006 award presentation. However, she will purchase the refreshments prior to the meeting, but someone else must set up. Mrs. Greene will contact the recipients and write the text, and Mrs. Drago will do the award certificate. Mrs. Ballerini, will help set up the refreshments.

Mrs. Ballerini reported that she and Mrs. Shanley sold ornaments and t-shirts at Mahwah totaling $122.00. Mrs. Ballerini also reported that, she had been informed by residents of the Darlington Schoolhouse broken windows which allows the rain to cause damage to the interior of the building, and she had asked Business Administrator, Brian Campion to please move the windows boarded up.

Mr. Cerullo moved to close the meeting and Mrs. Shanley seconded the motion. All approved. The meeting closed at 9:05 p.m.

These minutes are a synopsis of the MHPC tapes, which are on file at the Township Hall.
